- correct
—correctable, correctible, adj. —correctability, correctibility, n. —correctingly, adv. —correctly, adv. —correctness, n. —corrector, n./keuh rekt"/, v.t.1. to set or make true, accurate, or right; remove the errors or faults from: The native guide corrected our pronunciation. The new glasses corrected his eyesight.2. to point out or mark the errors in: The teacher corrected the examination papers.3. to scold, rebuke, or punish in order to improve: Should parents correct their children in public?4. to counteract the operation or effect of (something hurtful or undesirable): The medication will correct stomach acidity.5. Math., Physics. to alter or adjust so as to bring into accordance with a standard or with a required condition.v.i.6. to make a correction or corrections.7. (of stock prices) to reverse a trend, esp. temporarily, as after a sharp advance or decline in previous trading sessions.adj.8. conforming to fact or truth; free from error; accurate: a correct answer.9. in accordance with an acknowledged or accepted standard; proper: correct behavior.[1300-50; (v.) ME correcten ( < AF correcter) < L correctus ptp. of corrigere to make straight, equiv. to cor- COR- + reg- (s. of regere to DIRECT) + -tus ptp. suffix; (adj.) ( < F correct) < L, as above]Syn. 1. rectify, amend, emend, reform, remedy. 3. warn, chasten, castigate. See punish. 8. faultless, perfect, exact. CORRECT, ACCURATE, PRECISE imply conformity to fact, standard, or truth. A CORRECT statement is one free from error, mistakes, or faults. An ACCURATE statement is one that shows careful conformity to fact, truth, or spirit. A PRECISE statement shows scrupulously strict and detailed conformity to fact.
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Universalium. 2010.