
glacially, adv.
/glay"sheuhl/, adj.
1. of or pertaining to glaciers or ice sheets.
2. resulting from or associated with the action of ice or glaciers: glacial terrain.
3. characterized by the presence of ice in extensive masses or glaciers.
4. bitterly cold; icy: a glacial winter wind.
5. happening or moving extremely slowly: The work proceeded at a glacial pace.
6. icily unsympathetic or immovable: a glacial stare; glacial indifference.
7. Chem. of, pertaining to, or tending to develop into icelike crystals: glacial phosphoric acid.
[1650-60; < L glacialis icy, equiv. to glaci(es) ice + -alis -AL1]
Syn. 4. chill, freezing, frigid, wintry. 6. forbidding, unfriendly, hostile.

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