
/koor"euh sow', -soh', kyoor"-; koor'euh sow", -soh", kyoor'-/, n.
1. the main island of the Netherlands Antilles, off the NW coast of Venezuela. 159,072; 173 sq. mi. (448 sq. km). Cap.: Willemstad.
3. (l.c.) Also, curaçao /kyoor'euh soh", -soh"euh/. a cordial or liqueur flavored with the peel of the sour orange.

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Largest island (pop., 2000 est.: 143,387) of the Netherlands Antilles.

It is located in the Caribbean Sea north of the coast of Venezuela; Willemstad is its chief town. It occupies 171 sq mi (444 sq km) and has the best natural harbour in the West Indies. First visited by Europeans in 1499, it was settled by the Spanish in 1527; Sephardic Jews from Portugal migrated there in the 1500s, originating the oldest continuously inhabited Jewish community in the Western Hemisphere. The Dutch West India Co. gained control of the island in 1634. It was awarded to The Netherlands by the 1815 Treaty of Paris. Internal self-government was granted in 1954. Products include oranges, Curaçao liqueur, and aloes. The chief industry is the refining of oil from Venezuela; tourism is of growing importance.

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 island of the Netherlands Antilles, Lesser Antilles, in the Caribbean Sea. It is situated some 37 miles (60 km) north of the coast of Venezuela, near the southwestern extreme of the Lesser Antilles.

      Curaçao was first visited by Europeans in 1499 and was settled by the Spanish in 1527 and then by the Dutch, who established it as a major centre of trade for their West India Company. The entire native Indian population was deported to Hispaniola in 1515. Curaçao is the home of the oldest continuously inhabited Jewish community in the Western Hemisphere, having originally been formed by Sephardic Jews who immigrated from Portugal in the 1500s.

 The island provided one special advantage for the Dutchthe finest natural harbour in the West Indies. At the southeastern end of the island, a channel, Sint Anna Bay, passes through reefs to a large, deep, virtually enclosed bay called Schottegat, the site of the capital town, Willemstad. The need for salt to preserve herring initially drove the Dutch to the Caribbean. During the period 1660 to 1700, the Dutch West India Company flourished; the slave trade boomed, and the port of Curaçao was opened to all countries both to receive the incoming food supplies and to dispose of products from the plantations of South America. The island was subjected to frequent invasions from competing privateers and suffered during the wars between the English and Dutch. It has remained continuously in Dutch hands since 1816.

      Curaçao is represented by a majority of members in the legislative assembly (Staten) of the Netherlands Antilles. Local affairs are handled by the island government, consisting of an Island Council, an Executive Council, and a lieutenant governor. In 2006 the people of Curaçao, along with those of the other islands and the government of The Netherlands, agreed to dissolve the Netherlands Antilles within the following several years. Curaçao, like Sint Maarten, was to become an autonomous country within the kingdom of The Netherlands, similar in status to Aruba, which was formerly a part of the Netherlands Antilles.

      In spite of having very little rainfall or fertile soil, the island developed a major sugarcane-plantation economy under Dutch colonial rule; it now produces oranges, the dried peel of which is the base for the famous Curaçao liqueur that is distilled there. Aloes, which had originally been imported from Africa, do not require irrigation and are still exported for pharmaceutical uses. All water is distilled from seawater.

      The economy of Curaçao depends heavily on petroleum from Venezuela; in addition to the harbour, which can accommodate large tankers, the island is located at the junction of trade routes that pass through the Panama Canal. The Dutch found oil in Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, but, because the lake was too shallow for oceangoing ships, the oil was transported in smaller vessels to Curaçao for refining and transshipment. Curaçao developed large, modern dry-docking and bunkering facilities and became one of the largest ports in the world in terms of total tonnage handled.

      In spite of the government's attempts to diversify the economy by encouraging light industry, there are only a few manufacturing firms, and all consumer goods and food must be imported. The decline of phosphate mining and automation in the oil industry aggravated problems of unemployment. The expanding tourist industry is key to the island's economy. Willemstad is an important Caribbean banking centre. Area 171 square miles (444 square km). Pop. (2005 est.) 135,822.

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Universalium. 2010.

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