
animalic /an'euh mal"ik/, animalian /an'euh may"lee euhn, -mayl"yeuhn/, adj.
/an"euh meuhl/, n.
1. any member of the kingdom Animalia, comprising multicellular organisms that have a well-defined shape and usually limited growth, can move voluntarily, actively acquire food and digest it internally, and have sensory and nervous systems that allow them to respond rapidly to stimuli: some classification schemes also include protozoa and certain other single-celled eukaryotes that have motility and animallike nutritional modes.
2. any such living thing other than a human being.
3. a mammal, as opposed to a fish, bird, etc.
4. the physical, sensual, or carnal nature of human beings; animality: the animal in every person.
5. an inhuman person; brutish or beastlike person: She married an animal.
6. thing: A perfect job? Is there any such animal?
7. of, pertaining to, or derived from animals: animal instincts; animal fats.
8. pertaining to the physical, sensual, or carnal nature of humans, rather than their spiritual or intellectual nature: animal needs.
[1300-50; ME ( < OF) < L, n. deriv. (with loss of final vowel and shortening of a) of animale, neut. of animalis living, animate, equiv. to anim(a) air, breath + -alis -AL1; E adj. also directly < L animalis]
Syn. 1, 2. ANIMAL, BEAST, BRUTE refer to sentient creatures as distinct from minerals and plants; figuratively, they usually connote qualities and characteristics below the human level. ANIMAL is the general word; figuratively, it applies merely to the body or to animal-like characteristics: An athlete is a magnificent animal. BEAST refers to four-footed animals; figuratively, it suggests a base, sensual nature: A glutton is a beast. BRUTE implies absence of ability to reason; figuratively, it connotes savagery as well: a drunken brute. 5. monster. 8. fleshly, physical; beastly, brutal. See carnal.

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Any member of the kingdom Animalia (see taxonomy), a group of many-celled organisms that differ from members of the two other many-celled kingdoms, the plants and the fungi (see fungus), in several ways.

Animals have developed muscles, making them capable of spontaneous movement (see locomotion), more elaborate sensory and nervous systems, and greater levels of general complexity. Unlike plants, animals cannot manufacture their own food, and thus are adapted for securing and digesting food. In animals, the cell wall is either absent or composed of material different from that of the plant cell wall. Animals account for about three-quarters of living species. Some one-celled organisms display both plant and animal characteristics. See also algae, arthropod, bacteria, chordate, invertebrate, protist, protozoan, vertebrate.
(as used in expressions)
animals cruelty to
animals master of the

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   (kingdom Animalia), any of a group of multicellular eukaryotic organisms (i.e., as distinct from bacteria, their deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is contained in a membrane-bound nucleus). They are thought to have evolved independently from the unicellular eukaryotes. Animals differ from members of the two other kingdoms of multicellular eukaryotes, the plants (Plantae) and the fungi (Mycota), in fundamental variations in morphology and physiology. This is largely because animals have developed muscles and hence mobility, a characteristic that has stimulated the further development of tissues and organ systems.

      Animals dominate human conceptions of life on Earth not simply by their size, abundance, and sheer diversity but also by their mobility, a trait that humans share. So integral is movement to the conception of animals that sponges, which lack muscle tissues, were long considered to be plants. Only after their small movements were noticed in 1765 did the animal nature of sponges slowly come to be recognized.

 In size animals are outdone on land by plants, among whose foliage they may often hide. In contrast, the photosynthetic algae, which feed the open oceans, are usually too small to be seen, but marine animals range to the size of whales. Diversity of form, in contrast to size, only impinges peripherally on human awareness of life and thus is less noticed. Nevertheless, animals represent three-quarters or more of the species on Earth, a diversity that reflects the flexibility in feeding, defense, and reproduction which mobility gives them. Animals follow virtually every known mode of living that has been described for the creatures of Earth.

      Animals move in pursuit of food, mates, or refuge from predators, and this movement attracts attention and interest, particularly as it becomes apparent that the behaviour of some creatures is not so very different from human behaviour. Other than out of simple curiosity, humans study animals to learn about themselves, who are a very recent product of the evolution of animals.

The animal kingdom
      Animals evolved from unicellular eukaryotes. The presence of a nuclear membrane in eukaryotes permits separation of the two phases of protein synthesis: transcription (copying) of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in the nucleus and translation (decoding) of the message into protein in the cytoplasm. Compared to the structure of the bacterial cell, this gives greater control over which proteins are produced. Such control permits specialization of cells, each with identical DNA but with the ability to control finely which genes successfully send copies into the cytoplasm. Tissues and organs can thus evolve. The semirigid cell walls found in plants and fungi, which constrain the shape and hence the diversity of possible cell types, are absent in animals. If they were present, nerve and muscle cells, the focal point of animal mobility, would not be possible.

A definition of animals
 A characteristic of members of the animal kingdom is the presence of muscles and the mobility they afford. Mobility is an important influence on how an organism obtains nutrients for growth and reproduction. Animals typically move, in one way or another, to feed on other living organisms, but some consume dead organic matter or even photosynthesize by housing symbiotic algae. The type of nutrition is not as decisive as the type of mobility in distinguishing animals from the other two multicellular kingdoms. Some plants and fungi prey on animals by using movements based on changing turgor pressure in key cells, as compared with the myofilament-based mobility seen in animals. Mobility requires the development of vastly more elaborate senses and internal communication than are found in plants or fungi. It also requires a different mode of growth: animals increase in size mostly by expanding all parts of the body, whereas plants and fungi mostly extend their terminal edges.

      All phyla of the animal kingdom, including sponges, possess collagen, a triple helix of protein that binds cells into tissues. The walled cells of plants and fungi are held together by other molecules, such as pectin. Because collagen is not found among unicellular eukaryotes, even those forming colonies, it is one of the indications that animals arose once from a common unicellular ancestor.

      The muscles that distinguish animals from plants or fungi are specializations of the actin and myosin microfilaments common to all eukaryotic cells. Ancestral sponges, in fact, are in some ways not much more complex than aggregations of protozoans that feed in much the same way. Although the sensory and nervous system of animals is also made of modified cells of a type lacking in plants and fungi, the basic mechanism of communication is but a specialization of a chemical system that is found in protists, plants, and fungi. The lines that divide an evolutionary continuum are rarely sharp.

      Mobility constrains an animal to maintain more or less the same shape throughout its active life. With growth, each organ system tends to increase roughly proportionately. In contrast, plants and fungi grow by extension of their outer surfaces, and thus their shape is ever changing. This basic difference in growth patterns has some interesting consequences. For example, animals can rarely sacrifice parts of their bodies to satisfy the appetites of predators (tails and limbs are occasionally exceptions), whereas plants and fungi do so almost universally.

History of classification
      Except perhaps for the possession of collagen, the criteria used above to distinguish animals from other forms of life are not absolute. The first catalogs of animal diversity were based on overall form and similarity. Aristotle and other early biologists regarded all organisms as part of a great chain, divisions of which were more or less arbitrary. The 18th-century Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus (Linnaeus, Carolus) divided all animals into six classes: Mammalia, Aves, Amphibia (including reptiles), Pisces, Insecta (Arthropoda), and Vermes (other invertebrates). In the early 1800s the French zoologist Georges Cuvier (Cuvier, Georges, Baron) recognized that vertebrates were substantially different from invertebrates, and he divided most animals on the basis of form and function into four branches: vertebrates, arthropods (articulates), mollusks, and radiates (animals with radial symmetry). Cuvier's divisions formed the basis for all subsequent classifications.

      Just after Cuvier's classification, the French naturalist Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire outlined the importance of homologous structures. homology is correspondence between features caused by continuity of information. Thus, a bird's wing is homologous to a bat's wing insofar as both are forelimbs, but they are not homologous as wings. Homologous structures need not resemble each other; for example, the three bones in the middle ear of humans are homologous to three bones in the jaw apparatus in fishes because the genetic and developmental information controlling them has been continuous through evolutionary change.

      Before evolution was generally accepted, homologies among different animals, when they were recognized at all, were regarded as aspects of God's pattern. Evolution provided a testable explanation for homologies. By carefully tracing selected homologies, it has been possible to show that previously proposed classifications established inappropriate relationships based solely on form or function, or both; for example, the radial symmetry of starfishes is not homologous to that of coelenterates (such as jellyfish).

      Protozoans (protozoan) were once considered to be animals because they move and do not photosynthesize. Closer study has shown, though, that their movement is by means of nonmuscular structures (cilia, flagella, or pseudopods) and that photosynthesis in them has often been lost and gained. Protozoans do not, therefore, form a natural group but with algae form a eukaryotic kingdom separate from plants and animals, called Protista.

      Like plants and animals, fungi arose from protists and are now accorded a kingdom of their own.

Animal diversity
      The diverse appearance of animals is mostly superficial; the bewildering variety of known forms, some truly bizarre, can be assorted among a mere half-dozen basic body plans. These plans are established during the embryonic stages of development and limit the size and complexity of the animals. Symmetry, number and relative development of tissue layers, presence and nature of body cavities, and several aspects of early development define these fundamental modes of organization.

Parazoa: a cellular level of organization
 Although the two phyla in this subkingdom, Porifera (sponges) and Placozoa, lack clearly defined tissues and organs, their cells specialize and integrate their activities. Their simplicity has been adaptive, and sponges have remained important in benthic marine habitats since their origin. The sessile, filter-feeding way of life shown by sponges has favoured a body plan of radial symmetry, although some members have become asymmetrical. The shape of the creeping, flattened placozoans is irregular and changeable.

Radiata: a tissue level of organization
  The two coelenterate phyla (Cnidaria (cnidarian) and Ctenophora (ctenophore)) advanced in complexity beyond the parazoans by developing incipient tissuesgroups of cells that are integrally coordinated in the performance of a certain function. For example, coelenterates have well-defined nerve nets, and their contractile fibres, although only specialized parts of more generalized cells, are organized into discrete muscle units. Because discrete cells of different types do not carry out the internal functions of the animals, coelenterates are considered to be organized at only a tissue level.

      The integration of cells into tissues, particularly those of nerve and muscle, permits a significantly larger individual body size than is possible with other modes of body movement. Flagella and cilia become ineffective at rather small size, and amoeboid movement is limited to the size a single cell can attain. Muscles contract by a cellular mechanism basically like that used in amoeboid locomotioninteraction of actin and myosin filaments. Through coordinated contraction of many cells, movement of large individuals becomes possible.

      Coelenterates, like parazoans, have only two body layers, an inner endoderm primarily for feeding and an outer ectoderm for protection. Between the endoderm and the ectoderm of coelenterates is the mesoglea, a gelatinous mass that contains connective fibres of collagen and usually some cells. Both layers contain muscle fibres and a two-dimensional web of nerve cells at the base; the endoderm surrounds a central cavity, which ranges from simple to complex in shape and serves as a gut, circulatory system, and sometimes even a skeleton. The cavity is also used for gamete dispersal and waste elimination.

      Cleavage of a fertilized egg produces a hollow sphere of flagellated cells (the blastula). Invagination of cells at one or both poles creates a mouthless, solid gastrula; (gastrula) the gastrula is called the planula larva in species in which this stage of development is free-living. The inner, endoderm cells subsequently differentiate to form the lining of the central cavity. The mouth forms once the planula larva has settled. Although the details of early development are different for parazoans and coelenterates, most share a stage in which external flagellated cells invaginate to form the inner layer, which lines the cavity, of these diploblastic (two-layered) animals. This is characteristic of invagination during the development of all animals.

      All coelenterates are more or less radially symmetrical. A radial form is equally advantageous for filtering, predatory, or photosynthetic modes of feeding. Tentacles around the circumference can intercept food in all directions.

Bilateria: an organ level of organization
      All animals except those in the four phyla mentioned above have bilaterally symmetrical ancestors and contain three body layers (triploblastic) with coalition of tissues into organs. The body plans that are generally recognized are acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, and coelomate.

      Acoelomates have no internal fluid-filled body cavity (coelom). Pseudocoelomates have a cavity between the inner (endoderm) and the middle (mesoderm) body layers. Coelomates have a cavity within the mesoderm, which can show one of two types of development: schizocoelous or enterocoelic. Most protostomes show schizocoelous development, in which the mesoderm proliferates from a single cell and divides to form a mass on each side of the body; the coelom arises from a split within each mass. Deuterostomes show enterocoelic pouching, in which the endoderm evaginates and pinches off discrete pouches, the cavities of which become the coelom and the wall the mesoderm. The animals in these major divisions of the Bilateria differ in other fundamental ways, which are detailed below.

      Unlike sessile sponges or floating jellyfish, the Bilateria typically move actively in pursuit of food, although many members have further evolved into sessile or radial forms. Directed movement is most efficient if sensory organs are located at the head or forward-moving end of the animal. Organs of locomotion are most efficiently arranged along both sides, a fact that defines the bilateral symmetry; many internal organs are not in fact paired, whereas muscle layers, limbs, and sensory organs almost invariably are. The diffuse nerve net of coelenterates coalesces into definite tracts or bundles, which run posteriorly from the anterior brain to innervate the structures of locomotion.

 Flatworms (phyla Platyhelminthes, Nemertea (ribbon worm), and Mesozoa) lack a coelom, although nemerteans have a fluid-filled cavity at their anterior, or head, end, which is used to eject the proboscis rapidly. The lack of a fluid-filled cavity adjacent to the muscles reduces the extent to which the muscles can contract and the force they exert (see below Support and movement (animal)). Because most also lack a circulatory system, supplying muscle tissues with fuel and oxygen can be no faster than the rate at which these substances diffuse through solid tissue. Flatworms are thus constrained to be relatively flat and comparatively small; parasitic worms, which do not locomote, can achieve immense lengths (e.g., tapeworms), but they remain very thin. The larger of the free-living flatworms have extensively divided guts, which reach to within a few cells of the muscles, thus compensating for the lack of a circulatory system. Most flatworms have but one opening to the gut. Nemerteans, in addition to a coelom-like housing for their proboscis, have attained a one-way gut and a closed circulatory system. Both increase their ability to move food and oxygen to all parts of the body. Flatworms are considered to be the ancestors of all other Bilateria.

Pseudocoelomates, or aschelminths
      The pseudocoelomates include the nematodes, rotifers, gastrotrichs, and introverts. Some members of some other phyla are also, strictly speaking, pseudocoelomate. These four phyla of tiny body size (many species no larger than the bigger protozoans) are placed together in part because they lack mesoderm on the inner side of the body cavity. Consequently, no tissue, muscular or connective, supports the gut within the coelomic fluid. For tiny organisms, this is advantageous for conservation of tissue: there is no reason to evolve or to maintain a tissue that is not functionally important. The inconspicuousness of most of these phyla has led to a slow advancement in understanding their phylogenetic position in the animal kingdom.

  The advantage of a true coelom is the ability of the inner mesenteric (mesentery) (mostly connective tissue) layer to suspend the central gut in the middle of the animal. Otherwise, in those animals with a body cavity used in locomotion, gravity would pull the gut down and severely curtail body size. Coelomates have attained vastly larger body sizes than has any other group of animals. Within the coelomates, the coelom has been of variable significance to the form and diversity of the various phyla. For example, it is essential for the burrowing abilities of annelids and related phyla. It has largely lost this significance in the arthropods, however, which have transferred locomotion to limbs supported by an exoskeleton rather than a coelomic hydroskeleton. Suspension is the main function of the coelom in vertebrates, which achieve the largest body sizes among animals by virtue of an endoskeleton that does not need to be shed during growth.

      The protostome coelomates (acoelomates and pseudocoelomates are also protostomes) include the mollusks, annelids, arthropods, pogonophorans, apometamerans, tardigrades, onychophorans, phoronids, brachiopods, and bryozoans. Deuterostomes include the chaetognaths, echinoderms, hemichordates, and chordates.

      In early development protostome (Protostomia) coelomates mostly differ from deuterostome coelomates in the following ways: (1) The mouth of protostomes is the blastopore, the original opening into the developing gut which is formed during the invagination of cells during gastrulation; that of deuterostomes is a secondary opening, with the blastopore becoming the anus. (2, 3) Early cleavage is typically spiral and determinate in protostomes, which means that the dividing cells are oriented at an angle to one another and that the ultimate fate of the cells is mostly determined from the beginning. Deuterostomes (Deuterostomia), in contrast, show indeterminate, radial cleavage, with the dividing cells becoming layered and the fate of early cells a product of where they are positioned later in development. (4) Coelom formation is schizocoelous in most protostomes, whereas enterocoelous development is typical of deuterostomes. (5) For those with a larval stage, the characteristic larval forms also differ.

      The two phyla that have clearly dominated both land and sea since nearly the beginning of animal evolution are the arthropods and chordates, protostomous and deuterostomous coelomates, respectively. A key to arthropod success has been the differentiation of many serially repeated parts, in particular jointed appendages with a rigid exoskeleton (skeleton), to perform the varied functions necessary to maintain life. The exoskeleton, however, sets a moderate upper limit to body size. In contrast, vertebrates share all habitats with arthropods by virtue of the larger maximum size permitted by the development of an internal rigid skeleton. More than does a coelom, the evolution of rigid, jointed skeletons has allowed these two phyla to dominate most animal communities.

Social (Social behaviour in animals) levels of organization
  Large size is often competitively advantageous but unobtainable by many animals because of constraints of basic body plan. Intrinsically small animals sometimes become large in the same way that protozoans evolved into metazoans: they multiply the number of individuals by asexual reproduction (thus maintaining the same genotype) and remain attached, with the option that individuals can be modified during their development for a specialized function. This type of asexual sociality forms the colonoids of sponges, coelenterates, bryozoans, hemichordates, and tunicate chordates, all of which were primitively small, sessile filter feeders. Staying together after asexual budding of new individuals gave a competitive edge to monopolizing available space. With slight modifications so that all individuals in the colony could share equally in the gains, these larger entities had the energy reserves necessary to outcompete smaller organisms for space. This type of sociality has evolved in ways that complicate the definition of individuality. For instance, Portuguese men-of-war and their kin (some hydrozoan coelenterates) look and act like single individuals, yet their components develop as genetically identical units, each homologous to a whole jellyfish or polyp. It is a question whether such an animal should be considered one individual or many.

      A different type of sociality emerged among mobile complex animals that can individually attain large size. In fact, the largest known living animals, the whales and elephants, comprise two of a very few mammalian orders that contain only social species. The pattern of evolution on Earth has favoured sociality in the smallest and the largest (mostly vertebrates) of animals, albeit for different reasons. The smallest seek the advantages of being large, as protozoans did to form the first animals. The large animals can communicate; they spread out to find food, which all can share, and they protect one another. Among the social groups of large animals, only humans have differentiated their functions to such an extent that their societies begin to behave as individuals.

      Insect societies show behaviours halfway between societies based on genetically identical members and those created by genetically different individuals; such properties largely reflect their intermediate degree of genetic relatedness. Insects are more cooperative and show a greater degree of altruism than is true of vertebrate societies.

Form and function
      To stay alive, grow, and reproduce, an animal must find food, water, and oxygen, and it must eliminate the waste products of metabolism. The organ systems typical of all but the simplest of animals range from those highly specialized for one function to those participating in many. The more basic functional systems are treated below from a broadly comparative basis.

Support and movement (locomotion)
      A skeleton can support an animal, act as an antagonist to muscle contraction, or, most commonly, do both. Because muscles can only contract, they require some other structure to stretch them to their noncontracted (relaxed) state. Another set of muscles or the skeleton itself can act as an antagonist to muscle contraction. Only elastic skeletons can act without an antagonist; all antagonistic muscles act through a skeleton, which can be either rigid, flexible, or hydrostatic.

Types of skeletons and their distribution
      Hydrostatic skeletons are the most prevalent skeletal system used by animals for movement and support. A minimal hydroskeleton resembles a closed container. The walls are two layers of muscles (antagonists) oriented at right angles to one another; the inside contains an incompressible fluid or gel. The contraction of one set of muscles exerts a pressure on the fluid, which is forced to move at right angles to the squeezing antagonist. The movement of the fluid stretches the other set of muscles, which can then contract to stretch its antagonist back to its relaxed position. The net result is an alternating change in the shape of the container. Locomotion as varied as crawling, burrowing, somersaulting, looping, or even walking is possible when the container has some means of traction against a substrate: the system extends forward from the point of attachment, attaches at a more forward point, releases posteriorly, and contracts forward. Hydroskeletons are also important in nonlocomotory muscular systems, such as hearts or intestines, which move blood or food, respectively. Contraction-relaxation cycles push in one direction only when the system has structures that prevent backflow.

      Hydroskeletons become less efficient when fluid is lost. The optimal volume of fluid for a particular system must remain constant for effective contraction and expansion of the antagonistic muscles. If too much fluid is lost, the animal becomes limp and neither muscle can stretch; when too much fluid is gained, the animal becomes bloated and neither muscle can contract. Those coelenterates that use a hydroskeleton regularly face a loss of pressure because their skeleton is also their gut. Freshwater animals tend to become bloated as water diffuses into their salty cells, but terrestrial animals with hydroskeletons tend to become limp as they dry. Solutions to water loss tend to be partial because impermeable barriers, such as a shell, tend not to be very flexible, thus negating the use of a hydroskeleton for movement. Terrestrial animals with locomotory hydroskeletons (e.g., snails and earthworms) are restricted in their activity to moist conditions.

      Partitioning a hydroskeleton into many small, separate, but coordinated units facilitates locomotion. In an earthworm, for example, a front group of segments narrows together, thereby elongating that part of the worm. If there were no partitions between the segments, the fluid would flow farther back, providing little elongation. Widened segments behind these initial segments anchor the worm, and its head moves forward. The process then reverses in a wave, and the posterior end moves forward. Metamerism (segmentation), or the partitioning of the coelom, is thought to have evolved in ancestral annelids to improve their ability as burrowers in the bottom mud of the ocean. It undoubtedly explains the unrivaled success of this phylum among worms and helps to explain the extraordinary success of one of its relatives, the arthropods, which remained segmented even after the skeletal function of the coelom was lost.

      Elastic skeletons do not change shape but simply bend when a muscle contracts. Muscle relaxation results either from a muscle contracting in the opposite direction to its antagonist or from the skeleton resuming its original position. The tentacles of many hydrozoan coelenterates, the mesoglea of jellyfish, the hinge of clamshells, and the notochord of chordates are examples. The high-pressured coelom contained in the rigid but flexible cuticle of nematodes also functions like an elastic skeleton.

      Rigid, jointed skeletons achieve movement through a lever system. The elements of the skeleton are rigid segments attached together by flexible joints. Muscles span the joints and attach at each end to different elements. The more stable attachment site of a muscle is called the origin, the other the insertion. One muscle contracts and moves the skeletal element on which it is inserted, and an antagonistic muscle contracts and moves the skeletal element in the opposite direction. The biceps and triceps of the upper arm in humans are such a set of antagonistic muscles that bend and straighten, respectively, the lower arm. The control of movement can be quite precise with jointed skeletons. Muscles can bend or rotate skeletal elements whose length, shape, and number contribute to the resulting action. The dexterity of the hands is an example of the complexity of controlled movements made possible by a jointed skeleton.

      Important to the speed and force of a movement are the length of the skeletal element and the size of the contracting muscle. Short limbs with thick muscles have more power than long limbs with slender muscles, but the latter have more speed. Limbs thus reveal a great deal about how an animal moves. Likewise, the relative massiveness of jaws reflects the toughness of the food eaten.

      Two animal phyla, Chordata (vertebrates only) and Arthropoda, exploit jointed skeletons. Although the skeleton is internal in vertebrates and external in arthropods, the principles of movement are the same. A jointed skeleton is ideal for moving on land because adaptations for protection against dehydration (such as the cuticle) do not interfere with the action of the skeletal system. Indeed, the arthropod cuticle serves jointly a protective and a skeletal role. Moreover, the diverse range of precise movements made possible by this skeleton facilitates all sorts of locomotory patterns: swimming, digging, running, climbing, and flying. Jointed skeletons are also used directly for feeding (jaws). Arthropod jaws are derived from legs, while vertebrate jaws are derived from gill arches.

Translating movement into locomotion and feeding
      Although all animals can move, not all locomote or displace the body over a distance. Locomotion serves the animal in finding food (feeding behaviour) and mates and in escaping predators or unsuitable habitats. These functions of locomotion are typically correlated among different animals, so that those using the same mechanism of locomotion usually also feed, seek mates, and avoid danger in similar ways.

      Some of the correlations between mode of locomotion and mode of feeding are described here, but space precludes discussion of the rich diversity found among animals past and present. The locomotory/feeding system of animals is the heart of their adaptation to their physical and biotic environments. Locomotory strategies for finding or gathering food include the following techniques.

      Sitting still and waiting for food to arrive is particularly prevalent in aquatic habitats but is not rare on land. Sessile animals tend to develop strong defenses that are sometimes incompatible with effective locomotion. They rely on water or air currents or on the locomotion of their potential prey to bring food within reach. Because food may come from any direction, many sessile animals evolve radial symmetry. Settlement may be permanent or temporary, but in all cases one stage of the life cycle is capable of moving actively or passively from its place of origin. The choice of attachment site can also be active or passive; passive choice is often associated with an ability to grow in such a way as to maximize feeding efficiency. As with plants, passive settlers do well only with luck. The retention of locomotory capabilities requires energy and nutrients that can otherwise be diverted into growth or the production of offspring. Sessile feeders need to move if feeding and resting sites differ. Sessile animals include filter feeders, predators, and even photosynthesizers; the latter include corals that house symbiotic algae. Internal parasites are usually sessile because they live within their lifetime food supply. Mobile animals that pursue sedentary strategies for seeking prey include web-spinning spiders (a terrestrial mode of filter feeding) or deep-sea fishes with morphological adaptations that lure prey.

      Burrowing animals typically eat the rich organic substrates they move through. Others burrow for protection and either temporarily emerge and gather organic sediments at the top of their burrows or pump water with potential food through the burrow. Instead of digging or finding burrows, some animals move into the centre of sponges, where they find protection and a renewing source of food.

      Active movement in search of food requires energy, but this expenditure is more than made up for by an ability to seek out areas of concentrated food. This method of feeding applies to burrowing animals that eat the substrate through which they move, as well as to animals that move over solid surfaces, swim, or fly. Actively moving animals can feed on organisms that do not move, a rich variety coating virtually the entire solid surface of the Earth from the depths of the oceans to the peaks of many mountains. The main problem with this most productive avenue of food gathering is protection. Shells and poisons are the major types of defenses, although innovative detoxification metabolism and jaws of various kinds breach the defenses in part. This is an escalating battle, with the defenses, as well as the weapons to penetrate them, continually improving. Nudibranchs, shell-less marine snails, incoporate the defensive stinging cells of prey cnidarians into their own skin. Poisonous plants are eaten by specialized insects that avoid or detoxify the poison. In fresh water, for reasons not known, the arms race has not proceeded as far as in the sea.

      Cooperation of individuals enables social animals to obtain food in novel ways. Uncannily like humans, some ants farm and herd other organisms for food. For example, some cultivate a fungus on leaves they cannot directly digest, while others herd aphids from which they milk nectar (actually the phloem sap of plants). Some ants even raid the nests of other species and make slaves of them. Another form of cooperation is the mutualism between species that trade advantage for advantage. Some fishes feed on parasites on the surfaces of other fishes, which benefits all but the parasites. In many animals, including termites and ruminants, microorganisms thrive in the gut and digest cellulose for them.

      Coherent movement results only when the muscles receive a sensible pattern of activating signals (for example, antagonists must not be activated to contract simultaneously). Animals use specialized cells called neurons (neuron) to coordinate their muscular activity; nerves are bundles of neurons or parts thereof. Neurons communicate between cells by chemical messengers, but within a single cell (often extremely long) they can send high-speed signals through a wave of ionic polarization (analogous to an electric current) along their membranes, a property inherent in all cells but developed for speed in nerve cells by special modifications.

      A system of communication requires three parts: a collector of outside information, an integrator to evaluate that information and decide upon its relevance, and a transmitter to convey the decision to the motor unit. In animals, sensory nerves and organs such as eyes collect the information; associative nerves usually concentrated into a brain integrate, evaluate, and decide its relevance; and effector or motor nerves convey decisions to the muscles or elsewhere. Although all three parts of the nervous system have kept pace with increases in the size and complexity of animals, the simplest systems found among animals (those of parazoans and coelenterates) are nevertheless capable of intricate feats of coordination. All ends of a coelenterate bipolar neuron can both receive and transmit an impulse, whereas the unipolar neurons of more derived animals receive only at one end (dendrite) and transmit at the other (axon). A neuron can have multiple dendrites and axons.

      The earliest animals were probably radial in design, so that bipolar neurons arranged in a netlike pattern made sense. In such a design, a stimulus impinging at any point on the body can travel everywhere to alert a simple array of myofilaments to contract simultaneously. In the case of directed locomotion and relevant sensory input received at the head end of a bilateral animal, unidirectional transmission of nerve impulses to muscles becomes the only way to communicate effectively. The location of the brain in the head also reflects efficiency and the speed of receipt of information, because this position minimizes the distance between sensory and associative neurons as well as concentrates these two functions in a small, protected part of the body. In most animals nerve cells cannot be replaced if lost, although axons can be. Nerve cells tend to be concentrated centrally in ganglia or nerve cords, with long axons extending peripherally. Although certain animals may lose tails or limbs to predators or in accidents and then regenerate them, loss or damage to the central nervous system means death or paralysis.

      The nervous system uses the transmission properties of neurons to communicate. Within a neuron, propagation of an impulse by an ion wave can be extremely rapid, but the wave can pass along the length of only one cell's membrane. To pass to the next cell at a synapse, where an axon meets a dendrite, a chemical transmitter is required. This molecule diffuses to the dendrites of a connecting neuron, where it initiates an ionic wave that propagates along the length of the cell's membrane. Although chemical transmission is considerably slower than the ionic wave, it is more flexible. For example, learning involves in part increasing the sensitivity of a particular nerve pathway to a stimulus. The sensitivity of a synapse can be altered by increasing the amount of transmitter released from the axon per impulse received, increasing the number of receptors in the dendrite, or changing the sensitivity of the receptors. Bridging the synapse directly by the formation of membrane-bound gap junctions, which connect adjacent cells, enables an impulse to pass unimpeded to a connecting cell. The increase in speed of transmission provided by a gap junction, however, is offset by a loss in flexibility; gap junctions essentially create a single neuron from several. The same result can be achieved more effectively by lengthening the axons or dendrites, making some nerve cells metres in length. Situations arise where gap junctions become desirable, however. Gap junctions are found in vertebrate cardiac and smooth muscles, both of which transmit impulses along their cells to others. This ability makes these muscles somewhat independent of nervous-system control. A body can thus be kept partly functioning for some time without the activity of a brain.

      Nerve impulses travel faster along axons of greater diameter or along those with good insulation against ion leakage (except at spaced nodes required for recharging). Vertebrates use their unique myelinated axons to increase the transmission rate of nerve impulses, whereas invertebrates are limited to using axons of greater diameter. As a result, vertebrates can concentrate more small neurons into a body of a particular size, with the potential for greater complexity of behaviour.

       memory is still a poorly understood aspect of the nervous system. As in learning, both short- and long-term memories seem to involve alterations in the ease with which subsequent impulses travel a particular pathway after it has been used. Transfer of memory through direct ingestion of the brain has not been confirmed experimentally. Although the underlying mechanisms are only dimly understood, it is known that there is a correlation between learning (animal learning) and memory capacity. The capacities for both increase with the number of associative neurons and the number of branches or interconnections formed. Since learning is a process of associating incoming cues with appropriate motor or internal response, greater memory capacity of a brain gives a more rapid learning process. Memory of inappropriate responses to an incoming set of cues can be used without motor repeat.

      The degree to which the neurons of a brain develop interconnections is correlated with the complexity of its environs while growing. Consequently, a brain with fewer neurons but with more interconnections can be moreintelligentthan one with more neurons. Basic, repeated behaviours are inherited or learned by the development of fixed pathways by which an environmental signal reaches the motor nerves rapidly with little or no variation (reflex arcs). Nonreflex behaviour requires a decision to be made in the brain, with the resulting pathway to the motor nerves becoming more fixed (habitual) as one particular decision seems always to be correct. Reflexes are faster than decisions, but their relative adaptiveness depends on context. Animals vary in the degree to which they use reflexes or make decisions, patterns that are strongly correlated to brain size. Habitual actions are perhaps the most prevalent response, a compromise between the speed of a response and its appropriateness to context.

The senses
      Appropriate behaviour relies on receiving adequate information from the environment to alert an animal to the presence of food, mates, or danger. Although sensory nerves carry this information to the brain, they do not always directly perceive the external world. Other modified cells intervene to convert light waves into vision, pressure waves in air or water into sound, chemicals into smell or taste, and simple contact into touch. Some animals have other senses, as for electric or magnetic fields.

      In vision, for example, a photosensitive molecule changes shape and thereby sets off a chain of reactions that ultimately depolarize the dendrite of a sensory nerve. The associative neurons in the brain interpret the pattern of incoming impulses into a composite picture. What isseenmay not entirely map what is really there: a great deal of filtering occurs, with editing by the brain to eliminate less important details so that only the most important are perceived. The accuracy of what is seen increases with brain size and the complexity of the visual gathering system, or eyes. Animal eyes range from being able to discern only the presence or absence of light to being able to see objects in vivid colour and great detail. Some animals see in ranges beyond unaided human vision. Pollinating insects in particular discern the colour of flowers differently than do humans; the ultraviolet reflection patterns of flowers do not always coincide with their coloured ones. Bees and birds perceive polarized light and can orient themselves by it. Some animals perceive long wavelengths, which are associated with heat (infrared), and can locate the presence of warm-blooded prey by such a mechanism.

      Chemoreceptors are usually little-modified sensory neurons, except for the taste receptors of vertebrates, which are frequently replaced cells in synaptic contact with permanent sensory neurons. Chemoreception is based on the recognition of molecules at receptor sites, lipid-protein complexes that are liberally scattered on the dendrites of a sensory neuron. When the receptor recognizes one particular molecule by shape and sometimes chemical composition, it fires an impulse. The pattern of firings set off in the receptors of a certain molecule provides the information that the brain interprets as an odour or a taste. The details of how animals smell and taste are not as well understood as are the other senses. In many animals, chemoreceptors are not concentrated into obvious organs as they are in vertebrates, making even their location difficult to discern. Most animals possess some sort of chemoreception, and in many the sense is a major part of the animal's perception of its environment, far more so than it is for humans.

      Sounds (sound) are waves of molecular disturbance that move through air, water, or solids, and their perception by animals simply uses sensitive mechanoreceptors. (Loud sounds (sound reception) can also be felt by the general touch receptors of the body and thereby influence its sense of well-being.) Sound receptors are sensitive hair cells or membranes that depolarize a sensory neuron when bent by the passage of a sound wave. Direct deformation of the dendritic membrane or release of transmitters by the hair cells fire the sensory neurons. Aside from a few insects, only vertebrates have organs with which to hear. Fishes and aquatic amphibians use a lateral-line system (lateral line system), and other vertebrates use ears; both organs use hair cells as phonoreceptors. Sound waves directly stimulate the hair cells of lateral-line systems, while sound waves only indirectly stimulate the hair cells of ears through an amplifying system of membranes and bones, which reaches a peak of complexity in mammals. Some animals (e.g., most bats and whales, and even whirligig beetles) use sound toseeby echolocation. Sound is the preferred medium of communication between animals that hear. It can be used over longer distances than vision, and it can be used when vision is not possible. The signals decay more rapidly than do those of odours, and therefore the information can be more precise.

      Mechanoreceptors also respond to touch, pressure, stretching, and gravity. They are located all over the body and enable an animal to monitor its state at any moment. Much of this monitoring is subconscious but necessary for normal functioning. Mechanoreceptors are often just sensory nerves, but other cells may be involved. Unlike other senses, that of touch is found in all animals, even sponges, where it reflects a general cellular trait of eukaryotes.

Hormones (hormone)
      Hormones are the chemical integrators of a multicellular existence, coordinating activities from daily maintenance to reproduction and development. The neurotransmitters released by axons are one class of chemical communicators that act on an adjacent cell, usually a muscle cell or another neuron. Hormones are a mostly distinct class of chemical communicators secreted by nerves, ordinary tissue, or special glands; they act on cells far removed from the site of their release. They can be proteins, single polypeptides, amines, or steroids or other lipids. Hormones travel to their place of action via the circulatory system and then match their particular configuration with a specific receptor molecule attached to a cell membrane or, more usually, located within the cell.

      The nervous system coordinates the more rapid activities of animal life, such as movement, while the hormones integrate everything else. Only the larger, more complex animals, such as vertebrates and some arthropods, have special endocrine glands to produce hormones; other animals use nerve cells or tissues such as the gonads. Endocrine glands are another example of a partitioning of functions into separate organs, a system that increases efficiency but that requires a relatively large size to maintain. Greater specialization is also associated with greater difficulties in regenerating lost parts or preventing breakdowns in functions.

      Although the list of hormones found in the mammalian body may seem large, the numbers are surprisingly low for the variety of functions they influence. Which of the multiple functions any one hormone regulates depends on the specificity of the receptors on or within cells. Because all hormones bathe all cells as a result of their transport by the circulatory system, it is more efficient to have a general messenger transported to a cell, where it elicits only one of many possible outcomes. As in the nervous system, the specificity of response lies in the organ that responds and not with the messenger that merely commands action.

      Chemicals that allow communication among individuals are called pheromones. Sexual attractants are the most common, but there are many other kinds.

      In contrast to plants, the essential nutrients that animals require to sustain life and to reproduce come packaged with their source of energythe flesh or organic remains of other organisms. More complex animals tend to shorten and even eliminate many synthetic pathways, because most of the essential building blocks of their own complex molecules are present in their food. Reducing synthetic flexibility, however, inhibits a radical alteration in diet. The digestive and synthetic chemistry of animals strongly reflects their diets; some of this design may be altered with diet, and some may not. No matter how many leafy vegetables humans consume, for example, the cellulose remains undigested because appropriate microorganisms are not present in the digestive tract and they cannot be obtained at will. Consequently, essential nutrients are species-specific and tend to include only molecules adequately available in the usual diet.

      The structure of a digestive (alimentary canal) system reflects its typical diet. Its purpose is to process food only to the point at which it can be transported to other cells for use as either fuel or structural material. In the simplest animals, such as sponges or some coelenterates, digestion is entirely intracellular, and some of the products of digestion are transported to nondigestive cells. As animals began to catch larger types of food, more of the digestive process had to be handled extracellularly. At the simplest level, seen in coelenterates or flatworms, large food items are held in an internal cavity (the gut) or even externally where certain cells release digestive enzymes. The food is broken down only to the stage at which it can be ingested by cells, which finish the process intracellularly. In more complex animals extracellular digestion accounts for virtually all breakdown of food before the products are transported to nondigestive cells.

      Chemical digestion, whether intracellular or extracellular, is a relatively slow way to decompose a large item. Thus, animals begin to break it apart mechanically before exposing it to digestive enzymes. Teeth, the molluscan radula, and muscular gizzards are organs that speed up the digestive process by macerating food into finer particles.

      Very early in their evolution animals acquired a one-way gut (gastrointestinal system), with the mouth typically armed with the macerating equipment and the terminal stretch sometimes specialized to retrieve excess water or other nutrients. Often a single passage through the digestive system leaves a great deal of useful material unclaimed. Because food moves along at a characteristic rate, which is sometimes influenced by how much is coming in, not all can be fully digested. Some animals regularly eat their feces to retrieve nutrients that may have escaped during first passage. If not recycled by their owners, feces are consumed by a diverse set of organisms.

      A common specialization of the gut is the stomach or cropa highly extensible part of the digestive tract that is used to hold a large amount of food and partially digest it before it enters the intestines, where most of the chemical breakdown and absorption of nutrients occurs. Most animals eat intermittently; the less often they eat, the larger the relative stomach size. Internalizing as much food as possible when it is available prevents potential food from being taken by a stronger competitor or enables a feeder to retreat to safety while digesting its meal. Ceca and second stomachs provide symbiotic microorganisms with a safe area within the gut to digest cellulose. Excess microorganisms mixed in with the partly digestible wastes contribute a steady protein-rich fare to the host in exchange for an optimal place to consume cellulose.

      Stomachs predominate as a gut specialization because they allow animals to keep food from competitors or other dangers, but a few animals have developed ingenious methods of digesting their food before ingesting it. Humans are latecomers to this practice and have not yet carried it very far. Starfish exploit secondary radial symmetry and tube feet to open bivalved mollusks only enough to inject their stomachs, digest their meal within the protected shell, absorb the products, and leave the wastes behind. Spiders immobilize prey by silk wrappings and venoms, inject digestive enzymes, and drink the brew. Some primitive animals, like placozoans and certain flatworms, simply hunch over their prey as they digest it externally, a practice that leaves them vulnerable to other predators.

      Animals use surfaces in many ways but no more strikingly than in the gut. Nutrients enter the body proper through the surface membrane of the gut; the larger the animal, the larger this surface area must be. The gut is probably the system that best reflects an animal's ecology. The simplest guts, found in animals from sponges to flatworms, simply branch like trees as the animal increases in size; the gut itself reaches all parts of the body to within the distance of a few cells and thus can serve for nutrient transport. As muscle masses become more prominent, the gut is squeezed into a more compact form. The gut compensates for this lack of space by internalizing its foldings. For example, the lining of the mammalian small intestine, the major site of digestion and absorption, is not only folded but each cell also has numerous outpocketings (microvilli), which increase the surface area 25-fold. Mammals and birds that primarily eat plants have longer intestines than those that favour meat. Warm-blooded animals, which maintain constant internal temperatures, require a great deal more energy than cold-blooded ones and thus tend to concentrate more surface area into a gut. Although they are not efficient energy users, it is to their advantage to obtain more usable energy even if efficiency is lost in the process.

Water/vascular systems
      Animals live in an aquatic environment even on land. Each cell is in contact with the ocean or its aqueous equivalent, which carries food and oxygen to the cells of the animal and carries its metabolic wastes away. The water/vascular systems found in animals vary from the nonexistent to the complex, with the complexity correlated with body size and level of activity. Smaller animals simply use the fluid-filled coelom for transport. Increasing size, however, places too many cells beyond diffusion distance from either the coelom or the outside. A muscular pump attached to muscular vessels has arisen in larger animals to move the interstitial fluid surrounding the cells. Most animals have open circulatory systems. Those few animals with closed circulatory systems have a continuous series of vessels to circulate fluid to the vicinity of all cells, whereas those with open systems have vessels only near the heart. (Actually, no system is entirely closed or open.) In open systems the interstitial fluid and the circulatory fluid are the same, but in closed systems the two fluids can differ considerably in composition.

      Closed circulatory systems have several advantages that make them more appropriate than open systems for large, active animals: active animals, in fact, tend to possess closed systems even though their relatives may not. For example, cephalopods, alone among the mollusks, and nemerteans, the most active of acoelomates, have closed systems, as do all annelids and vertebrates. Decapod crustaceans, the largest living arthropods, have nearly closed systems. The most fully open systems have a heart with a few vessels leading from it, while fully closed systems both leak fluid (which is reclaimed by the open lymphatic system) and have open sections. For example, blood flow in the vertebrate liver is partly open.

      In closed systems, blood flow can be both higher and directed more often to tissues that require a greater perfusion of blood. If blood is confined within discrete vessels, most of which are muscular, contractions can vary the flow rate according to need by altering the amount of constriction. Thus, the heart beats faster during exercise, when the muscles need more oxygen. Fear changes the distribution of blood flow to ready the muscles for possible imminent action. The more muscular arteries, which carry oxygenated blood to the tissues, can proliferate more finely in active tissues so that more cells are closer to the capillaries, where exchange takes place.

      Another advantage of a closed system is the ability to carry a high density of oxygen-bearing cells. Such cells cannot flow smoothly through the sometimes tight interstitial spaces and thus are not much used by animals with open systems. A great deal more oxygen, however, can be carried if the oxygen carrier (such as hemoglobin) is packed into cells. The viscosity of the blood is a function of how many discrete particles are contained within it, and size is of little influence. If all the hemoglobin in the blood of humans were released by dissolving the cell membranes, it would be a thick gel unable to flow. Animals with open systems do aggregate their oxygen carriers into giant polypeptides, but single molecules have limits to their size. Myriapods and insects, highly active arthropods with open systems, circumvented this problem by evolving a tracheal system of respiration, as have some other groups: molecular oxygen is carried by branching tubes to within a few cell lengths of any cell.

      A few types of cells protect organisms from a potentially hostile outside environment. Internal cells thus can eliminate any unnecessary ancestral life-support components as they specialize for various functions. This cooperation maintains an ideal internal environment for the members of the society of cells but only at the cost of active labour and expenditure of energy. In particular, the proper water/salt balance of the interstitial fluid is crucial to prevent the cell from shrinking or bloating.

      Problems of water/salt balance are usually handled by the same system that eliminates the poisonous ammonia derived from metabolizing nitrogen-containing compounds, such as nucleotides or amino acids. Ammonia dissolves readily in water and thus is removed from an animal that needs to rid itself of excess water anyway. (In small animals the ammonia diffuses into the surrounding water.) With large size or a need for water conservation, animals excrete urea, a less toxic compound but one that also contains carbon and oxygen and thus potential energy. Urea also is highly soluble in water, but its low toxicity means that it can be concentrated before being excreted. Terrestrial animals with problems of water conservation either convert urea into uric acid, a solid compound that can be stored indefinitely in the body or voided with the feces, or develop efficient excretory organs (e.g., the mammalian kidney) that can concentrate the urea. Although water balance is usually handled by the kidney, salt balance is sometimes a specialized function of other organs. For example, because freshwater fish tend to lose a great deal of salt through their gills, they simply expend energy to concentrate salt against a gradient at this location.

reproduction and life cycles
      Primitive members of all major taxa of animals reproduced sexually, and virtually all animals still do at some time or another. In contrast to other activities, that of reproduction and life history may be most complex in the more simply structured animals. If little energy is put into complex maintenance systems, more is left for reproduction, the central focus of an animal's life. Thus, although locomotion constrains the reproductive strategy of an animal, the possibilities with any locomotory mode are diverse. For example, although sessile animals need not expend energy attracting a mate, they do face the problem of getting their gametes in contact with those of the opposite sex. Sometimes both sexes release gametes in immense swarms in which the probability of contact with the opposite sex is high. Often the female harbours large eggs, and the smaller, more mobile sperm are released to find them. In sponges, sperm simply enter with food. hermaphroditism (the possession of both male and female capabilities) and parasitism by males are ways by which sessile, slow-moving, or sparsely distributed animals cope with finding mates. Barnacles (barnacle), which are sessile crustaceans, elongate one limb to transfer sperm directly to another barnacle. (The hermaphroditism of barnacles lets any individual's neighbours be potential mates.) Some barnacles and other animals have small males that are parasitic on the females.

      Mobile animals employ many kinds of devices for signaling their availability to the opposite sex. Pheromones, sound, and visual cues are used singly or in combination. Competition for mates may lead to elaborate courtship rituals, which enable a female to choose a suitable male; to size increases of males that fight for control of a harem; or even to size diminution and ultimately parasitism as males compete for a mate. In some species, sex changes with age, with males turning into females as they get larger. In a few animals, the sex depends on whether the individual settles on the substrate (becoming female) or on another individual (becoming a parasitic male).

      Finding a mate is but one aspect of a reproductive strategy. The size of eggs (egg) is intimately related to the stage of development at which the young emerge to independent life, which in turn correlates with the habitat or mode of locomotion. For example, marine animals at one extreme produce vast numbers of tiny eggs, which hatch at an early developmental stage (e.g., the planula larva of coelenterates), or fewer, larger eggs, which hatch at a much later stage in the development toward adulthood. Smaller larvae spend more time feeding in the plankton before settling down to adult life, and during this time they are vulnerable to predation; however, they can disperse more widely, and their vast numbers give a positive chance that some will survive at each reproductive period. Terrestrial animals always produce relatively large, developmentally advanced young (spending the larval time in the egg), because the rigours of living on land demand immediately functional organ systems to sustain a free-living life.

      Another problem faced by animals as well as plants is whether to breed only once during life, and thus to put all gathered energy into the effort, or to spend less energy during each reproductive period in order to grow and survive to reproduce for many years. A major factor affecting the evolution of a system of reproduction is whether the adult or the juvenile has the greater likelihood of survival. Some insects, such as mayflies, spend so little time as an adult (not much more than a day) that they have lost their feeding structures so as to allot more energy and space to reproduction. Breeding sooner means more descendants faster and more surely, so that mutations which are harmful late but helpful early are selected for. Therefore humans too senesce, unlike an amoeba.

      Simpler animals can pinch or bud off replicas of themselves, a mode of reproduction used by some animals that individually cannot get very large because of the simplicity of their organ systems. Such asexual reproduction is a form of growth but rarely of dispersalthe bud is usually sessile like the parent and thus remains adjacent to it. Mobility apparently requires such an integration of the nervous and muscular systems that it usually inhibits budding or fission.

      Complex life cycles are an extreme variant on the usual life cycle of animals. The juvenile or larval stage is simply more prolonged and complex; it is also structurally quite different from the sexually reproductive adult. Transformation to the adult may occur by asexual budding (e.g., coelenterates) or individual remodeling (e.g., insects or frogs). A complex life cycle enables an animal to feed in two different environments. It is not usually equally advantageous for the animal in both environments, so that one stage typically lasts longer than the other. For example, insects can become parasites without the usual problems of dispersal to a new host; the winged adult is admirably suited to find the correct host. Frogs can take advantage of ephemeral ponds or ditches of water without competition from fish because in their terrestrial adult phase frogs can survive on land and thus locate new ponds when and where they become available. The cnidarian life cycle is also commonly one of alternation between a mobile and sessile form. Some animals alternate between reproduction from unfertilized eggs (all females) and sexual reproduction. The all-female generations can reproduce faster to take advantage of seasonally excessive resources (e.g., aphids or many freshwater crustaceans).

Ecology and habitats
      Animals evolved in the seas but moved into fresh water and onto land in the Ordovician Period, after plants became available as a food source. A simple history of animal ecology centres on the theme of eating some organisms for food while providing food for others. The realities of how animals have done so are richly varied and complex. The ecology of animals and other organisms is reflected in their phylogenetic radiations (i.e., the diversification of lineages). Ecologies are as numerous as species, but, just as species can be grouped into higher taxa, so too can a classification be made of the ways by which animals find adequate food to reproduce and the ways they remain alive while doing so.

competition and animal diversity
      The majority of animal phyla are, and have always been, confined to the sea, a comparatively benign environment. Marine animals need not osmoregulate, thermoregulate, or provide against desiccation. The energy procured can thus be used mostly for growth, reproduction, and defense. Even reproduction can be simple: shunting millions of eggs and sperm into the water and letting them fend for themselves. Developing embryos do not need the protection of a womb because the ocean provides a suitable environment.

      Despite the simplicity an animal's life can attain within the ocean, most oceanic animals have not remained simple. Competition and predation, two major components of any habitat, have complicated the lives of animals, leading to ever more novel ways of surviving. No matter how inimical to life, the physical components of environments are relatively predictable elements to which adaptation is often comparatively easy, if costly. Competition and predation, in contrast, relentlessly challenge all forms of life no matter how perfect they become for an instant in time. Adaptations often become obsolete as soon as they are successful, because successful life forms become a prime source of food for others.

      Given the simple thesis that competition drives much adaptation, the ecological diversity of animals can be sketched readily. Form, function, and phylogenetic history reflect the roles that animals assume in the evolutionary drama. Throughout a billion-year history, the animal actors have changed many times, but they perform variations on the same theme and the backdrops look much the same. For example, shortly after plants became well established, forests of giant lycopods (club mosses) and tree ferns provided food and shelter for numerous arthropods, including winged insects, on which four-legged amphibious vertebrates fed. Larger amphibians and reptiles later turned to smaller ones for food. Some of the arthropods and other terrestrial animals in turn were parasitic on the vertebrates. Later, different groups of plants, insects, and vertebrates enacted the same scene. First gymnosperms and then angiosperms became the dominant components of forests. Amphibians yielded dominance to mammallike reptiles (some of which became herbivorous), which gave in to dinosaurs; the latter were replaced by mammals and, most recently, by humans. In aquatic habitats the same drama has unfolded, with ever-changing actors. Reefs, for example, have entirely disappeared several times, with each subsequent avatar built mostly from different kinds of organisms. A historical perspective illustrates the underlying direction provided by competition and predation.

Evolution of ecological roles
      Animals arose from protozoans and initially were simply larger, more complex, and successful competitors for the same sources of food. The early animals (parazoans, coelenterates, flatworms, and extinct groups) exhibited the same basic strategies of obtaining food as did the protozoans. Because of their larger size, however, they had an advantage over protozoans: they could prey on them and oust them from their attachment sites on the ocean floor. The early basic strategies of animal life reflected two different means of competing for food, that fixed by photosynthetic and chemosynthetic organisms and that provided by the wastes and decaying tissues of life forms. Almost all the free energy fixed is used by one organism or another, so that what one animal wins is lost to the rest. Animals do whatever they can to acquire all the energy they can use, and in this basic sense each is competing with all the others. Ultimately, predation is a mode of competition that simply involves eating the potential competitor rather than finding another way to share the same resource.

      Three early ecological roles of animals were as filter (filter feeding) feeders, predators, and scavengers. The filtering of comparatively tiny organisms and organic detritus is a form of predation that was easily acquired when an animal became immense relative to potential food. Sponges were the earliest filter-feeding animals and still dominate certain marine habitats.

       predation on relatively large organisms relies on capture and subsequent subjugation of the prey until it can be ingested. Predation grades into filter feeding when the prey is very small in relation to the predator and into parasitism when very large. Among the early animals, coelenterates were the initial predators. Either attached to the bottom or floating near the surface, they paralyzed potential prey with their stinging and muscular tentacles and pushed it into their guts to digest it at leisure. Placozoans and flatworms preyed somewhat less effectively; they crept over a sessile or slow-moving potential prey, formed a pocket around it, and then ejected digestive enzymes to break it into smaller pieces that could be ingested.

      Scavengers (scavenger) feed on the remains of dead organisms. A layer of energy-rich organic matter continuously settles on the ocean bottom, where it is recycled by diverse organisms. As animals evolved, they became essential as garbage eliminators because their remains (and those of plants and some fungi) are only slowly decomposed by microorganisms. Without animal scavengers, ocean bottoms and land surfaces would be cluttered with the refuse of dead organisms. Among the early animals, flatworms were the primary scavengers on the ocean bottoms.

      Although the early radiation of animals admirably filled the major ecological roles, they had structural, physiological, and behavioral limitations that left some options open. For example, there were no potential predators of the surface-creeping flatworms or placozoans or of the cnidarians, with their stinging cells. There were no burrowers that could penetrate the layer of detritus which undoubtedly accumulated on the ocean floor. With the acquisition of a coelom or pseudocoel, animals could burrow into the detritus layer, consuming it as they went, as earthworms do on land.

      Well-developed organ systems permitted an increase in body size, which gave rise to successive levels of predators. Quite early in the rapid diversification of animal life, protective hard shells appeared, a defense against predators but later also a means of enabling animals to expand outward from the seas. The intertidal areas, with partial exposure to the atmosphere, became a livable habitat. Jaws (jaw) were an important innovation to predators. They are particularly central to the overwhelming success of arthropods and vertebrates, especially on land, where most plants and animals possess a tough drought- and injury-resistant covering. Most mollusks have a filelike radula that is well suited for breaking down tough plant or animal tissue into ingestible pieces and even adequate for drilling through the thick shells of their own group.

      Large size, made possible by rigid skeletal support, particularly for reef-forming animals, provided shelter and thus more variations on the common themes. Corals and some other animals shelter algae, particularly in the nutrient-poor tropical seas, and obtain their food directly from their symbionts. This was probably more common in the Vendian (the last interval of the Precambrian, from 670 to 590 million years ago on certain geologic time scales), when thin animals could bask in the water without predators. Most of the deep sea is sparsely populated, its animals living on what settles down from above, but volcanic and other deep-sea vents emit gases that can be oxidized to provide energy. Some animals have symbiotic bacteria that do this, and they reach high densities there. Photosynthetic reef builders create forests in the seas that are analogous to those on land.

      Large body size also favours the rise of parasitism, the consumption of living tissue that typically does not kill the host organism outright. Too heavy a load of parasites weakens an animal and makes it more susceptible to predation or other forms of death. Parasites have evolved in many phyla, the most important being platyhelminths, nematodes, and arthropods. Several taxa of high level are entirely parasitic. A disadvantage of parasitism, particularly on land, is dispersal to another host. Intermediate hosts are sometimes used if direct passage cannot be made. Enormous reproductive output is the rule (other organ systems can be minimal because the habitat is so congenial). The extraordinary number of species of winged insects attests to the success of the parasitic way of life. Insects can actually feed in the dispersal stage and thus survive longer while seeking the appropriate host.

Humans and the environment
      Humans have had two major effects on their environment, neither of which is original but both of which are greater in consequence than those of any other single species. These two impacts are expected outcomes of natural selection, but their magnitude is of an unprecedented order.

      All animals pollute their environs with their wastes, but only when animals are too crowded does a buildup of wastes impair their health. As mentioned above, the wastes of organisms normally become the food of others and thus usually are eliminated almost as rapidly as produced. Leaf litter in the humid tropics, for example, is almost nonexistent because of low seasonality, but elsewhere it can accumulate to some depth. pollution becomes a problem only when waste cannot be eliminated. For example, the first great pollution episode in life's history, which formed oxygen, was a product of more efficient photosynthesis. Oxygen is a poison to cells, but it is also among the best acceptors of electrons in the breakdown of molecules for energy. Organisms thus developed defenses against oxygen so that they could use it advantageously in their metabolic pathwaysa pollutant turned essential to most life.

      Humans have only seriously started to pollute their environment in the past two centuries. By their sheer increase in numbers, humans crowd out many other species, particularly those that are large in size but also those that live in habitats humans preempt. Humans have eliminated countless tiny species without realizing their existence. The number of extinctions humans have been directly and indirectly responsible for ranks as one of the major extinction events in Earth's history.

Evolution and paleontology
      All the adaptations in the living world have been produced by natural selection. This selection acts continuously, on many levels and time scales. Thus, an animal may become well adapted to an ecological niche that then disappears, forcing the animal either to evolve rapidly to fill another or, more likely, to become extinct. Another animal, adapted to a more permanent niche, survives. There is also long-term selection on the ability to adapt, as well as on current adaptation, for environments change, in both their physical and biotic components. Mass extinctions of the past testify to major changes, some perhaps catastrophic, the causes of which are still debated. These mass extinctions tended to eliminate more active and specialized groups, partly setting broad-scale evolution back and selecting for the inactive and resistant.

      Evolution proceeds by the incremental acquisition of adaptations. It may be impossible for a lineage to evolve into a more effective way of life, because its present adaptations would have to be lost first. An adaptive zone is the niche of a (perhaps large) group of species; in general, the more different and basic the overall adaptive zone, the higher the rank of the taxonomic group. When an adaptive transition has occurred, a new group has arisen.

      It is possible to turn this process around and to infer the course of evolution from its results. Species that share a derived character are likely to have had a common ancestor with that character, although there are many exceptions. Incorporating as much evidence as possible, morphological and molecular, makes the inference more likely. Fossils help too, letting scientists know what actually did live at each time. Only hard skeletons are ordinarily preserved intact or as fossils, though, so that groups without them have a sparse record or none. Simpler skeletons are sometimes ambiguous as to what animal they came from, and many groups have existed that have no close relatives today. There are nevertheless several dozen faunas through the geologic record that preserve soft-bodied animals and thereby help fill in the historical record of animals.

Appearance of animals
      Animals first appeared in the Vendian, soft-bodied forms that left traces of their bodies in shallow-water sediments. The best-known are coelenterates of various sorts, including some that were more irregular than any today, and there are several groups with unclear affinities. At least some of the latter groups probably left no descendants. Most of the Vendian animals were thin, with each cell able to diffuse nutrients from the water, and many may have photosynthesized with symbiotic algae. No sponges are known to have existed in the Vendian, but they probably had already arisen from choanoflagellate protists.

      The first known mass extinction ended the Vendian. In the Cambrian Period (570 to 505 million years ago) began the great evolutionary radiation that produced most of the known phyla. Evolution occurred rapidly then, as it ordinarily does when adaptive zones are more or less empty and evolutionarily accessible. More soft-bodied faunas show that there were a number of sorts of animals that have no apparent relation to known phyla. It is unclear how many of these are aberrant members of known phyla and how many are more basically different. Although natural selection adapts the parts of animals to function and develop harmoniously with one another, at such an early time much of this internal coadaptation may not yet have occurred, making it easier to change in major ways. There were many groups of arthropods and echinoderms that also have unclear specific affinities with their longer-lasting relatives. Priapulid worms, a minute component of the modern free-living biota, were abundant and diverse. Coeloms evolved and many animals burrowed, and burrowing has increased throughout the Phanerozoic (from roughly 570 million years ago to the present). The Cambrian was also the time when hard skeletons originated in many groups and predators began to prowl the ocean floor.

      The probability that a taxonomic family of animals would become extinct in a million years was highest in the Cambrian and declined exponentially until a mass extinction occurred in the late Permian Period (about 260 to 245 million years ago). It then declined again exponentially thereafter. This pattern is due entirely to the decline and extinction of whole groups that are more susceptible to extinction; within each group the probability of extinction stays about constant except during mass extinctions. The probability that a family will give rise to a new family usually has declined exponentially both within groups and overall, however, so that most groups tend to decline in large-scale diversity over time. There has been nevertheless an overall increase through the Phanerozoic in the number of taxa at levels from species to family as new groups like mammals and teleost fishes have originated and as others, like clams and insects, have gradually diversified. Extinction is the common fate of a lineage, while the survivors multiply disproportionately.

      Sponges (sponge) are first definitely known in the Cambrian, including a short-lived major group, the Archaeocyatha. They have not evolved much since then. Some of their larvae became sexually mature without growing up and gave rise to the coelenterates and perhaps the placozoans. Most groups of coelenterates also appeared early and evolved slowly. All corals of the Paleozoic Era (570 to 245 million years ago) belong to groups that are restricted to that era. After the Permian extinction, a group of sea anemones evolved a skeleton and diversified into modern corals. In the Cretaceous Period (144 to 66.4 million years ago), some clams became corallike, even with symbiotic algae, and for a while outcompeted the corals on reefs.

      The fossil record is uninformative for flatworms and pseudocoelomates. The interrelations of these groups have also not yet been studied adequately by modern comparative methods. They probably form an adaptive radiation distinct from that of the coelomates, however. Some anatomic evidence suggests that the pseudocoelomates were all derived from gnathostomulid-like Platyhelminthes. The Introverta seem related to the rotifers, and the gastrotrichs to the nematodes. The Mesozoa may be an unnatural group, with its classes being simplified descendants of different phyla, while the Nemertea are probably derived from turbellarian Platyhelminthes.

      Coelomates appear to have had a single origin, probably from ancestral turbellarian Platyhelminthes. They were already diverse in the early Cambrian, and the hydroskeletal function of the coelom in small animals suggests that the ancestor was a burrowing worm. Segmentation arose very early in the group and is retained in its probably primitive form by most annelids. Leeches arose from freshwater oligochaetes, and oligochaetes probably from ancestral polychaetes. Annelid fossils merely show that they have been around since the Cambrian.

      Arthropods (arthropod) have been the most diverse phylum since the Cambrian. Trilobites and crustaceans dominated then, with the former declining in abundance through the Paleozoic and the latter expanding into great adaptive diversity. Chelicerates also arose in the early Paleozoic and later radiated widely on land. Myriapods are a terrestrial group and gave rise to insects about 400 million years ago (during the Devonian). Insects were already diverse in the Carboniferous (360 to 286 million years ago), and modern orders have gradually originated and then replaced many of the earlier ones. The interrelations among the four major arthropod groups are unclear, as is the position of the Onychophora. The latter, a relative of annelids and known as early as the Cambrian, may be ancestral to myriapods, in which case the Arthropoda must be divided into two phyla. The position of the weakly segmented Tardigrada is even less clear, as they show special similarities to both the Onychophora and the Gastrotricha.

      Segmentation has been reduced or lost in many groups. The Pogonophora retain segmentation mostly at their hind end. Another annelid relative known since the Vendian, this group has gutless members that get nutrients only from symbiotic bacteria and what is dissolved or suspended in the water. The Apometamera show traces of segmentation in the Echiura but none in the overall more-derived Sipuncula. Apometamera are also annelid relatives but may be even closer to mollusks. They lack useful fossils, unless the tube-forming Hyolitha, which may alternatively be annelids or a separate phylum and which lived throughout the Paleozoic, belong here.

      Some living mollusks retain traces of segments, and the Machaeridia, an early Paleozoic group probably at the base of this phylum, were highly segmented. The Mollusca can be said to have originated when the radula did. The primitive Aplacophora lack a shell and are unknown as fossils, while their relatives the chitons come from the Cambrian. The Monoplacophora are mostly Paleozoic and gave rise to snails, cephalopods, and the Paleozoic class Rostroconchia of semibivalves. From the latter originated the clams (which have lost the radula) and the scaphopods, always a sparse group. Clams and snails have gradually expanded, the latter especially since the Cretaceous, when one group evolved a movable proboscis. Cephalopod evolution has been more rapid and complex, with nautiloids dominant in the early Paleozoic and ammonoids from then to their final extinction at the end of the Mesozoic Era (i.e., 66.4 million years ago), after having nearly disappeared three times before. Octopuses and squids grow too rapidly to form an external shell, but one group with an internal shell is known to have thrived in the Mesozoic.

      Three phyla of annelid relatives feed by a lophophore and are probably related to each other. They too have nearly lost segmentation. Phoronids lack a useful fossil record and probably have always been sparse. Brachiopods and the colonoid bryozoans, on the contrary, were the predominant filter feeders of the Paleozoic Era. Most brachiopods succumbed to the Permian extinction, and the phylum has never recovered. A group of bryozoans, though, has managed to diversify since the middle Cretaceous.

      Chaetognaths, abundant but with few species, lack a useful fossil record (unless some Cambrian teeth came from them) but appear related in some way to the remaining phyla. Echinoderms had remarkable structural diversity in the early Paleozoic, with no less than 20 classes usually recognized then: some asymmetric, stalked, helical, mobile, or cemented down, with multiple origins of adaptively similar forms. Most were both rare and with few species, but blastoids (blastoid) were abundant in the later Paleozoic, and crinoids (crinoid) were a major group throughout that era. Blastoids became extinct in the Permian, and crinoids nearly so. Most later crinoids are free-swimming rather than stalked like their ancestors. An expansion of powerful general predators (crabs and fishes) in the Jurassic Period (208 to 144 million years ago) reduced the numbers of crinoids and some other groups.

      Hemichordates (hemichordate) are another group now inconspicuous but diverse in the Paleozoic. Most of the latter are called graptolites, colonoids abundant in the Ordovician Period (505 to 438 million years ago) and Silurian Period (438 to 408 million years ago). Hemichordates are very primitive deuterostomes related to both echinoderms and chordates. Of the latter, tunicates lack useful fossils, but a Cambrian cephalochordate shows the early existence of human ancestors. Small pelagic animals called Conodonta (conodont), with phosphatic teeth and segmented muscles but no hard skeleton, are most likely cephalochordates but may have been very primitive fishes. They also appeared in the Cambrian and were among the most abundant animals to the end of the Triassic Period (i.e., 208 million years ago). They may have filtered through their spiny teeth rather than through their gills as their ancestors did.

Rise of vertebrates (vertebrate)
      Vertebrates are not known until the Ordovician, when the first of a series of mostly heavily armoured jawless fishes appeared, probably mud-grubbers and filter feeders. Predaceous jawed fishes appeared in the Silurian, perhaps even with a separate origin of bone, and divided into three large groups. One, the placoderms, was more or less dominant in the Devonian Period but rapidly became extinct at its end. Sharks and their relatives have had a series of adaptive radiations, each mostly replacing the previous. The same is true for bony fishes, but the teleosts have been successful to an unprecedented degree. Lungfishes are mollusk-crushers and have declined in numbers since the Devonian.

      Amphibians (amphibian) crept from the water in the Devonian and fed on arthropods, which had done so first. They were derived from distant relatives of the modern coelacanth. Many archaic amphibians were large, a metre or two long. Frogs and salamanders first appeared in the early Mesozoic. Reptiles (reptile) lay eggs that can withstand dry external conditions, and they evolved from amphibians early in the Carboniferous. They were subordinate until the drier Permian, when they began a series of adaptive radiations that put some groups back in the sea and others into the air. Dinosaurs arose in the Triassic and were cut down about the end of the Cretaceous, as were many other groups. Birds evolved from dinosaurs in the Jurassic but apparently expanded greatly only in the Cenozoic.

      Mammals arose in the Triassic from reptiles that had separated from the rest in the Carboniferous. They too have undergone sequential adaptive radiations, some of which occurred in the Mesozoic when they were kept small by the dinosaurs. Placentals (placental mammal) and marsupials (marsupial) began in the Cretaceous, the latter in North America, from which they invaded South America with some placentals at the beginning of the Cenozoic, replacing an archaic fauna there. They then went on alone across Antarctica to Australia, meanwhile becoming extinct in the north. Placentals themselves had an early radiation that was mostly replaced in the Eocene Epoch (57.8 to 36.6 million years ago) by the modern orders to which it had given rise.


Diagnostic features
      Animals are multicellular eukaryotes whose cells are bound together by collagen. They have sperm and form polar bodies in oogenesis. Animals lack semirigid cell walls, and movement is effected through muscle and nerve cells. They usually gain energy from other organisms or their products. Animals are found almost anywhere on Earth where there is life.

Annotated classification
Phylum Porifera (sponges (sponge))
 Sessile; vary in form from amorphously matted to delicately sculptured; distinctive flagellated collar cells pump water and extract food; models of efficient flow design; 2 cell layers with gelatinous mesenchyme containing various types of cells, including those producing supporting spicules; colonoid; marine and some freshwater species; filter feeders; Cambrian to recent; 9,000 species.Phylum Placozoa
 Flattened, 2 flagellated cell layers; fluid mesenchyme with a few cells and connecting fibres; similar to the larvae of primitive animals, from which they may be derived; digestive method unknown; shape irregular and changing; marine; predators or scavengers; recent; 1 species.Phylum Cnidaria (cnidarian)
 Possess tentacles with stinging cells (nematocysts) for paralyzing prey or repelling predators; sessile (polyp) and floating (medusa) forms; many have both stages alternating in complex life cycles; medusae with well-developed mesoglea used as elastic skeleton for jet propulsion; muscle cells epithelial; solitary to the most complex of animal colonoids; marine and freshwater species; predators or scavengers with some filter-feeding species; Vendian to recent; 9,000 species.Phylum Ctenophora (ctenophore) (comb jellies)
 Long tentacles of most have sticky lasso cells (colloblasts) to secure prey; comb plates of fused cilia (ctenes) used for swimming; separate muscle cells; marine; predators; Devonian to recent; 100 species.Phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms (flatworm))
 Lack anus except perhaps in the class Gnathostomulida; no circulatory system; mouth ventral; mesoderm of loose cells (parenchyma); marine and freshwater species, with some terrestrial species known; predators or scavengers, with some parasitic species known; recent; 20,000 species.Phylum Mesozoa (mesozoan)
 Among simplest animals; only organ the gonad; 2 classes probably arose separately; dicyemids with unique within-cell embryo formation; marine; parasitic; recent; 100 species.Phylum Nemertea (Rhynchocoela; ribbon worms (ribbon worm))
 Proboscis in fluid-filled cavity not attached to gut; anus present; closed circulatory system; marine, with some freshwater and terrestrial species known; predators; Carboniferous to recent; 900 species.Phylum Gastrotricha (gastrotrich)
 Wormlike pseudocoelomates; ventral ciliation used to glide over surfaces; use muscular pharynx to pump in small prey or organic debris; marine and freshwater; predators or scavengers; recent; 450 species.Phylum Nematoda (nematode) (roundworms)
 Found almost everywhere animals exist; thick, complex cuticle permits high pressure on internal fluid and acts as elastic skeleton; only longitudinal muscles; many internal structures reflect high internal pressure; unique type of excretory organ; some have jaws; marine, freshwater, and terrestrial species; predators or scavengers or parasites; Carboniferous to recent; 12,000 species.Phylum Rotifera (rotifer) (wheel animals)
 Distinctive corona of cilia used in pulling cellular food into gut; most have elaborate jaws; some with telescoping bodies; marine and freshwater; predators or filter feeders, with some parasitic species known; Eocene to recent; 1,800 species.Phylum Introverta
 Spiny retractable proboscis (or introvert) at head of wormlike body functions in burrowing through soft substrates or guts; marine and freshwater species; predators or parasites; parasitic forms lack a gut; Cambrian to recent; 900 species.Phylum Annelida (annelid)
 Segmented worms; paired appendages or setae on segments used in locomotion; protonephridia or metanephridia; closed circulatory system; some with jaws; some sedentary or sessile; some secrete tubes around them; marine, freshwater, and terrestrial; predators, scavengers, or filter feeders, with some parasitic species known; Cambrian to recent; 15,000 species.Phylum Pogonophora (beardworm)
 Deep-sea, sedentary, tube-building worms with 3 body divisions; long, ciliated tentacles with microvillus-like extensions of single cells; no mouth or digestive system; symbiotic bacteria in characteristic organ; closed, well-developed circulatory system; Vendian to recent; 150 species.Phylum Tardigrada (tardigrade) (water bears)
 Tiny; secrete cuticle; epidermal cell number constant; metameric nervous system; 4 pairs of legs; reduced coelom functionally replaced by hemocoel; extraordinary ability to withstand desiccation and other stresses; mostly terrestrial, with some marine and freshwater species known; predators or scavengers; Cretaceous to recent; 400 species.Phylum Onychophora (velvet worm)
 Wormlike, with many pairs of stubby legs; jaws are modified legs; thin secreted cuticle; annelid-like body plan; tracheal respiratory system; terrestrial; predators; Cambrian to recent; 80 species.Phylum Arthropoda (arthropod)
 A rigid, jointed cuticle used as skeleton; lack epithelial cilia entirely; open circulatory system; segmented, with each segment bearing a pair of appendages primitively; much fusion of segments and use of appendages for functions other than locomotion; many with compound eyes; respiratory systems highly varied; complete range of habitats and feeding modes; Cambrian to recent; more than 1,000,000 species.Phylum Mollusca (mollusk)
 Ciliated epithelia; ventral surface forms muscular foot, primitively used for locomotion but variously modified; dorsal and lateral surfaces usually form shell-secreting mantle that protects external gills; unique chitinous scraping radula aids feeding and burrowing; coelom reduced; open circulatory system serves as hydroskeleton; many species moderate to large in size; marine, freshwater, and terrestrial species; predators, scavengers, filter feeders, and grazing species, with some parasitic species known; many derived forms are sessile; Cambrian to recent; 50,000 species.Phylum Apometamera
 Unsegmented worms; food-gathering proboscis with cilia below or in tentacles; sedentary tube dwellers; metanephridia; marine; filter feeders; Devonian to recent; 400 species.Phylum Phoronida (horseshoe worm)
 Wormlike; sedentary in chitinous tube; lophophore; closed circulatory system; metanephridia; marine; filter feeders; Devonian? to recent; 15 species.Phylum Bryozoa (moss animals (moss animal))
 All but a few commensal species are colonoid, forming large matlike or plantlike forms; sessile; lophophore; tiny individual zooids; reduced organ systems; marine and some freshwater species; filter feeders; 2 subphyla, Ectoprocta and Entoprocta; Ordovician to recent; 4,600 species.Phylum Brachiopoda ( lamp shells)
 Calcareous, bivalved shell with mantle; lophophore; open circulatory system; metanephridia; marine; filter feeders; Cambrian to recent; 340 species.Phylum Chaetognatha (arrowworms (arrowworm))
 Swimming marine predators; head with grasping spines, jaws, and eyes; coelom lacks mesodermal lining; Cretaceous to recent; 100 species.Phylum Echinodermata (echinoderm)
 Unique water/vascular system (tube feet) used mainly for locomotion and feeding; lack heads, brains, and segmentation; internal calcareous skeleton; circulatory system open; pentamerous, nearly radial symmetry in recent classes; marine; predators, scavengers, or filter feeders; Cambrian to recent; 7,000 species.Phylum Hemichordata (hemichordate)
 Wormlike or colonoid; tripartite coelom; construct mucus-lined U-shaped burrows or proteinaceous tubes; open circulatory system; dorsal and ventral nerve cords, the dorsal one partly hollow; some with branched tentacles to gather food; pharyngeal gill slits used for exit of sediment-bearing water entering mouth and for gas exchange; marine; filter feeders; Cambrian to recent; 85 species.Phylum Chordata (chordate)
 Elastic notochord used as skeleton when present; dorsal hollow nerve cord; postanal tail; pharyngeal slits used originally in feeding and later in gas exchange; all habitats and feeding modes, but rarely parasitic; 50,000 species.
      Subphylum Tunicata (tunicate) (Urochordata)
 Secrete a thick tunic or a filtering device of complex composition around body; most adults lack notochord and head; circulatory system open; coelom reduced; pharyngeal cavity well-developed; solitary or colonoid; sessile or pelagic; marine; filter feeders; Silurian? to recent; 3,000 species.

      Subphylum Cephalochordata (cephalochordate) (Acrania)
 Fishlike; persistent notochord; segmental muscles but no hard skeleton or heart; protonephridia; Cambrian to recent; 23 species.

      Subphylum Vertebrata (vertebrate) (Craniata)
 Skeleton of bone or cartilage; heart; kidneys; myelinated axons; includes the agnathans, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds; Ordovician to recent; 47,000 species.

Critical appraisal
      This classification includes only extant groups. Because the aschelminths have not been studied adequately by modern methods, there is no consensus on their classification, and the system used here differs in some respects from that in the article aschelminth. The classification in this article is based on morphological work carried out in the late 1980s and remains to be tested by RNA sequence studies and other comparisons. This classification defines the phylum Introverta as containing the classes Kinorhyncha, Loricifera, Priapulida, and Acanthocephala and the phylum Nematoda as containing the classes Ademophorea, Secernenta, and Nematomorpha.

Additional Reading
Technical descriptions of almost all taxa to the family level are presented in Sybil P. Parker (ed.), Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms, 2 vol. (1982). The most detailed survey of animals is found in Pierre P. Grassé (ed.), Traité de zoologie: anatomie, systématique, biologie (1948), an ongoing multivolume work, published in parts. Libbie H. Hyman, The Invertebrates, 6 vol. (194067), is a classic, unfortunately incomplete, but careful, fairly detailed, and still mostly accurate.A survey of animal diversity is found in C. Barry Cox and Peter D. Moore, Biogeography, an Ecological and Evolutionary Approach, 4th ed. (1985). Developments in the preservation of biological diversity are discussed in Edward O. Wilson and Frances M. Peter (eds.), Biodiversity (1988). Laws of physics that directly influence the size and shape of living organisms are addressed in Steven Vogel, Life's Devices: The Physical World of Animals and Plants (1988); and R. McNeill Alexander, Animal Mechanics, 2nd ed. (1983). Knut Schmidt-Nielsen, Scaling: Why Is Animal Size So Important? (1984), discusses the significance of animal body size.For discussion of form and function, see Alfred Sherwood Romer and Thomas S. Parsons, The Vertebrate Body, 6th ed. (1986), a classic text; and E.J.W. Barrington, Invertebrate Structure and Function, 2nd ed. (1979), a survey by system. Robert D. Barnes, Invertebrate Zoology, 5th ed. (1987) and Richard C. Brusca and Gary J. Brusca, Invertebrates (1990), are surveys by group. W.N. Beklemishev, Principles of Comparative Anatomy of Invertebrates, 2 vol. (1969; originally published in Russian, 1944; 3rd Russian ed. 1964), provides good coverage of invertebrate development. Research-level reviews of reproduction in many groups are available in Arthur C. Giese and John S. Pearse (eds.), Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates, vol. 15 (197479), with a concluding synthesis provided in vol. 9 (1987) and intermediate volumes scheduled for publication in the 1990s. See also B.I. Balinsky, An Introduction to Embryology, 5th ed. (1981), a standard text that focuses on vertebrates only. A review of research on energy metabolism in most major animal groups is offered in T.J. Pandian and F. John Vernberg (eds.), Animal Energetics, 2 vol. (1987). Marcel Florkin and Bradley T. Scheer (eds.), Chemical Zoology, 11 vol. (196779), surveys the chemicals important to animal structure, physiology, and behaviour, organized by taxonomic group. Knut Schmidt-Nielsen, Animal Physiology: Adaptation and Environment, 4th ed. (1990), is a comprehensive introduction.For more detailed treatment of the fauna and ecology of major terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, see the multivolume series Ecosystems of the World, published by Elsevier Scientific since 1977. F. Harvey Pough, John B. Heiser, and William N. McFarland, Vertebrate Life, 3rd ed. (1989), presents a broad overview from paleontology to animal behaviour. Robert E. Ricklefs, Ecology, 3rd ed. (1990), is an authoritative work. Thomas C. Cheng, General Parasitology, 2nd ed. (1986), provides a detailed introduction to the subject.For explorations of evolution and paleontology, see Douglas J. Futuyuma, Evolutionary Biology, 2nd ed. (1986), a general introduction; Martin F. Glaessner, The Dawn of Animal Life: A Biohistorical Study (1984), a useful discussion of the first recorded radiation of animals; Rudolf A. Raff and Thomas C. Kaufman, Embryos, Genes, and Evolution: The Developmental-Genetic Basis of Evolutionary Change (1983), a causal rather than descriptive approach to embryology in all animals; and Robert L. Carroll, Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution (1988), a standard survey. Raymond C. Moore (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (1953– ), a basic source of information, with descriptions and illustrations to generic level, is an ongoing multivolume work published in parts; newly revised editions of some parts began to appear in 1970, ed. by Curt Teichert. Paleontological topics are thoroughly reviewed in Richard S. Boardman (ed.), Fossil Invertebrates (1987); and Steven M. Stanley, Extinction (1987). On the origin and diversification of hormones, see E.J.W. Barrington (ed.), Hormones and Evolution, 2 vol. (1979). Ernst Mayr, Populations, Species, and Evolution (1970), is a revised abridgement of the author's classic book on speciation and other relevant topics.Virginia C. Maiorana Leigh M. Van Valen

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  • animal — s. m. 1. Ser vivo multicelular, com capacidade de locomoção e de resposta a estímulos, que se nutre de outros seres vivos. 2. Ser vivo irracional, por oposição ao homem. 3.  [Figurado] Bruto, estúpido, grosseiro (falando se de pessoas). • adj. 2… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • ANIMAL X — est un groupe de musique électro pop roumain, créé en 1999 à Constanta. Membres Lizard (chant, né Alexandru Salamar le 8 février 1982 à Constanta) ; Hyena (chant, né Serban Lopot le 2 juillet 1981 à Constanta) ; Worm (chant, né Mihai… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Animal 82 — (Sans titre) Artiste Liuba Kirova Année 1982 Type Résine Technique Sculpture Localisation Musée de la sculpture en plein air, Paris, France Coordonnées …   Wikipédia en Français

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