- Pisces
/puy"seez, pis"eez/, n., gen. Piscium /pish"ee euhm/, for 1.1. Astron. the Fishes, a zodiacal constellation between Aries and Aquarius.2. Astrol.b. a person born under this sign, usually between February 19th and March 20th.3. the class of vertebrates comprising the fish and sometimes including, in certain classifications, the cyclostomes.[ < NL, L pisces, pl. of piscis FISH]
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(Latin: "Fishes") In astronomy, the constellation lying between Aries and Aquarius; in astrology, the twelfth sign of the zodiac, governing approximately the period February 19–March 20.Its symbol is two fish tied together. These are a reference to the Greek myth of Aphrodite and Eros, who jumped into a river to escape the monster Typhon and were changed into fish. In another version of the myth, two fish carried them to safety.* * *
(Latin: Fishes), in astronomy, zodiacal constellation lying between Aries and Aquarius, at about 1 hour right ascension (the coordinate on the celestial sphere analogous to longitude on the Earth) and 15° north declination (angular distance north of the celestial equator). The vernal equinox, the point where the Sun's annual apparent path takes it north of the celestial equator and from which celestial longitude and right ascension are measured, lies now in Pisces. The constellation contains only faint stars without any striking grouping.In astrology, Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period c. February 19–c. March 20. Its representation as two fish tied together is usually related to the Greek myth of Aphrodite and Eros, who jumped into the river to escape the monster Typhon and changed into fish, or, alternatively, the two fish that carried them to safety.* * *
Universalium. 2010.