- reg-
To move in a straight line, with derivatives meaning “to direct in a straight line, lead, rule.” Oldest form *ə₃reg̑-, becoming *ə₃reg- in centum languages.I. Basic form *reg-.1. Suffixed form *reg-to-. right, from Old English riht, right, just, correct, straight, from Germanic *rehtaz.2. realm, rectitude, recto, rector, rectum, rectus, regent, regime, regimen, regiment, region; address, adroit, alert, correct, direct, erect, incorrigible, porrect, rectangle, rectify, rectilinear, resurge, Risorgimento, sord, source, surge, from Latin regere, to lead straight, guide, rule (past participle rēctus, hence adjective rēctus, right, straight).3. anorectic, anorexia, from Greek oregein, to stretch out, reach out for (with o- from oldest root form *ə₃reg̑-).II. Lengthened-grade form *rēg-, Indo-European word for a tribal king.1.d. rich, from Old English rīce, strong, powerful, and Old French riche, wealthy. a-d all from Germanic *rīkja-, from Celtic suffixed form *rīg-yo-.2. real2, regal, regulus, reign, rial1, riyal, royal; regicide, regius professor, vicereine, viceroy, from Latin rēx, king (royal and priestly title).3. Suffixed form *rēg-en-. raj, rajah, rani, rye2; maharajah, maharani, from Sanskrit rājā, rājan-, king, rajah (feminine rājñī, queen, rani), and rājati, he rules.III. Suffixed lengthened-grade form *rēg-olā-. rail1, reglet, regular, regulate, rule, from Latin rēgula, straight piece of wood, rod.IV. O-grade form *rog-.1. rake1, from Old English raca, racu, rake (implement with straight pieces of wood), from Germanic *rakō.3. Possibly Germanic *rankaz (with nasal infix). rank2, from Old English ranc, straight, strong, hence haughty, overbearing.4. reckon, from Old English gerecenian, to arrange in order, recount (ge-, collective prefix; see kom), from Germanic *rakinaz, ready, straightforward.5. Suffixed form *rog-ā-. rogation, rogatory; abrogate, arrogate, corvée, derogate, interrogate, prerogative, prorogue, subrogate, supererogate, from Latin rogāre, to ask (< “stretch out the hand”).6. Suffixed form *rog-o-. ergo, from Latin ergō, therefore, in consequence of, perhaps contracted from a Latin phrase *ē rogō, “from the direction of” (ē< ex, out of; see eghs), from a possible Latin noun *rogus, “extension, direction.”V. Lengthened o-grade form *rōg-.1. reck, from Old English rec(c)an, to pay attention to, take care (formally influenced by Old English reccan, to extend, stretch out, from Germanic *rakjan), from Germanic *rōkjan.
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Universalium. 2010.