
axonal /ak"seuh nl, -son'l/, adj.
/ak"son/, n.
Cell Biol. the appendage of the neuron that transmits impulses away from the cell body. Also, axone /ak"sohn/. See diag. under neuron.
[1835-45; < NL < Gk áxon an axle, axis; akin to L axis]

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also called  nerve fibre 

      portion of a nerve cell ( neuron) that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body. A neuron typically has one axon that connects it with other neurons or with muscle or gland cells. Some axons may be quite long, reaching, for example, from the spinal cord down to a toe. Most axons of vertebrates (vertebrate) are enclosed in a myelin sheath, which increases the speed of impulse transmission; some large axons may transmit impulses at speeds up to 90 metres (300 feet) per second.

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Universalium. 2010.

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