- arrowworm
/ar"oh werrm'/, n.any small, translucent marine worm of the phylum (or class) Chaetognatha, having lateral and caudal fins.[1885-90; so called from a fancied resemblance to an arrow]
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▪ animal phylumIntroductionany member of a group of free-living wormlike marine carnivores that belong to the invertebrate phylum Chaetognatha. The bodies of arrowworms appear transparent to translucent or opaque and are arrow shaped. There are more than 120 species, most of which are in the genus Sagitta. The size of arrowworms ranges from about 3 millimetres to more than 100 millimetres; species inhabiting colder waters generally are larger than those from tropical seas. Chaetognaths are simultaneous hermaphrodites (that is, each individual has both male and female sex organs, or gonads). The body is divided into head, trunk, and tail by two transverse walls or membranes and possesses paired lateral fins and a tail fin. Respiratory, circulatory, and excretory systems are not well developed.Natural history.Arrowworms are protandric (i.e., male gonads mature earlier than female gonads). Most arrowworms die after spawning, although some undergo cycles of maturity and often also growth. cross-fertilization has been observed, the sperm passing from the storage organs called seminal vesicles, which open out to the exterior, to the seminal receptacle (tube along the female gonads) of another individual. The eggs are fertilized by the sperm either shortly before or as they are laid, in a part of the duct common to the oviduct and to the seminal receptacle. In several genera (e.g., Eukrohnia, and probably also in the genera Bathyspadella, Krohnitta, and Heterokrohnia), mature eggs and larvae are enclosed in a sac formed at the opening of oviducts. In Pterosagitta, eggs are laid in a capsule; in Sagitta, eggs are discharged into the surrounding water one at a time in several cycles; and in Spadella, eggs have an adhesive coat and a stalk and attach to any surface.Arrowworms are voracious feeders; they consume copepods, euphausiids, fish larvae, medusae, other arrowworms, cladocerans, amphipods, appendicularias, and eggs and larvae of various animals. Some species subdue their prey by secreting paralyzing neurotoxins. Arrowworms inhabit oceans, seas, and coastal lagoons. Although some species are cosmopolitan, others are restricted to a geographical region or an ocean. Southeast Asian seas have the largest number of species. Epiplanktonic species—i.e., those within 200 metres of the water surface—increase in numbers from the poles to the Equator. Mature arrowworms inhabit deeper oceanic layers than do the young. Many species exhibit diurnal migration, in which individuals swim upward (usually at dusk) and downward (usually at dawn) in the water column on a daily cycle; they sometimes travel hundreds of metres each day.Form and function.The body of the arrowworm is covered by a cuticle of cells. The head has hooks (curved, grasping spines) covered by a hood or thin fold of skin, which retracts when the arrowworm is catching prey. Head muscles control the movement of hooks, teeth, and mouth; body muscles are longitudinal with some transverse bands. Arrowworms swim with dartlike movements by contracting the longitudinal muscles and flapping the tail. Their transparency helps to conceal them from their prey and from potential predators.The nervous system consists of a large cerebral ganglion with sensory nerves (e.g., optic, coronal). The cerebral ganglion is connected with the ventral ganglion by a pair of nerve cords. Additional ganglia and nerves spread along the body. Touch receptors, small, round, ciliated (hairlike) prominences, are scattered over the body.There is evidence that the head and the anterior part of the body can be regenerated (regeneration); during regeneration, the eyes appear first, followed by the mouth and hooks. The eyes contain a pigmented central cell, which encloses five clusters of photoreceptor (photoreception) cell processes (or ocelli). A conical body found in the photoreceptor cell either may guide the animal as it swims or act as a resonator. The pigmented central cell may have various shapes (e.g., starlike) in different species. No pigment is present in most deep-sea dwelling species.The corona ciliata is an olfactory (smell) receptor or chemoreceptor (chemoreception) peculiar to the phylum and is formed by a series of rows of ciliated cells forming a ring or elongated oval at the neck or extending toward the head and the trunk. The digestive tract, which is lined by glandular and absorptive cells, extends from the mouth to the anus and is supported by a mesentery. The central mesentery divides the trunk and tail into two cavities. Trunk and tail regions are filled with a colourless fluid that circulates forward along the body walls and backward in the medial region of the body.Two ovaries, filled with rows of unfertilized eggs, extend along the trunk and are attached to the sides of the body by a mesentery. The seminal receptacle in the oviducts stores sperm after copulation. The testes are located in the tail cavities; a spermduct, or vas deferens, connects the testes with the seminal vesicles, which open out from the body. The ovaries in the trunk, therefore, are isolated from the testes in the tail, with no internal communication between male and female gonads. Often, the seminal vesicles burst when filled with sperm, ejecting the spermatozoa into the surrounding waters or into the seminal receptacle of another individual. In many species, however, sperm are transferred to other individuals in discrete containers called spermatophores.Classification.The Chaetognatha is an isolated phylum in the animal kingdom; i.e., comparative anatomy and embryology fail to link these animals with any other group. Attempts have been made to relate them to many animal groups (e.g., heteropod mollusks, annelids, nematodes, arthropods, and echinoderms). No unambiguous chaetognaths have been discovered as fossils, so the fossil record reveals nothing about the origin of this group.* * *
Universalium. 2010.