Holocene Epoch

Holocene Epoch
formerly Recent Epoch

Latest interval of the Earth's geologic history, dating from 10,000 years ago to the present.

The younger of the two epochs that constitute the Quaternary Period, the Holocene follows the last glacial stage of the Pleistocene Epoch. It is characterized by relatively warm climatic conditions. During this epoch humans have refined the skills that have led to the present level of civilization.

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formerly  Recent Epoch, 
 younger of the two epochs that constitute the Quaternary Period and the latest interval of geologic time, covering approximately the last 12,000 years of the Earth's history (see table—>). The sediments of the Holocene, both continental and marine, cover the largest area of the globe of any epoch in the geologic record, but the Holocene is unique because it is coincident with the late and post-Stone Age history of mankind. The influence of humans is of world extent and is so profound that it seems appropriate to have a special geologic name for this time.

General considerations
      In 1833 Charles Lyell (Lyell, Sir Charles, Baronet) proposed the designation Recent for the period that has elapsed sincethe earth has been tenanted by man.” It is now known that humans have been in existence a great deal longer. The term Holocene was proposed in 1867 and was formally submitted to the International Geological Congress at Bologna, Italy, in 1885. It was officially endorsed by the U.S. Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature in 1969.

      The Holocene represents the most recent interglacial interval of the Quaternary period. The preceding and substantially longer sequence of alternating glacial and interglacial ages is the Pleistocene Epoch. Because there is nothing to suggest that the Pleistocene has actually ended, certain authorities prefer to extend the Pleistocene up to the present time; this approach tends to ignore humans and their impact, however. The Holocene forms the chronological framework for human history. Archaeologists use it as the time standard against which they trace the development of early civilizations.

Chronology and correlation
      The Holocene is unique among geologic epochs because varied means of correlating deposits and establishing chronologies are available. One of the most important means is carbon-14 dating. Because the age determined by the carbon-14 method may be appreciably different from the true age in certain cases, it is customary to refer to such dates inradiocarbon years.” These dates, obtained from a variety of deposits, form an important framework for Holocene stratigraphy and chronology.

      The limitations of accuracy of radiocarbon age determinations are expressed as ± a few tens or hundreds of years. In addition to this calculated error, there also is a question of error due to contamination of the material measured. For instance, an ancient peat may contain some younger roots and thus give a falselyyoungage unless it is carefully collected and treated to remove contaminants. Marine shells consist of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), and in certain coastal regions there is upwelling of deep oceanic water that can be 500 to more than 1,000 years old. Anagefrom living shells in such an area can suggest that they are already hundreds of years old.

 The Table—> shows the comparative dates of radiocarbon years and those obtained by other means. Two sets of radiocarbon years are given because the half-life of carbon-14 was reassigned a value of 5,730 years by agreement of scientists. Many dates available in the literature, however, are based on the originally established half-life of 5,570 years.

 In certain areas a varve chronology can be established. This involves counting and measuring thicknesses in annual paired layers of lake sediments deposited in lakes that undergo an annual freeze-up. Because each year's sediment accumulation varies in thickness according to the climatic conditions of the melt season, any long sequence of varve measurements provides a distinctivesignatureand can be correlated for moderate distances from lake basin to lake basin. The pioneer in this work was the Swedish investigator Baron Gerard De Geer, who developed a long chronology on which that shown in the Table—> is partly based.

      In some relatively recent continental deposits, obsidian (a black glassy rock of volcanic origin) can be used for dating. Obsidian weathers slowly at a uniform rate, and the thickness of the weathered layer is measured microscopically and gauged against known standards to give a date in years. This has been particularly useful where arrowheads of obsidian are included in deposits.

      As noted elsewhere in this article, paleomagnetism (remanent magnetism) is another phenomenon used in chronology. The Earth's magnetic field undergoes a secular shift that is fairly well known for the last 2,000 years. The magnetized material to be studied can be natural, such as a lava flow; or it may be man-made, as, for example, an ancient brick kiln or smeltery that has cooled and thus fixed the magnetic orientation of the bricks to correspond to the geomagnetic field of that time.

      Another form of dating is tephrochronology, so called because it employs the tephra (ash layers) generated by volcanic (volcanism) eruptions. The wind may blow the ash 1,5003,000 kilometres, and, because the minerals or volcanic glass from any one eruptive cycle tend to be distinctive from those of any other cycle, even from the same volcano, these can be dated from the associated lavas by stratigraphic methods (with or without absolute dating). The ash layer then can be traced as atime horizonwherever it has been preserved. When the Mount Mazama volcano in Oregon exploded at about 6600 BP (radiocarbon-dated by burned wood), 70 cubic kilometres of debris were thrown into the air, forming the basin now occupied by Crater Lake. The tephra were distributed over 10 states, thereby providing a chronological marker horizon. A comparable eruption of Thera on Santorin in the Aegean Sea about 3,400 years ago left tephra in the deep-sea sediments and on adjacent land areas. Periodic eruptions of Mount Hekla in Iceland have been of use in Scandinavia, which lies downwind.

      Finally, the measurement and analysis of tree rings (or dendrochronology) must be mentioned. The age of a tree that has grown in any region with a seasonal contrast in climate can be established by counting its growth rings. Work in this field by the University of Arizona's Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, by selection of both living trees and deadwood, has carried the year-by-year chronology back more than 7,500 years. Certain pitfalls have been discovered in tree-ring analysis, however. Sometimes, as in a very severe season, a growth ring may not form. In certain latitudes the tree's ring growth correlates with moisture, but in others it may be correlated with temperature. From the climatic viewpoint these two parameters are often inversely related in different regions. Nevertheless, in experienced hands, just as with varve counting from adjacent lakes, ring measurements from trees with overlapping ages can extend chronologies back for many thousands of years. The bristlecone pine of the White Mountains in California has proved to be singularly long-lived and suitable for this chronology; some individuals still living are more than 4,000 years old, certainly the oldest living organisms. Wood from old buildings and even old paving blocks in western Europe and in Russia have contributed to the chronology. This technique not only offers an additional means of dating but also contains a built-in documentation of climatic characteristics. In certain favourable situations, particularly in the drier, low latitudes, tree-ring records sometimes document 11- and 22-year sunspot cycles.

The PleistoceneHolocene boundary
      Arguments can be presented for the selection of the lower boundary of the Holocene at several different times in the past. Some Russian investigators have proposed a boundary at the beginning of the Allerød, a warm interstadial age that began about 12,000 BP. Others, in Alaska, proposed a Holocene section beginning at 6000 BP. Marine geologists have recognized a worldwide change in the character of deep-sea sedimentation about 10,00011,000 BP. In warm tropical waters, the clays show a sharp change at this time from chlorite-rich particles often associated with fresh feldspar grains (cold, dry climate indicators) to kaolinite and gibbsite (warm, wet climate indicators).

      Some of the best-preserved traces of the boundary are found in southern Scandinavia, where the transition from the latest glacial stage of the Pleistocene to the Holocene was accompanied by a marine transgression. These beds, south of Göteborg, have been uplifted and are exposed at the surface. The boundary is dated around 10,300 ± 200 years BP (in radiocarbon years). This boundary marks the very beginning of warmer climates that occurred after the latest minor glacial advance in Scandinavia. This advance built the last Salpausselkä moraine, which corresponds in part to the Valders substage in North America. The subsequent warming trend was marked by the Finiglacial retreat in northern Scandinavia, the Ostendian (early Flandrian) marine transgression in northwestern Europe.

Nature of the Holocene record
      The very youthfulness of the Holocene stratigraphic sequence makes subdivision difficult. The relative slowness of the Earth's crustal movements means that most areas which contain a complete marine stratigraphic sequence are still submerged. Fortunately, in areas that were depressed by the load of glacial ice there has been progressive postglacial uplift (crustal rebound) that has led to the exposure of the nearshore deposits.

Deep oceanic (ocean) deposits
      The marine realm, apart from covering about 70 percent of the Earth's surface, offers far better opportunities than coastal environments for undisturbed preservation of sediments. In deep-sea cores, the boundary usually can be seen at a depth of about 1030 centimetres, where the Holocene sediments pass downward into material belonging to the late glacial stage of the Pleistocene. The boundary often is marked by a slight change in colour. For example, globigerina ooze, common in the ocean at intermediate depths, is frequently slightly pinkish when it is of Holocene age because of a trace of iron oxides that are characteristic of tropical soils. At greater depth in the section, the globigerina ooze may be grayish because of greater quantities of clay, chlorite, and feldspar that have been introduced from the erosion of semiarid hinterlands during glacial time.

      During each of the glacial epochs the cooling of the ocean waters led to reduced evaporation and thus fewer clouds, then to lower rainfall, then to reduction of vegetation, and so eventually to the production of relatively more clastic sediments (owing to reduced chemical weathering). Furthermore, the worldwide eustatic (glacially related) lowering of sea level caused an acceleration of erosion along the lower courses of all rivers and on exposed continental shelves, so that clastic sedimentation rates in the oceans were higher during glacial stages than during the Holocene. Turbidity currents, generated on a large scale during the low sea-level periods, became much less frequent following the rise of sea level in the Holocene.

      Studies of the fossils in the globigerina oozes show that at a depth in the cores that has been radiocarbon-dated at about 10,00011,000 BP the relative number of warm-water planktonic foraminiferans (foraminiferan) increases markedly. In addition, certain foraminiferal species tend to change their coiling direction from a left-handed spiral to a right-handed spiral at this time. This is attributed to the change from cool water to warm water, an extraordinary (and still not understood) physiological reaction to environmental stress. Many of the foraminiferans, however, responded to the warming water of the Holocene by migrating poleward by distances of as much as 1,000 to 3,000 kilometres in order to remain within their optimal temperature habitats.

      In addition to foraminiferans in the globigerina oozes, there are nannoplankton, minute fauna and flora consisting mainly of coccolithophores. Research on the present coccolith distribution shows that there is maximum productivity in zones of oceanic upwelling, notably at the subpolar convergence and the equatorial divergence. During the latest glacial stage the subpolar zone was displaced toward the equator, but with the subsequent warming of waters it shifted back to the borders of the polar regions.

      The distribution of the carbonate plankton bears on the problem of rates of oceanic circulation. Is the Holocene rate higher or lower than during the last glacial stage? It has been argued that, because of the higher mean temperature gradient in the lower atmosphere from equator to poles during the last glacial period, there would have been higher wind velocities and, because of the atmosphereocean coupling, higher oceanic current velocities. There were, however, two retarding factors for glacial-age currents. First, the eustatic withdrawal of oceanic waters from the continental shelves reduced the effective area of the oceans by 8 percent. Second, the greater extent of floating sea ice would have further reduced the available airocean coupling surface, especially in the critical zone of the westerly circulation. According to climatic studies by the British meteorologist Hubert H. Lamb, the presence of large continental ice sheets in North America and Eurasia would have introduced a strong blocking action to the normal zonal circulation of the atmosphere, which then would be replaced by more meridional circulation. This in turn would have been appreciably less effective in driving major oceanic current gyres.

Continental shelf and coastal regions
      It was recognized as early as 1842 that a logical consequence of a glacial age would be a large-scale withdrawal of ocean water. Consequently, deglaciation would produce a postglacialglacioeustatictransgression of the seas across the continental shelf. The trace of this Holocene rise of sea level was first discerned along the New England coast and along the coast of Belgium, where it was named the Flandrian Transgression by Georges Dubois in 1924.

      Whereas the deep-sea Holocene sediments usually follow without interruption upon those of the Upper Pleistocene, on the continental shelf there is almost invariably a break in the sequence upon the continental formations there. As sea level rose, it paused or fluctuated at various stages, leaving erosional terraces, beach deposits, and other indicators of the stillstand. Brief regressions in particular permitted the growth of peat deposits that are of significance in the Holocene record because they can be dated by radiocarbon analysis. Dredging in certain places on the shelf, such as off eastern North America, also is useful because terrestrial fossils from the latest glacial period or early Holocene have been found; these range from mammoth and mastodon bones and tusks to human artifacts. On about 70 percent of the world's continental shelves today the amount of sedimentary accumulation since the beginning of the Holocene is minimal, so that dredging or coring operations often disclose hard rock, with older formations at or very close to the surface. In other places, especially near the former continental ice fronts, the shelf is covered by periglacial fluvial sands (meltwater deposits), which, because of their unconsolidated nature, became extensively reworked into beaches and bars during the Holocene Transgression.

      In warm coral seas the major pauses in the Holocene eustatic rise were long enough for fringing reefs (coral reef) to become established; and, when the rise resumed, the reefs grew upward, either in ribbonlike barriers or from former headlands as patch reefs or shelf atolls. Since coral generally does not colonize a sediment-covered shelf floor at depths of more than about 10 metres, those reefs now rising from greater depths must have been emplaced in the early Holocene or grown on foundations of ancient reefs.

      The great ice-covered areas of the Quaternary Period included Antarctica, North America, Greenland, and Eurasia. Of these, Antarctica and Greenland have relatively high latitude situations and do not easily become deglaciated. Some melting occurs, but there is a very great melt-retardation factor in high-latitude ice sheets (high albedo or reflectivity, short melt season, and so forth). In the case of mid-latitude ice sheets, however, once melting starts, the ice disappears at a tremendous rate. The melt rate reached a maximum about 8000 BP, liberating 18 trillion (18 × 1012) metric tons of meltwater annually. This corresponds to a rise in sea level of five centimetres per year. Hand in hand with melting, the sea level responded so that, as the ice began to retreat from its former terminal moraines, the sea began to invade the former coastlands.

      As the sea level rose, the Earth's crust responded buoyantly to the removal of the load of ice, and at critical times the rate of rise of the water level was outstripped by the rate of rise of the land. In these places the highest ancient shoreline that is now preserved is known as the marine limit. The nearer the former centre of the ice sheet, the higher the marine limit. In northern Scandinavia, Ontario and northwestern Quebec, around Hudson Bay, and in Baffin Island, it reaches more than a 300-metre elevation. In central Maine and Spitsbergen it may exceed 100 metres, whereas in coastal Scotland and Northern Ireland it is rarely above 1015 metres.

      In addition to the marine-limit strandlines, there are row upon row of lower beach levels stretched out across Scandinavia, around Hudson Bay, and on other Arctic coasts. These strandlines are dated and distinctive and do not grade into each other. Each represents a specific period of time when the rising crust and rising sea level remained in place long enough to permit the formation of beaches, spits, and bars and sometimes the erosion of headlands (“fossil cliffs”).

      A complicating factor near the periphery of former ice sheets is the so-called marginal bulge. Reginald A. Daly (Daly, Reginald Aldworth), an American geologist, postulated that, if the ice load pressed down the middle of the glaciated area, then the Earth's crust in the marginal area tended to rise up slightly, producing a marginal bulge. With deglaciation the marginal bulge should slowly collapse. A fulcrum should develop between postglacial uplift and peripheral subsidence. In North America that fulcrum seems to run across Illinois to central New Jersey and then to swing northeastward, paralleling the coast and turning seaward north of Boston. In the Scandinavian region the fulcrum crosses central Denmark to swing around the Baltic Sea and then trends northeastward across the Gulf of Finland north of St. Petersburg, so that the southeastern Baltic and northwestern Germany are subsiding. The Netherlands area is subsiding also, but here the pattern is complicated by the long-term negative tectonic trend of the North Sea Basin and the Rhine delta.

      It seems likely that this fulcrum shifted inward toward the former glacial centre during the early part of the Holocene. Passing inland, the lines of equal uplift (isobases) are positive, whereas seaward they are negative. The coastal area of southern New England is still slowly subsiding at the present time (13 millimetres per year).

      The great deltas (delta) of the world, those of the Mississippi, Rhine, Rhône, Danube, Nile, Amazon, Niger, Tigris-Euphrates, Ganges, and Indus, all coincide with regions of tectonic subsidence. Because water-saturated sediment has a tendency to compact under further sediment loading, there is an additional built-in mechanism that adds to the subsidence in such areas.

      In this deltaic setting Holocene sequences are found that are quite different from those in the postglacial uplifted regions. Whereas the Holocene beaches in the uplift areas extend horizontally across the country in concentric belts, the Holocene sequence in the deltaic regions is, for the most part, vertical in nature and can be studied only from well data.

      In both the Mississippi and Rhine deltas, sediments that represent the earliest marine Holocene are missing. The sediments must lie seaward on the shelf margin, and the oldest marine layers are found to rest directly upon the late Pleistocene river silts and gravels. In a delta settling at around 0.5 to 3 millimetres per year, the rising sea of the Flandrian Transgression extended quickly across the river deposits to the inner margin (where there is a fulcrum comparable to that of the glaciated regions), marking the boundary between areas of downwarp and those of relative stability or gentle upwarp. The marine beds alternate with continental deposits that represent river or swamp environments. Six major fluctuations are recognizable in both the Mississippi and Rhine deltas. By radiocarbon dating the transgressive and regressive phases have been shown to be correlative in time.

      On a subsiding coast there tends to be an alternation in importance between two types of associated sedimentary facies. During a regression of the sea the river distributaries are rejuvenated and there is an increase in the supply of sand and silt; beaches are widened and beach ridge dunes or cheniers (chenier) may be formed. During a transgressive stage the saltwater wedge at river mouths causes a back-up, and the estuary becomes much more sluggish (thalassostatic).

      In The Netherlands (Netherlands, The) the basal Holocene is buried in the fluvial deposits of the lower Rhine. The postglacial eustatic rise had to traverse the North Sea Plain and advance up the English Channel several hundred kilometres before it reached the Netherlands area. At about 90008500 BP (Ancylus stage in the Baltic), the coastal beaches still lay seaward from the present shore. Subsequently, they became stabilized by a brief eustatic regression, while the high water table permitted the growth of the Lower Peat. This is contemporaneous with the late Boreal Peat that is widespread in northern Europe, as well as Peat #5 of the Mississippi delta.

      A further eustatic rise (of about 1012 metres) ensued around 7750 BP, corresponding to a warming of the climate marked by the growth of oak forests in western Europe (the BAT, orBorealAtlantic Transition”). In The Netherlands the barrier beaches re-formed close to the present coastline, and widespread tidal flats developed to the interior. These are known as the Calais Beds (or Calaisian) from the definition in Flanders by Dubois. In the protected inner margins, the peat continued to accumulate during and after theAtlantictime.

      From evidence outside the areas of subsidence, it seems likely that the worldwide eustatic sea level rise reached its maximum sometime between 5500 and 2500 BP (many workers consider the date to be about 2000 BP). In The Netherlands, in spite of subsidence, the western coastline became more or less stabilized around 4000 BP with the beginning of the formation of the Older Dunes alternating with interdune soils. At the same time, in the tide flat areas the Calaisian was followed by the Dunkirk stage, or Dunkerquian.

      The Younger Dune sequence of The Netherlands began with a dry climatic phase in the 12th century AD. With several fluctuations of cold continental climates, dune building continued until the 16th century. Only brief positive oscillations of sea level occurred until the 17th century, when themodernwarming and eustatic rise started, accompanied also by dune stabilization.

      Broadly comparable patterns occur in other areas, from France and Britain to Texas, Oregon, and Brazil. There is normally a threefold or fourfold subdivision in all the Holocene coastal dune belts, each extensively vegetated and consolidated before the successively younger dune belt was added. In a number of cases there is evidence from buried beach deposits that the foundations of the inner dunes are older strandlines that were established when the sea was somewhat higher than today. An important regressive phase seems to have initiated each new dune belt.

Other coastal regions
      Besides regions of glacio-isostatic crustal adjustment, both positive and negative, and the deltaic or geosynclinally subsiding areas, there are many tens of thousands of kilometres of coastlines that are relatively stable and a smaller fraction that are tectonically active.

      Most striking scenically are the coasts with Holocene terraces undergoing tectonic uplift. Terraces of this sort, backed in successive steps by Pleistocene terraces, are well developed in South America, the East Indies, New Guinea, and Japan. By careful surveys every few years the Japanese geodesists have been able to establish mean rates of crustal uplift (or subsidence) for many parts of the country and have been able to construct a residual eustatic curve that is comparable with those obtained elsewhere.

      Besides uplifted coasts outside of glaciated areas there are also certain highly indented coasts that show clear evidence of Holocenedrowning.” These coasts typically are characterized by the rias, or drowned estuaries, sculptured by fluvial action, but many of the valleys were cut 10 to 20 million years ago, and the Holocene history has been purely one of eustatic rise.

      On the basis of the known climatic history of the Holocene, from the strandline record of Scandinavia and from the sedimentologic evolution of the Mississippi and Rhine deltas, an approximate chronology of Holocene eustasy can be worked out. The amplitudes of the fluctuations and the finite curve are less easily established. A first approximation of the oscillations was published in 1959 and in a more detailed way in 1961 (the so-called Fairbridge curve). Smoothed versions have been offered by several other workers.

Holocene environment and biota
      In formerly glaciated regions, the Holocene has been a time for the reinstitution of ordinary processes of subaerial erosion and progressive reoccupation by a flora and fauna. The latter expanded rapidly into what was an ecological vacuum, although with a very restricted range of organisms, because the climates were initially cold and the soil was still immature.

Floral change
      The most important biological means of establishing Holocene climate involves palynology, the study of pollen, spores, and other microscopic organic particles. Pollen from trees, shrubs, or grasses is generated annually in large quantities and often is well preserved in fine-grained lake, swamp, or marine sediments. Statistical correlations of modern and fossil assemblages provide a basis for estimating the approximate makeup of the local or regional vegetation through time. Even a crude subdivision into arboreal pollen (AP) and nonarboreal pollen (NAP) reflects the former types of climate. The tundra vegetation of the last glacial epoch, for example, provides predominantly NAP, and the transition to forest vegetation shows the climatic amelioration that heralded the beginning of the Holocene.

      The first standard palynological stratigraphy was developed in Scandinavia by Axel Blytt, Johan Rutger Sernander, and E.J. Lennart von Post, in combination with a theory of Holocene climate changes. The so-called BlyttSernander system was soon tied to the archaeology and to the varve chronology of Gerard De Geer. It has been closely checked by radiocarbon dating, establishing a very useful standard. Every region has its own standard pollen stratigraphy, but these are now correlated approximately with the BlyttSernander framework. To some extent this is even true for remote areas such as Patagonia and East Africa. Particularly important is the fact that the middle Holocene was appreciably warmer than today. In Europe this phase has been called the Climatic Optimum (zones Boreal to Atlantic), and in North America it has been called the hypsithermal (also altithermal and xerothermic).

      Like pollen, macrobotanical remains by themselves do not establish chronologies. Absolute dating of these remains does, however, provide a chronology of floral changes throughout the Holocene. Recent discoveries of the dung deposits of Pleistocene animals in dry caves and alcoves on the Colorado Plateau, including those of mammoth, bison, horse, sloth, extinct forms of mountain goats, and shrub oxen, have provided floristic assemblages from which temperature and moisture requirements for such assemblages can be deduced in order to develop paleoenvironmental reconstructions tied to an absolute chronology. Macrobotanical remains found in the digestive tracts of late Pleistocene animals frozen in the permafrost regions of Siberia and Alaska also have made it possible to build paleoenvironmental reconstructions tied to absolute chronologies.

      From these reconstructions, one can see warming and drying trends in the terminal Pleistocene11,500 BP). Cold-tolerant, water-loving plants (e.g., birch and spruce) retreated to higher elevations or higher latitudes (as much as 2,500 metres in elevation) within less than 11,000 years.

      Detailed studies of late Pleistocene and Holocene alluvium, tied to carbon-14 chronology, have provided evidence of cyclic fluctuations in the aggradation and degradation of Holocene drainage systems. Although it is still too early in the analysis to state with certainty, it appears from the work of several investigators that there is a regional, or semicontinental cycle, of erosion and deposition that occurs every 250300, 500600, 1,0001,300, and possibly 6,000 years within the Holocene.

Faunal change
      According to an analysis of multiple carbon-dated sites conducted in 1984 by James I. Mead and David J. Meltzer, 75 percent of the larger animals (those of more than 40 kilograms live weight) that became extinct during the late Pleistocene did so by about 10,800 to 10,000 years ago. Whether the cause of this decimation of Pleistocene fauna was climatic or cultural has been debated ever since another American investigator, Paul S. Martin, proposed the overkill hypothesis in the 1960s. Whatever the case, it seems appropriate on paleontological grounds to designate the beginning of a new epochthe Holoceneat approximately 10,000 years ago.

      Floral and faunal reconstructions tied to the physical evidence of fluvial, alluvial, and lacustrine sediments and to a radiocarbon chronology reflect a warming and drying trend (as contrasted with the Pleistocene) during the last 10,000 years. The drying trend apparently reached its peak about 5,500 to 7,500 years ago (referred to as Antev's Altithermal) and has ranged between that peak and the cold, wet conditions of the early Holocene since that time.

      Nonmarine Holocene sediments are usually discontinuous, making exact correlations difficult. An absolute chronology provided by radiocarbon dating permits temporal correlation, even if the deposits are discontinuous or physically different. Analysis of Holocene deposits requires chronostratigraphic correlations of discontinuous and dissimilar deposits to allow an interpretation of local, regional, continental, and global conditions.

      Analysis of microfauna from paleontological and archaeological sites of the late Pleistocene and Holocene of North America has aided in paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Micromammals (rodents and insectivores), as well as amphibians and insects, are paleoecologically sensitive. Comparisons of modern habitat and range of species to late Pleistocene and Holocene assemblages and distributions reveal disharmonious associations (i.e., the occurrence of presently allopatric taxa that are presumed to be ecologically incompatible), especially in late Pleistocene assemblages. Tentative conclusions from micromammals and other environmental indicators suggest that the late Pleistocene supported an environment in which there coexisted plants and animals that are today separated by hundreds to thousands of kilometres (or considerable elevation differences). Stated in another way, the late Pleistocene climate was more equable than that of the present day, one in which seasonal extremes in temperature and effective moisture were reduced. The evolution of a modern biotic community, as opposed to one of the late Pleistocene, appears to be the consequence of intricate biological and biophysical interactions among individual species. Some researchers have theorized that the environmental changes that led to the formation of new biotic communities at the end of the Pleistocene resulted in the extinction of many of the Pleistocene faunal forms.

Holocene climatic (paleoclimatology) trends and chronology
      In the mid-latitudes and the tropics, the end of the last glacial period was marked by a tremendous increase in rainfall. The increased precipitation toward the end of the Pleistocene was marked by a vast proliferation of pluvial lakes in the Great Basin of western North America, notably Lake Bonneville (Bonneville, Lake) and Lake Lahontan (enormous ancestors of present-day Great Salt Lake and Pyramid Lake). Two peaks of lake levels were reached at about 12,000 ± 500 BP (the beginning of the Allerød Warm stage) and approximately 9000 ± 500 BP (the early Boreal Warm stage). At Lake Balaton (Balaton, Lake) (in Hungary) high terrace levels also mark the Allerød and early Boreal Warm stages. Lake Victoria (Victoria, Lake) (in East Africa) exhibits the identical twin oscillation in its terrace levels.

      In equatorial regions the same evidence of high solar radiation and high rainfall at the end of the Pleistocene and during the early Holocene is apparent in the record of the Nile (Nile River) sediments. The Nile, like the other great rivers of Africa (notably, the Congo, Niger, and Sénégal), became very reduced, if not totally blocked, by silt and desert sand during the low-precipitation, arid phases of the Pleistocene. An erroneous correlation between glacial phases and pluvial phases in the tropics has been widely accepted in the past, although cold ocean water means less precipitation, not more. The pluvial phases correspond to the high solar radiation states, the last maximum being about 10,000 years ago. Thus tremendous increases of Nile discharge are determined, by radiocarbon dating, to have occurred around 12,000 and 9,000 years ago, separated and followed by alluviation, indicating reduced runoff in the headwaters.

      The expansion of monsoonal rains during the early Holocene in the tropical latitudes permitted an extensive spread of moist savanna-type vegetation over the Sahara in North Africa and the Kalahari in South Africa and in broad areas of Brazil, India, and Australia. Most of these areas had been dry savanna or arid during the last glacial period. Signs of late Paleolithic (Paleolithic Period) and Neolithic (Neolithic Period) people can be seen throughout the Sahara today, and art is representative of the life and hunting scenes of the time. Lake deposits have been dated as young as 50006000 BP. Lake Chad covered a vast area in the very late Pleistocene and up to 5000 BP. The Dead Sea throughout the early Holocene shows a record of sedimentation from humid headwaters; there was a Neolithic settlement at Jericho around 900010,000 BP.

      In the high to mid-latitudes after the early Holocene, with its remnants of ice-age conditions (tundra passing to birch forests), there was a transition to the mid-Holocene, marked by a progressive change to pine forest and then oak, beech, or mixed forest. The mean annual temperature reached 2.5° C above that of today. Neolithic humans (human being) pressed forward across Europe and Asia. In the Canadian Arctic and in Manitoba the mean temperature passed 4° C above present averages. It was amilk-and-honeyperiod for early humans over much of the world, and in Europe it paved the way for the cultured races of the Bronze Age. Navigators started using the seaways to trade between the eastern Mediterranean, the British Isles, and the Baltic.

      In the mid-latitude continental interiors there was still evidence of hot summers, but the winters were becoming colder and partly drier. There was an expansion of steppe or prairie conditions and their associated fauna and flora. Many lake levels showed a fall.

      In Europe there was also the beginning of widespread deforestation as Bronze Age human communities started to use charcoal for smelting and extended agriculture to tilling and planting. As a consequence, soil erosion began almost immediately, hillsides developed lynchets (terracettes), andanthropogenic sedimentsbegan to accumulate on the lower floodplains.

      At the corresponding latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere (approximately 30° to 35° S), pollen analysis indicates increasing desiccation during the Subboreal stage, with a maximum dryness about 3200 BP.

      In the subtropical regions of Mesopotamia and the Nile valley, people had learned to harness water. The stationary settlements, advanced agriculture, and mild climates favoured a great flowering of human culture. It is surmised that, when the normal floods began to fail, human ingenuity rose to the occasion, as attested to by the development of irrigation canals and machinery.

      The Sub-Atlantic stage (22000 BP) is the last major physical division of the geologic record. Historically its beginning coincides with the rise of the Roman Empire in Europe, the flowering of the classical dynasties of China, the Ptolemies in Egypt, the Olmec of central Mexico and Guatemala, and the pre-Incan Chavín cultures of Peru.

      The record of solar activity is disclosed by documentation of auroras in ancient Chinese court records and later by sunspot numbers. Both phenomena reflect solar activity in general, but correlation with weather records in the higher latitudes is complicated. Other indicators of climate, such as tree-ring analysis and palynology, were previously mentioned, but many documentary indications are also useful: the time of the cherry blossom festival in Kyōto, Japan, the freezing of lakes, the incidence of floods, blizzards, or droughts, the economics of harvests, salt evaporation production, some disease statistics, and so on. The water levels of closed basins such as the Caspian Sea and particularly the evaporite basin of the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Gulf reflect runoff to the Volga. The Dead Sea bears witness to eastern Mediterranean precipitation.

      The main trends of the Sub-Atlantic are identifiable as follows:

Classical Roman (ancient Rome) Period
      This time interval is marked by the Florida or Roman emergence in the eustatic record about the BCAD boundary and succeeded by a transgression.

      The solar record is not complete, but indications are for low activity. Records of rainfall kept by the astronomer Ptolemy (fl. AD 127145) in Alexandria noted thunderstorm activity in every summer month, in comparison with the totally dry summer today, which suggests a slightly wetter overall pattern in this latitude.

      In northern Europe and in other high latitudes, in contrast, the cool stage at the beginning of the 1st century AD may have been drier and more continental, as evidenced by dune building.

Late Roman Period
      After the 1st century AD there is evidence of a progressive rise in sea level. Roman buildings and peat layers were covered by the marine transgression in the Netherlands, southern England, and parts of the Mediterranean. At the same time, drying and warming trends were associated with alluviation of streams and general desiccation in southern Europe and North Africa. Similar alluviation occurred in the American Southwest. This warming and desiccation trend is evident also in the subtropics of the Southern Hemisphere. The solar activity record indicates a mean intensity comparable to that of the mid-20th century.

Post-Roman and Carolingian (Carolingian dynasty) Period
      This period extends roughly from AD 400 to 1000. The important invasions of western Europe by the Huns and the Goths may have been generated by deteriorating climatic conditions in Central Asia. Radiocarbon dating and studies of the ancient Chinese literature have disclosed that, when the glaciers of central Asia were large, the meltwaters fed springs, rivers, and lakes on the edge of the desert, and human communities flourished. When there was a warm phase, the water supply failed and the deserts encroached. Thus, in central Asia (and the Tarim Basin) during the cool Roman Period, the Old Silk Road permitted a regular trade between Rome and China, where the Han dynasty was flourishing. During the Ch'in, Wei, and Chou dynasties this trade declined. During the T'ang dynasty (AD 618907) there was a reopening of the trade routes, and likewise during the Yüan dynasty (AD 12061368). Marco Polo passed this way in AD 1271. Radiocarbon dates of the 8.6-metre-high lake level at Sogo Nur showed overflow conditions from AD 1300 to 1450, after which gradual, fluctuating, but progressive desiccation followed, and today the area is almost total desert.

      In North America the Post-Roman-Carolingian Period was marked by warm temperatures in the northern parts, with mean paleotemperatures in central Canada about 1° C above the present. In the semiarid southwestern United States, the arroyos, washes, and ephemeral river valleys were filling slowly with alluvium (youngerTsegi alluvium”), an indication that stream energy was generated by the summer flash floods. There were marginal retreats in almost all the mountain glacier regions of the world from the Alps to Patagonia.

      In the tropical region of Central America there was the unexplained decline of the coastal Mayan (Maya) people (Mexico and Guatemala) about the 10th century AD. The mountain Mayas continued to flourish, however, and it is possible that the high precipitation of this warming period introduced critical ecological limits to continued occupation of the (now) swampy coastal jungles.

The Viking-Norman Period
      Approximately AD 10001250 the worldwide warm-up that culminated in the 10th century and has been called the early Medieval Warm Period or theLittle Climatic Optimum,” continued for two more centuries, although there was a brief drop in mean solar activity in the period around 103070. During the 8th to 10th centuries the Vikings (Viking) had extended as far afield as the Crimea and exploited coastal salt pans, the existence of which speak for seasonally high evaporation conditions and eustatic stability.

      In the Arctic regions during the 10th, 11th, and 12th centuries there was widespread navigation by the Vikings. Partly in response to reduced sea-ice conditions and milder climates they were able to establish settlements in Iceland, southern Greenland (Erik the Red, c. 985), and in eastern North America (Vinland; Leif Eriksson, c. 1000). In Alaska, from tree-ring evidence, the mean temperature was 2° to 3° C warmer in the 11th century than today. Eskimos had settled in Ellesmere Island about AD 900. Records of sea ice off Iceland show negligible severity from 8651200. Often the westerly storm tracks must have passed north of Europe altogether.

      After a brief interval of cold winters in Japan, the cherry blossoms returned to early blooming in the 12th century. In the semiarid southwestern United States there appears to have been increased precipitation, leading to a spread of vegetation and agriculture. Pueblo campsites dated AD 11001200 are found on top of the youngest Tsegi Alluvium. The snow line in the Rocky Mountains was about 300 metres higher than today. Similar trends are recorded in the Southern Hemisphere, notably in Australia and Chile. The first immigration of Maori peoples into New Zealand probably occurred at this mild time.

MedievalCool Period
      This interval, extending roughly from AD 1250 to 1500, corresponds to the Paria Emergence in the eustatic record and has been called one of thelittle ice agesby certain authors. Solar activity records show a decline from 1250 to 1350, a brief rise from 1350 to 1380, and then a phenomenal low that lasted until 1500. Pollen records in northern Europe reveal rather consistently cool conditions, and smoothed mean temperature curves show a cumulative drop during this period. Stalactite studies in a karst cave in France showed a travertine growth peak (indicating cool, moist conditions) in 1450. In North America cool, moist conditions were widespread at first, becoming dry later. The arroyos and washes became filled with the Naha Alluvium, and the human population decreased markedly. There is pollen evidence of a temperature drop of about 1° C. This is the period of theGreat Drought.” In the upper Mississippi valley the Indian cultures began a general decline, accompanied by a transfer from agriculture to hunting. It was similar in the western prairies, and it was this hunting culture that the first Spanish explorers encountered.

      In the Canadian north the mean temperatures had dropped about two degrees below the previous high. In the Sierra Nevada, the Rockies, and Alaska there were glacial readvances, with evidence of a 2° C temperature drop. In the Arctic regions, the Eskimo economy underwent a marked change to adjust to these more extreme conditions, which amounted to about 5° or 6° C below the mean of the climatic optimum.

      The Norse settlements in Greenland were abandoned altogether as the permafrost advanced. Pollen studies at Godthåb indicate a shift from a maritime climate to a cold, dry continental regime. The sea ice off Iceland reveals an extraordinary growth in severity, from zero coverage before the year 1200 to eight-week average cover in the 13th century, rising to 40 weeks in the 19th century, and dropping again to eight weeks in the 20th century. In Japan there were glacial readvances and a mean winter temperature drop of 3.5° C. Summers were marked by excessive rains and bad harvests.

      The equatorial regions now began a marked desiccation, with a drop in level of all the great African lakes. The Nile (Nile River) suffered a decreased flow and alluviation.

      South of the equator in the temperate belts there occurred a general return to cooler and wetter conditions that have continued (with oscillations) until the present time in southern Chile, Patagonia, southernmost Africa, southwestern Australia, and New Zealand.

Little Ice Age
      Throughout most of what is commonly called the Little Ice Age (15001850) the mean solar activity was quite low, but positive fluctuations occurred around 154090 and 17701800. The main westerly storm belts shifted about 500 kilometres to the south, and for much of the time the northern latitudes came under cool continental conditions. Observed temperature series in Europe from Paris to Leningrad show large fluctuations until 1850.

      Glacier advances are recorded in the Alps, in the Sierra Nevada, and in Alaska. Corresponding low sea levels are recorded by early tide gauge records in The Netherlands and Germany. Even in equatorial latitudes there are traces of mountain glacier advances (as in the Andes of Colombia).

The Industrial Age (AD 18501950)
      The year 1850 started a brief warming trend that persisted for 100 years. It also approximates a critical turning point in climatic, sea level, glacial, and sedimentologic records. In many regions of central and southern Europeanthropogenicsediments (or cultural layers) began to appear in Neolithic times (early to mid-Holocene). Elsewhere in the world (e.g., in North America, Australia, South Africa), however, this type of sedimentation began around the middle of the 19th century, depending on soil erosion stimulated by mechanized (disk) plowing, large-scale deforestation, and engineering activity. Thus independently of natural climatic change, the century 18501950, marked by anthropogenic aridification, proved to be a time of man-made deserts.

Rhodes W. Fairbridge Larry D. Agenbroad

Additional Reading
Rick Battarbee et al., Global Change in the Holocene (2003), is a multidisciplinary treatment of the issues and methods used in the study of Earth's recent past. Neil Roberts, The Holocene: An Environmental History, 2nd ed. (1998), furnishes information on human ecology, paleoecology, and environmental archaeology of the time. H.E. Wright, Jr. (ed.), The Holocene, vol. 2 of Late Quaternary Environments of the United States (1983), is a wide-ranging discussion of Holocene geology, paleoecology, environmental archaeology, and climatology.

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