
regental, adj.regentship, n.
/ree"jeuhnt/, n.
1. a person who exercises the ruling power in a kingdom during the minority, absence, or disability of the sovereign.
2. a ruler or governor.
3. a member of the governing board of a state university or a state educational system.
4. a university officer who exercises general supervision over the conduct and welfare of the students.
5. (in certain Catholic universities) a member of the religious order who is associated in the administration of a school or college with a layperson who is its dean or director.
6. acting as regent of a country; exercising ruling authority in behalf of a sovereign during his or her minority, absence, or disability (usually used postpositively): a prince regent.
[1350-1400; ME < L regent- (s. of regens), prp. of regere to rule]

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