
Athabasca [ath΄ə bas]
Cree dial. ahthapaskaaw, name of lake, lit., there are reeds here and there < ahthap-, net(like) + -ask-, vegetation + formative suffixes
1. river rising in the Rocky Mountains of SW Alberta, Canada, and flowing northeast into Lake Athabasca: 765 mi (1,231 km)
2. Lake lake extending across the N Alberta-Saskatchewan, Canada, border: 3,100 sq mi (8,029 sq km)

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Ath·a·bas·ca or Ath·a·bas·ka (ăth'ə-băsʹkə)
A river rising in the Rocky Mountains of southwest Alberta, Canada, and flowing about 1,231 km (765 mi) east and north to Lake Athabasca on the border of northern Alberta and Saskatchewan. The river and lake are important constituents of the Mackenzie River system.

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