
/sah"beuh/ for 1; /say"beuh/ for 2, n.
1. an island in the Netherlands Antilles, in the N Leeward Islands. 1011; 5 sq. mi. (13 sq. km).
2. Biblical name, Sheba. an ancient kingdom in southwestern Arabia noted for its extensive trade, esp. in spices and gems.

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Island (pop., 1994 est.: 1,180) of the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean Sea.

It lies 16 mi (26 km) northwest of St. Eustatius, with which it forms the Lesser Antilles. It has an area of 5 sq mi (13 sq km) and is the peak of an extinct volcano, Mount Scenery. It was settled by the Dutch in 1632, but its inaccessibility and ruggedness prevented it from achieving economic importance and it was often a buccaneers' stronghold. The economy depends heavily on tourism.

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      island of the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean Sea. It lies 16 miles (26 km) northwest of Sint Eustatius, with which it forms the northwestern termination of the inner volcanic arc of the Lesser Antilles. Saba is actually the peak of an extinct volcano, Mount Scenery (2,910 feet [887 metres]), surrounded by sea cliffs. It is windward with respect to the northeastern trade winds and receives about 44 inches (1,125 mm) of rain annually. The villages of The Bottom (Saba's capital) and Windward Side, occupying the old volcanic crater, are approached up a steep road from a rocky landing place on the southern coast.

      Saba was settled by the Dutch in 1632 but, because of its inaccessibility and ruggedness, never achieved economic importance and often functioned as a buccaneers' stronghold. In 1828 Saba, together with Sint Eustatius, formed a colony of the Dutch West Indies and became a part of the Netherlands Antilles in 1845. The island has control of local matters through an Island Council, an Executive Council, and a lieutenant governor. The island is represented in the Netherlands Antilles legislature (Staten) in the national capital of Willemstad on Curaçao. In 2006 the people of Saba, along with those of the other islands and the government of The Netherlands, agreed to dissolve the Netherlands Antilles within the following several years. Saba, like Bonaire and Sint Eustatius, was to become a special municipality and have close relations with the central government similar to those of municipalities on the mainland. The spoken language is English, and Roman Catholicism is the dominant religion. The population, about half of whom are of African descent and half of European descent, depends heavily on tourism and is engaged in raising livestock and cultivating vegetables, particularly potatoes, which are exported to neighbouring islands. Area 5 square miles (13 square km). Pop. (2005 est.) 1,434.

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