
addresser, addressor, n.
n. /euh dres", ad"res/; v. /euh dres"/, n., v., addressed or addrest, addressing.
1. a speech or written statement, usually formal, directed to a particular group of persons: the President's address on the state of the economy.
2. a direction as to the intended recipient, written on or attached to a piece of mail.
3. the place or the name of the place where a person, organization, or the like is located or may be reached: What is your address when you're in Des Moines?
4. manner of speaking to persons; personal bearing in conversation.
5. skillful and expeditious management; ready skill; dispatch: to handle a matter with address.
6. Computers. a label, as an integer, symbol, or other set of characters, designating a location, register, etc., where information is stored in computer memory.
7. Govt. a request to the executive by the legislature to remove a judge for unfitness.
8. Usually, addresses. attentions paid by a suitor or lover; courtship.
9. (usually cap.) the reply to the King's speech in the English Parliament.
10. Obs. preparation.
11. to direct a speech or written statement to: to address an assembly.
12. to use a specified form or title in speaking or writing to: Address the President as "Mr. President."
13. to direct to the attention: He addressed his remarks to the lawyers in the audience.
14. to apply in speech (used reflexively, usually fol. by to): He addressed himself to the leader.
15. to deal with or discuss: to address the issues.
16. to put the directions for delivery on: to address a letter.
17. Com. to consign or entrust to the care of another, as agent or factor.
18. to direct the energy or efforts of (usually fol. by to): He addressed himself to the task.
19. to direct (data) to a specified location in an electronic computer.
20. Golf. to take a stance and place the head of the club behind (the ball) preparatory to hitting it.
21. Obs. to woo; court.
22. Archaic. to give direction to; aim.
23. Obs. to prepare.
v.i. Obs.
24. to make an appeal.
25. to make preparations.
[1300-50; ME adressen to adorn < MF adresser. See A-5, DRESS]
Syn. 1. discourse, lecture. See speech. 5. adroitness, cleverness, ingenuity, tact.

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(as used in expressions)
Internet Protocol address

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