
/kwot"euhr ner'ee, kweuh terr"neuh ree/, adj., n., pl. quaternaries.
1. consisting of four.
2. arranged in fours.
3. (cap.) Geol. noting or pertaining to the present period of earth history, forming the latter part of the Cenozoic Era, originating about 2 million years ago and including the Recent and Pleistocene Epochs. See table under geologic time.
4. Metall. (of an alloy) having four principal constituents.
5. a group of four.
6. the number four.
7. (cap.) Geol. the Quaternary Period or System.
[1400-50; late ME < L quaternarius consisting of four, equiv. to quatern(i) four at a time + -arius -ARY]

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      in the geologic history of Earth, a unit of time within the Cenozoic Era, beginning approximately 2.6 million years ago and continuing to the present day. The Quaternary has been characterized by several periods of glaciation (theice ages (ice age)” of common lore), when ice sheets many kilometres thick have covered vast areas of the continents (continent) in temperate areas. During and between these glacial periods, rapid changes in climate and sea level have occurred, and environments worldwide have been altered. These variations in turn have driven rapid changes in life-forms, both flora and fauna. Beginning some 200,000 years ago, they were responsible for the rise of modern humans.

 The Quaternary is one of the best-studied parts of the geologic record. In part this is because it is well preserved in comparison with the other periods of geologic time. Less of it has been lost to erosion, and the sediments are not usually altered by rock-forming processes. Quaternary rocks and sediments, being the most recently laid geologic strata, can be found at or near the surface of the Earth in valleys and on plains, seashores, and even the seafloor. These deposits are important for unraveling geologic history because they are most easily compared to modern sedimentary deposits. The environments and geologic processes earlier in the period were similar to those of today; a large proportion of Quaternary fossils (fossil) are related to living organisms; and numerous dating techniques can be used to provide relatively precise timing of events and rates of change.

      The term Quaternary originated early in the 19th century when it was applied to the youngest deposits in the Paris Basin in France by French geologist Jules Desnoyers, who followed an antiquated method of referring to geologic eras asPrimary,” “Secondary,” “Tertiary (Tertiary Period),” and so on. Beginning with the work of Scottish geologist Charles Lyell (Lyell, Sir Charles, Baronet) in the 1830s, the Quaternary Period was divided into two epochs, the Pleistocene (Pleistocene Epoch) and the Holocene (Holocene Epoch), with the Pleistocene (and therefore the Quaternary) understood to have begun some 1.8 million years ago. In 1948 a decision was made at the 18th International Geological Congress (IGC) in London that the base of the Pleistocene Series should be fixed in marine rocks exposed in the coastal areas of Calabria in southern Italy. As ratified by the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) in 1985, the type section for boundary between the Pleistocene and the earlier Pliocene occurs in a sequence of 1.8-million-year-old marine strata at Vrica in Calabria. However, it was never formally decided that the beginning of the Pleistocene Epoch would mark the beginning of the Quaternary Period, and indeed the very status of the Quaternary as a period within the geologic time scale had come into question. Various gatherings of the IGC in the 19th and 20th centuries had agreed to retain both the Tertiary and Quaternary as useful time units, particularly for climatic- and continent-based studies, but a growing number of geologists came to favour dividing the Cenozoic Era into two other periods, the Paleogene (Paleogene Period) and the Neogene (Neogene Period). In 2005 the ICS decided to recommend keeping the Tertiary and Quaternary in the time scale, but only as sub-eras of the Cenozoic. The beginning of the Quaternary was set at some 2.6 million years ago, a time when rock strata show extensive evidence of widespread expansion of ice sheets over the northern continents and the beginning of an era of dramatic climatic and oceanographic change. This time is coincident with the beginning of the Gelasian Age, the last age of the Pliocene Epoch. The type section for the Gelasian Stage, the rock layer laid down during the Gelasian Age, is found at Monte San Nicola near Gela, Sicily.

The Quaternary environment

      The most distinctive changes seen during the Quaternary were the advances of ice into temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. The glacial landscapes were dominated by ice several kilometres thick that covered all but the highest peaks in the interior. Grounded ice extended onto the continental shelf in the Barents (Barents Sea), Kara (Kara Sea), and Laptev (Laptev Sea) seas, much of the Canadian coast, and the Gulf of Maine. Ice shelves similar to those seen today in the Ross (Ross Sea) and Weddell seas (Weddell Sea) of Antarctica are postulated to have existed in the Norwegian Sea and the Gulf of Maine and were likely in many other settings. High ice and domes of cold high-pressure air displaced the polar jet streams (jet stream), steering storm tracks south to the glacial margins and beyond. In addition, cold sinking air over the ice sheets created strong down-flowing katabatic winds (katabatic wind), drying land near the glaciers. Land close to the glaciers and affected by the cold temperatures (periglacial landscapes) were areas of permafrost and tundra. Farther away, vast dry, cold grasslands (steppes) were formed.

TheIce Ages (ice age)”
      It is common to see theIce Agedescribed in popular magazines as a time in which theice caps expanded from the North and South poles to cover much of the Earth.” This is very misleading. In fact, expansion of the Antarctic ice sheets was limited to the Ross (Ross Sea) and Weddell seas (Weddell Sea) and other shelves, with inland buildup of only a few hundred metres. In the Northern Hemisphere, vast areas that are now ice-free were indeed covered with ice, but the expansion was not from the North Pole. Rather, it spread from the centres of Canada, Scotland, Sweden, and possibly northern Russia. Ice sheets may have pushed out onto continental shelves and may have formed ice shelves, but in general deep-ocean basins such as the Arctic Ocean were not the centres of growth.

       Glaciations and interglaciationsContinental ice sheets formed and extended into temperate latitudes numerous times in the Quaternary, but the terrestrial record of these events is somewhat incomplete. The traditional view is that of only four major glacial periods, orice ages.” They have been correlated to one another in a rather simple manner and are reflected in the names of some geologic units. However, since the 1950s the marine record has become more useful because of its greater continuity and preservation. Marine cores may contain microscopic fossils of single-celled organisms called foraminifera (foraminiferan), whose shells contain a record of water temperature and composition as stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon. These isotopes have revealed that dozens of major glacial-interglacial episodes have taken place during the Quaternary. Even more detailed records have been recovered from cores through glacial ice (ice core) (see ice core). On land, the terms glacial or glaciation describe cold periods of the greatest duration, whereas the intervening warm periods are called interglacials. Shorter glacial episodes are known as stadials, with the corresponding warm intervals being interstadials. As is shown in the table (Glaciations and interglaciations), these episodes are given specific names in the regions where they occurred. The marine record, on the other hand, uses numbers to designate periods of warming and cooling. Cool stages have even numbers, warm have odd, and the numbers go up as one proceeds from the most recent event to the most distant. The marine stages roughly correspond in length to the stadials and interstadials. Thus, marine isotope Stage 2 was the peak glacial period 11,50020,000 years ago, while Stage 5 was the peak warm period 70,000130,000 years ago.

      There are four named major glaciations in North America. The earliest, the Nebraskan (Nebraskan Glacial Stage), is found on the plains of the central United States. The Kansan (Kansan Glacial Stage) overlies it and extends slightly farther southwest into Kansas. The Illinoian (Illinoian Glacial Stage), as the name implies, terminates primarily in Illinois. The Wisconsin Glacial Stage was extensive in Wisconsin as well as in New York, New England, and the Canadian Maritime Provinces. This last advance removed most evidence of earlier glaciations in these regions. The actual positions of the southern edges of these ice sheets varied considerably from glacial to glacial. The northern extent of the ice is poorly known at best. Similar sequences are found from Scandinavian ice sheets and from ice in the Swiss and Austrian Alps.

Glacial remnants

      There have certainly been previous periods of geologic time in which glaciers were extensive (during the late Precambrian (Precambrian time) and the Permian Period, for example), but the Quaternary has left a distinctive imprint on modern landscapes and surface environments. The most distinguishing characteristics of the Quaternary in middle and high latitudes are glacial sediments and evidence of glacial erosion.

 Glacial erosion is the predominant feature of high mountains (mountain) such as the Alps, Himalayas, Andes (Andes Mountains), and Rockies (Rocky Mountains). Glacial erosion has sculpted deep alpine valleys, and it has left sharp erosional remnants such as the Matterhorn in Europe. Valley glaciers near the ocean sculpted deep fjords (fjord) in Norway, Greenland, northern Canada, Alaska, Chile, and Antarctica. Submerged on the continental shelf are even larger sculpted troughs formed by ice streams, large fast-moving tongues of ice draining from continental ice sheets. These troughs are ubiquitous on the Antarctic shelf near the largest modern ice sheet. Relict examples are found in the Laurentian Trough, the Hudson Strait, the Barents Sea north of Norway, and many other locations. Other large-scale examples of glacial erosion include the Great Lakes and the Finger Lakes of New York. In innumerable smaller examples, a combination of glacial erosion and deposition so altered the landscape as to derange the drainage completely, resulting in the tens of thousands of lakes of Minnesota, Maine, and Alaska as well as Canada, Scandinavia, and northern Russia. Limited examples exist in the Southern Hemisphere, such as the lake districts of New Zealand and Chile.

 Glaciers deposit sediments (sedimentation) and other geologic debris called till, especially near their bases, sides, or fronts. Ridges of till and outwash sand left at the terminal or lateral margins of glaciers are known as moraines (moraine), and major moraine belts mark former continental ice sheets in the middle portions of North America, Europe, and Scandinavia. Nowhere is the importance of moraines to forming the landscape more evident than Long Island, New York. The entire island is framed by two major terminal moraines (the Harbor Hill and Ronkonkama Moraines) associated with the Laurentide Ice Sheet. First deposited between 22,000 and 18,000 years ago, these glacial sediments were subsequently reworked by coastal and stream processes into the sandy barrier islands off of Long Island's south shore. Other types of glacial deposits are widespread in the Northern Hemisphere north of roughly 4050° N latitude, forming many landscapes and shorelines.

  Till also forms drumlins (drumlin), streamlined hills that align with former ice movement. Excellent examples are seen in Boston Harbor, Nova Scotia, Ireland, Scandinavia, and northwestern Canada. In other areas, till is more irregular (see kame) or deposited as a thin blanket over bedrock. Moving water also plays a large part in sediment deposition and subglacial erosion. One of the most striking landforms in formerly glaciated terrain is the esker. Eskers are sinuous ridges 20 or 30 metres (65 or 100 feet) high and hundreds of kilometres in length, with steep side walls. They were deposited in pressurized tunnels at the base of ice sheets during melting phases. They are well displayed in Ontario, Maine, and Sweden. Other ice-contact stratified drift was emplaced adjacent to melting ice walls in valleys (kame terraces), as wet alluvial fans (alluvial fan) (valley train deposits), and as deltas (delta) built into glacial lakes and the sea. Glacial-marine deltas are well exposed in Maine and the Canadian Maritime Provinces, where they provide clear evidence of postglacial sea-level changesincluding some terrain that has risen more than 100 metres since the ice retreated, a phenomenon called isostatic rebound.

      In drier areas extensive sand dunes and loess sheets were produced. Loess blown from outwash fans and river valleys in front of the glaciers accumulated to more than eight metres in thickness along much of the Mississippi River valley. These deposits become thinner to the east, showing the influence of prevailing westerly winds. Other thick loess deposits are found in Europe and Asia, including extensive sections along the Huang He (Yellow River) west of Beijing.

      Extensive glacial lakes were formed by a variety of glacial-age dams. They could form simply as pools in the depressions created by the ice sheets, in eroded scours, such as the Great Lakes and the Finger Lakes of New York, by ice dams, or by dams of glacial sediments. Glacial lakes of various sizes ringed the decaying Laurentide Ice Sheet in North America, such as Canada's former Lake Agassiz (Agassiz, Lake), leaving extensive laminated silts and clays. Remnants of glacial lakes are found in the great arc of Canadian lakes such as Great Bear (Great Bear Lake), Great Slave (Great Slave Lake), Athabasca (Athabasca, Lake), Winnipeg (Winnipeg, Lake), and the Great Lakes. Similar deposits and remnant lakes are found in Europe and Asia, with evidence that glacial-age rivers may have flowed extensively to the south into the Aral (Aral Sea), Caspian (Caspian Sea), and Black (Black Sea) seas.

      Away from the direct influence of glaciers, there were also many large pluvial lakes, water bodies formed by heavier rains brought by shifting jet streams and storm tracks. These regions are now dry, including many valleys in Nevada and Utah that now contain dry salt flats or shrunken remnants. Lake Lahontan and Lake Bonneville (Bonneville, Lake) were two of the largest of these. The Great Salt Lake is the modern remnant of Lake Bonneville, whose highest shoreline was formed 18,000 years ago, 330 metres (1,000 feet) above the present lake level. Pluvial lakes were formed as far south as Mexico, Africa, and other locations. The timing of their formation, however, does not correlate easily because of the complex patterns of shifting climates. Lakes contain excellent records of climate change in their shorelines, deep-basin sediments, and fossil record. For example, Lake Tulane in Florida has been extensively studied for its fossil pollen, returning a 50,000-year record that seems to correlate with the marine record of Heinrich Events.

Sea-level (sea level) changes
      Since the early 1970s, the major tool for understanding changes in global ice volumes, temperatures, and sea level has been the record of stable isotopes of oxygen extracted from marine fossils, cave limestone, and ice cores. Oxygen naturally occurs in three isotopes: 16O (99.763 percent), 17O (0.0375 percent), and 18O (0.1995 percent). Oxygen is found in all organisms and many minerals, including the aragonite and calcite that make up the shells of marine microfossils such as foraminifera (foraminiferan). Oxygen isotopes are useful for geologic studies because the rate of uptake of the different isotopes by marine organisms is temperature-dependent. Also, the isotopic composition of seawater is changed by evaporation and precipitation. For example, because it is heavier, 18O is less likely to evaporate; thus, the vapour will becomelighter,” being enriched with 16O, while the remaining seawater will become slightlyheavier,” as it is enriched in 18O. During glacial periods, thelightice is sequestered on land in glaciers, while 18O concentrates in the oceans. Also, in glacial stages foraminifera form their shells in equilibrium with the ambient water, so that the oxygen isotope ratio in foraminifera shells is directly representative of the global volume of glacial ice. This in turn can be read as a record of sea-level change, because the water required to make the major ice sheets comes ultimately from the ocean. However, the isotope record has to be calibrated to independent information from dated marine shorelines.

      The record of ice-volume changes in oxygen isotopes, calibrated to sites on oceanic islands, implies that at the peak of the most recent glacial stage 18,000 calendar years ago, sea level was some 120 metres (390 feet) lower than today's. Today's continental shelves (continental shelf) and offshore banks were exposed, and there was about 18 percent more land than there is today, taking up an area equal to that of Europe and South America combined. During deglaciation, especially for the period of rapid change between 14,000 and 6,000 years ago, continuous input of glacial meltwater and occasional rapid pulses caused flooding of the lowlands that are now the continental shelves. River valleys became estuaries, such as Chesapeake Bay of North America, the Río de la Plata (Plata, Río de la) of South America, and the Gironde Estuary of France, while some were inundated to remain as low channels on the continental shelf, such as the Hudson Shelf Valley off of New York City.

      Some continental shelves formed land bridges between landmasses that are now separate islands or continents. The most important of these connected Asia and North America at what is now the Bering Strait. Similar land bridges in Southeast Asia linked or at least narrowed the waterways between Indonesia, New Guinea, and Australia. Britain was continuous with continental Europe where the English Channel is today. Such land bridges allowed migration of animals and plants during the lowstands, but in high latitudes the effects of cold climate and direct blockage by glaciers could modify their effectiveness. A long-held theory is that human migration into the Western Hemisphere was delayed until 13,000 years ago, when a favourable arrangement of Beringia (the land bridge across the Bering Sea) and an ice-free corridor through Alaska formed. More recent studies suggest that the first human migrations into the New World may have been earlier and via other routes, including by boat, but Beringia was undoubtedly the highway for many Pleistocene animals and plants that crossed between the Americas and Asia.

      Future sea-level changes have been predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. These are based on computer models of global warming caused by increased amounts of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. The models predict that sea level could rise from 30 to 100 cm (12 to 39 inches) in the next century, disturbing many if not all coastal communities. Of even greater concern, some of the world's major glaciers are marine-based, that is, grounded on land below sea level. A change in sea level and climate could cause the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to surge into the sea in a matter of centuries. If melted (or floated), West Antarctic ice would cause a rise of more than 6 metres (20 feet) of sea level worldwide, flooding major cities such as Miami, New Orleans, London, Venice, and Shanghai. The Greenland Ice Sheet contains about the same volume, whereas the East Antarctic Ice Sheet contains enough water to raise sea level about 60 metres. It appears, however, that both the Greenland and East Antarctic ice sheets are inherently more stable than the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

Paleoclimate (paleoclimatology)
      The best records of climate change during the Quaternary are oxygen isotope records taken from deep-sea cores and glacial ice cores (ice core). (See the section Sea-level changes (Quaternary).) These records are representative of changes in ice volume and temperature, and they reflect global processes as well as some local conditions. They provide measures of the magnitude of changes and the timing of cycles, which can then be related to sedimentary sequences on land and ocean margins. Cycles of humidity and dryness can be determined from lake levels, pollen records, dust in ice cores, and computer modeling.

      Oxygen isotope records indicate that, during peak glacial levels of the Quaternary, the Greenland summit was more than 20 °C (36 °F) colder than present. Vostok Station, Antarctica, may have declined by 15 °C (27 °F) from its already frigid mean annual temperature of −55 °C (−67 °F). Similar extremes are assumed to have occurred on and near the major Pleistocene ice sheets. From the records of pollen and plant fossils, reconstructions of the last glacial termination in northern Europe, Scandinavia, and North America show July temperatures 1015 °C (1827 °F) below present, as well as similar ranges for mean annual temperature. Reconstructions of changes in the tropics have been more controversial. Marine microfossils have been interpreted as indicating temperatures only 12 °C (24 °F) cooler than the present, whereas ice cores from a mountain glacier in the tropical Andes imply cooling of 58 °C (914 °F). This latter range is in accordance with strontium-calcium ratios in fossil corals. Recent techniques of chemical analysis of deep-sea sediments suggest a cooling of 23 °C (45 °F) at the surface of the tropical Pacific. These differences may seem to be small, but they have important implications for understanding the processes of ocean and atmospheric circulation.

Quaternary life
      The length of the Quaternary is short relative to geologic and evolutionary time scales, but the rate of evolutionary change during this period is high. It is a basic tenet of ecology that disturbance increases diversity and ultimately leads to evolutionary pressures. The Quaternary is replete with forces of disturbance and evidence for evolution in many living systems. Examples of disturbance include the direct destruction of habitat by glacial advance, the drying of vast plains, increases in size of lakes, a decrease in the area of warm, shallow, continental shelves and carbonate banks, and shifts in ocean currents and fronts.

Fauna (faunal region) and flora (floristic region)
 Ninety percent of the animals represented by Quaternary fossils (fossil) were recognized by Charles Lyell (Lyell, Sir Charles, Baronet) as being similar to modern forms. Many genera and even species of shellfish, insects, marine microfossils, and terrestrial mammals living today are similar or identical to their Pleistocene ancestors. However, many Pleistocene fossils demonstrate spectacular differences. For example, sabre-toothed cats (sabre-toothed cat), woolly mammoths (mammoth), and cave bears (cave bear) are widely known from museum exhibits and popular literature but are extinct today. Expansion of some environments, such as vast dry steppe grasslands, were favourable areas for bison, horses, antelopes, and their predators. Some species with modern relatives, including the woolly mammoth and woolly rhinoceros, were clearly adapted to the cold tundra regions because of their heavy fur. Some, such as the modern musk ox, would have been right at home.

  The Pleistocene is generally recognized as a time of gigantism in terrestrial mammals. The causes for such gigantism are not completely understood, but they most likely include a response to colder conditions and an improved ability to resist predators and reach food higher on shrubs or buried beneath snow. Examples of giant Pleistocene mammals include the giant beaver, giant sloth, stag-moose, dire wolf, giant short-faced bear of the New World, and cave bear of the Old World. The woolly mammoth and mastodon are rivaled in size only by modern elephants. Other animals displayed extremes in body architecture, for example, the huge canine teeth of sabre-toothed cats. It is suggested that anarms racebetween predators and their prey led to these extreme developments.

      Whereas unusually large animals capture people's imaginations, plant fossils are often the workhorse of Quaternary scientists. pollen is one of the most important tools of correlation in terrestrial settings, and it is often used to extend knowledge from well-dated sequences to less clear situations. Fossil pollen is particularly useful because it is almost indestructible when trapped in lake and bog sediments. Pollen is representative of local and regional plant communities and is diagnostic of humid versus dry periods and temperature changes. Changing patterns of pollen can thus trace deglaciation and shifts in vegetation zones. Unlike animals, plants do not migrate; however, plant assemblages gradually adjust to long-term changes in humidity and temperature. The classic pollen assemblages of northern Europe have long been used to subdivide the latest Pleistocene and Holocene epochs. In southern Scandinavia these zones track abrupt shifts such as the Younger Dryas cooling and the gradual early Holocene change from boreal to warmer climate assemblages. There were alterations in the abundance of various plants during the changes, and many environments typical of deglaciation or the early Holocene would have looked quite different from the groups that occupy relatively similar climate zones today. For example, a fossil site in Pennsylvania dating to about 12,500 years ago records an environment of open land with scattered spruce, pine, and birch trees, bearing some aspects of tundra and some of prairie. No modern counterparts to this mixed environment exist today. Pollen compilations in North America track spruce, oak, pine, maple, and other species in a cinematic series of diagrams showing these changes over the past 18,000 years.

      An expansion of dry shortgrass prairie in the rain shadow of the Rocky Mountains may have put tallgrass grazers such as horses and camels at a disadvantage compared with bison. On the other hand, expansion of lakes spread many fishes to new sites, some of which are found today in refugia of small ponds that remained as the connected glacial lakes retreated. One extreme example is the spread of the prickly sculpin across the Continental Divide in British Columbia. This fish was able to move from the south and west-flowing Fraser River to the north and east-flowing Parsnip River, apparently as a consequence of ice that temporarily dammed the Fraser.

      Evolution in mollusks (mollusk) can be tracked in Pleistocene deposits on the coastal plains of the eastern and southern United States, around the Baltic Sea, and other gently sloping continental margins. It is likely that changing sea levels and shifts of marine regions played a part in the evolutionary pressure. For example, the present U.S. East Coast can be divided at prominent sites such as Cape Hatteras (Hatteras, Cape) and Georges Bank, where biogeographic regions (biogeographic region) are controlled by coastal currents, primarily owing to water temperature. At times during the Pleistocene, subtropical conditions extended to the Carolinas and even Virginia. These periods alternated with cooler-than-normal conditions. The rapid shifts in sea level and latitudinal ecosystems created disturbance and mixing of different ecological assemblages, which in turn accelerated evolutionary pressure.

  Ice age extinctions were not democratic. Most of the animals that became extinct at the end of the Pleistocene were large, and both herbivores and carnivores were affected. This is particularly true in North and South America as well as Australia. Many hypotheses have been proposed for this record, but theprehistoric overkill hypothesisblames human hunting for the demise of large animals wherever humans arrived during the past 40,000 to 13,000 years. This concept envisions bands of human hunters sweeping south into the new lands, meeting animals unafraid of these unfamiliar creatures. There are many objections to this theory, including the lack of sufficient linkage between the hunters and the hunted in the archaeological record, the likely small numbers of human hunters, and the survival of bison and other large species. Most important, however, is that the record of decline and extinction in many cases precedes evidence for humans in the New World and Australia. Other likely causes for extinction include loss or change of habitats, direct climatic effects, and changes in the length and intensity of summer and winter conditions. Predators that went extinct in the latest Pleistocene and early Holocene epochs include the dire wolf, American lion, sabre-toothed cat, American cheetah, and short-faced bear. Extinct grazers and browsers include mammoths and mastodons (mastodon), shrub oxen, woodland musk oxen, camels, llamas, two genera of deer, two genera of pronghorn antelope, stag-moose, and five species of Pleistocene horses. Horses did not return to the New World until shipped across the Atlantic by the Spanish conquistadors (conquistador).

Hominin evolution
  American paleontologist Elisabeth Vrba and other scientists have suggested that climate changes 2.5 million years ago accelerated the evolution of hominins (members of the human lineage), giving rise to our genus, Homo. The details of this process, and the exact pathways of ancestors and descendants, are highly controversial (see human evolution). Even so, most paleoanthropologists and archaeologists believe that a shift from forests to drier savanna lands in Africa imposed evolutionary pressures that favoured an upright stance and ability to run and walk long distances. This posture freed the hands for grasping and made possible the eventual use of tools. Homo fossils suggest a migration out of Africa to China and Java as early as 1.8 million years ago near the start of the Pleistocene. ThisOut of Africatheory is now interpreted as multiple events over many millennia. Homo erectus was well established in eastern and southeastern Asia by one million years ago. Another distinctive human precursor (Homo antecessor) arrived in Atapuerca, Spain, by 800,000 years ago. A human ancestor named Homo heidelbergensis is found from sites in Africa, Europe, and possibly Asia. These fossils date to between 600,000 and 200,000 years ago. There is no more controversial subject in this field than the identity and fate of the next major group, the Neanderthals (Neanderthal) (Homo neanderthalensis), which flourished between 200,000 and 30,000 years ago in Europe and western Asia. Most recent work suggests that Neanderthals were not the direct ancestors of modern humans, but interbreeding cannot be disproven. Both Homo neanderthalensis and our own species, Homo sapiens, may have evolved from H. heidelbergensis.

 Modern humans (human being) (Homo sapiens) first appeared in Africa about 200,000 to 150,000 years ago. They arrived in the Middle East about 100,000 years ago, apparently living in the same environmental settings as the Neanderthals. Not until 40,000 years ago did modern humans arrive in Europe, but in less than 10,000 years they supplanted Neanderthals completely. Homo sapiens also spread into Asia and across the narrow seaways of Java, the Sunda Islands, and New Guinea to Australia by at least 40,000 years ago. Spread of humans into the New World was delayed until possibly as late as 11,000 years ago, although there is controversial evidence for earlier colonization. A wealth of evidence is available in Europe for the development of human technology and culture during the Upper Paleolithic (Paleolithic Period) through Neolithic (Neolithic Period) cultural stages, ranging from the skillfully crafted stone, bone, and wooden tools found in many locations to rare but revealing cave art. These artifacts can be interpreted in various ways, but they clearly were the product of intelligent and emotionally complex humans.

      It is probably no coincidence that after the strictures imposed by cold and rapidly changing Pleistocene climates and landscapes, human civilization and recorded history arose during the more amenable climate of the Holocene. However, even in these quieter times, vast climate and sea-level disruptions have occurred. In the late 1990s evidence of catastrophic flooding of the Black Sea was discovered. The event took place approximately 8,000 years ago and would have flooded settlements and displaced peoples, possibly accelerating the dispersal of Neolithic foragers and farmers into Europe.

 Vivid cave paintings, such as those in Lascaux (Lascaux Grotto), France, as well as rock engravings in Australia and many other parts of the world, depict bison, antelope, horse, mammoth, and other animals with which humans interacted during the Late Pleistocene. Many tools were obviously intended for hunting both large and small game. Other tools are interpreted as specialized scrapers for hides and awls for sewing skins. Rare finds of mammoth and other animals with stone points embedded in the bones or closely associated with the skeletons attest to the hunting of animals. In addition, camps in Siberia have tent circles composed of woolly mammoth jaws and tusks. These could have come from either hunted or scavenged animals. Like Stone Age peoples known from recent centuries, these hunter-gatherers used the meat, bones, hides, and sinews of animals, along with many plants, for food, tools, and shelter. It is clear that these animal resources were critical to survival, especially in the cold regions.

Quaternary geology
      Quaternary sediments (sedimentation) are widespread on the ocean floor and on the continents. There are few places where sands and mud have piled up in thick enough accumulations to become lithified, but on reefs and lagoons, tropical shelves, and other areas where cementation is rapid, true Quaternary-age rock occurs. A striking aspect of Quaternary sediments is that many occur in recognizable association with landforms and environments in which they were produced. Thus, Quaternary lake shorelines and sediments are associated with modern remnant lakes, as at the Great Salt Lake in Utah, a remnant of Lake Bonneville (Bonneville, Lake). Glacial moraines (moraine) at the mouth of Alpine and Rocky Mountain valleys can easily be seen as preserved ancient examples of moraines forming at higher elevations today. Large marine delta deposits of Quaternary age are often associated with the same major rivers (river) that are still actively building their modern deltas, such as the Mississippi River and Ganges River deltas. These close associations with modern environments and processes allow confident interpretation of the Quaternary systems and provide a framework for interpretation of more ancient rocks.

Economic significance of Quaternary deposits
      Most of the world's soils are formed upon Quaternary sediments. They form the breadbasket of the North American central plains. Much of this abundance comes from the vast floors of former glacial lakes, such as Lake Agassiz (Agassiz, Lake) and the windblown glacial-age dust that accumulated as thick layers of silt called loess. Reworking of these primary deposits by streams and rivers formed the vast floodplains and deltas of the Missouri (Missouri River) and Mississippi (Mississippi River) rivers of the United States, the Huang He and the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) of China, the Rhine (Rhine River) valley of Europe, and others around the world. Deposits of sand and gravel left by melting glaciers are crucial raw materials for civil engineering and construction projects worldwide. Sand and gravel are also extracted from Quaternary marine and fluvial terraces, former shorelines, and even offshore on the continental shelf. Quaternary sea-level changes and shoreline migrations modified the surface of continental shelves and nearshore basins that define bottom-fishing areas. For example, the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, Scotian Shelf and Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Grand Banks, and the Irish (Irish Sea), Celtic, and North (North Sea) seas were all affected by sea-level changes and, in some cases, direct glacial activity that produced the variable seafloor types and deflections of currents that result in highly productive fisheries.

      Extensive groundwater supplies lie within Quaternary sediments. Occasionally, high-value minerals are found in Quaternary sediments. For example, gold and diamond placer deposits (placer deposit) are found in stream gravels and beaches. The 1849 California Gold Rush (California) started from such a deposit at Sutter's Mill, and gold is still mined from placers in Alaska. In the United States, the greatest economic benefit of Quaternary sediments is in land for homes and recreational retreats. Much of the coastline of the eastern and southern United States is coastal sand brought by the glaciers or through changing sea levels during the period. When observed at geologic time scales, shorelines are constantly in motion, and ephemeral shifting is perceived even over the course of human lives.

Types of Quaternary sediments (sedimentation)
 Quaternary sediments are commonly recognized in the field by their lack of consolidation into rock and by association with landforms representing processes of deposition (river terraces, shorelines, moraines (moraine), and drumlins (drumlin), for example). The fossils in these deposits are very similar to modern life-forms, but they may represent evidence of cooler (or sometimes warmer) climates. Quaternary sediments are most easily distinguished in temperate latitudes where glacial or periglacial processes held sway. till is a distinctive type in many locations. This poorly sorted mix of debris contains a fine matrix enclosing outsized pebbles, cobbles, boulders, and sometimes rock types carried from distant locations (erratics). Boulder-strewn ridges and blankets of till in central North America or the northern European plains contain erratics carried for hundreds of kilometres from their source, indicating deposition from a continental ice sheet.

      It seems self-evident today, but prior to the early 1800s most scientists thought till formations were deposits of the biblical flood, perhaps carried by icebergs. The term drift, used generically to describe glacial sediment, is an anachronism from this time. However, European and Scandinavian scientists (and laypeople as well) noticed the similarity to Alpine glacier deposits. In 1840 Swiss scientist Louis Agassiz (Agassiz, Louis) formulated a sweeping theory of Ice Ages and extensive continental ice sheets to explain these deposits. Later emigrating to the United States and becoming a professor at Harvard, Agassiz vigorously promoted this theory, which has evolved into our present understanding.

      Glacial marine and glacial lake sediments are common near shorelines that were affected by climatic, sea-level, or rebound effects. Glacial lake sediments are often much richer in sand, silt, and clay, and they contain less organic material than Holocene lake sediments. They may be strongly laminated, with rhythmic alteration of light coarse-grained layers and darker fine-grained layers of less than a millimetre to a few centimetres thick. This rhythmic lamination often represents a seasonal cycle, in which case the laminae are called varves (varved deposit). If the seasonal cycle can be confidently accepted, varves provide excellent correlation tools and function as a measure of time independent of radiometric techniques. Glacial marine sediments may be laminated, but they are most often characterized by dropstones (ice-rafted debris of pebble to boulder size) that were carried by icebergs into the ocean.

       loess is silt that is picked up by high winds in areas that lack vegetation. This Quaternary sediment accumulated in thick blankets away from the edges of ice sheets. Much of the northern Mississippi River valley, northern China, and the extensive plains of Asia and northern Europe are blanketed by loess.

      Carbonate platform and shelf environments, such as in Florida, the Bahamas (Bahamas, The), the Great Barrier Reef, and many other tropical shorelines were strongly affected by lowered sea levels. Sea levels more than 100 metres below today's resulted in exposed bank tops. Some of these were eroded by rainwater into extensive cave systems, while in some areas winds blew the exposed carbonates into extensive dune ridges. When the sea level rose again, the caves were filled with water, creating spectacular grottoes found by divers in Florida, the Bahamas, and Central America. The bank tops were submerged at the latest stages, and the dune ridges remained to form the core of the modern Bahamas, Bermuda, and many other such islands.

Correlation of Quaternary deposits
      Correlation of Quaternary terrestrial sedimentary deposits has long been a challenge. It is easy in some areas to map terminal moraines as they trace across the landscapes of Indiana and Ohio, or from Denmark through northern Germany into Poland and Lithuania. However, correlation of glacial and interglacial events from continent to continent and between hemispheres requires extensive radiometric dating of fossils. The advent of marine oxygen isotopic records gave fresh impetus to attempts to correlate the long-heldfour glaciationmodels from various parts of the Northern Hemisphere. More important, isotopic records have shown that there were actually as many as 30 distinct glaciations and many shorter events within the Pleistocene alone. In the 1990s a new global viewpoint emerged from the extremely detailed record preserved in ice cores (ice core) from Greenland, Antarctica, and smaller glaciers around the world. There are differences among these cores, but in general the records show many of the same features as the marine record and the more traditional pollen records and glacial sediment maps. Ice cores allow counting of annual layers for much of the record. Distinctive isotopic events correlate to marine records that can be directly dated with radiocarbon or other radiometric techniques. Correlation from place to place on the globe is thus facilitated by this ice core scale.

      Marine sediments have been somewhat easier to correlate based on microfossils of foraminifera (foraminiferan) or diatoms (diatom). Recognition of shifts in ocean currents and temperature bands comes through analysis of many cores along transects of the world's oceans. In some areas, distinct events provide distinct marker horizons. For instance, near Iceland and in the Mediterranean, volcanic ash horizons provide clear markers that are simultaneous in many cores. These can be correlated to radiometric dates and can also be found on land and in ice cores. Thus, the marine, terrestrial, and ice-core records can be tied together. One of the best-known examples of volcanic ash serving as aninstantaneousmarker horizon is the Bishop Tuff, erupted from the Long Valley Caldera in California about 740,000 years ago. This ash is found in Pleistocene sediments as far away as eastern Nebraska. This and other ashes can be identified by their chemistry and confidently dated with radiometric techniques such as potassium-argon and argon-40argon-39 dating.

Daniel F. Belknap

Additional Reading

Bjørn G. Andersen and Harold W. Borns, Jr., The Ice Age World: An Introduction to Quaternary History and Research with Emphasis on North America and Northern Europe During the Last 2.5 Million Years (1994, reissued 1997), includes stunning photographs, depictions of ice-age landscapes, and reconstructions of fossils. E.C. Pielou, After the Ice Age: The Return of Life to Glaciated North America (1991), depicts faunal and floral changes, with line drawings and maps. George H. Denton and Terence J. Hughes (eds.), The Last Great Ice Sheets (1981), remains a detailed reference source for glacial processes and the extent of ice sheets. Felix Gradstein et al. (eds.), A Geologic Time Scale 2004 (2004), discusses the details of established stratigraphic boundaries for the Quaternary, Pleistocene, and Holocene. Elisabeth S. Vrba et al. (eds.), Paleoclimate and Evolution, with Emphasis on Human Origins (1995), extensively covers the relationship of human evolution to Quaternary geology and climate change.

L.F. Pitelka and the Plant Migration Workshop Group, “Plant migration and climate change,” American Scientist, 85:464473 (SeptemberOctober 1997), summarizes pollen studies and the evidence for shifting ecosystem boundaries. Ian Tattersall, “Once We Were Not Alone,” Scientific American, 282(1):5667 (January 2000), hypothesizes 20 or more species of hominins over the past four million years, some contemporaneous and in similar habitats, within a branching tree rather than a linear path of evolution.Daniel F. Belknap

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