Hatteras, Cape

Hatteras, Cape
Long, narrow, curved sandbar forming a promontory on Hatteras Island, N.C., U.S. It extends 70 mi (113 km) along the Outer Banks between the Atlantic Ocean and Pamlico Sound.

Much of it is included in Cape Hatteras National Seashore, established in 1937. It is the site of the tallest lighthouse in the U.S., 208 ft (63 m) high; the lighthouse was moved to 1,600 ft (488 m) inland in 2000 after erosion threatened the structure.

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      long, narrow, curved sandbar forming a promontory on Hatteras Island, the southeasternmost point of the Outer Banks, North Carolina, U.S. Treacherous shallows to the southeast in the Atlantic Ocean long have been a danger to navigation. Much of the cape's area is included in Cape Hatteras National Seashore.

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