
I. ghel-1
To call.
a. yell, from Old English gellan, giellan, to sound, shout;
b. yelp, from Old English gielpan, to boast, exult;
c. nightingale, from Old English galan, to sing. a-c all from Germanic *gel-, *gal-.
2. Reduplicated form *ghi-ghl-. cichlid, from Greek kikhlē, thrush, later also the name for a kind of wrasse (a sea fish that has bright colors and jagged waving fins, reminiscent of the plumage of a bird).
3. celandine, from Greek khelidwōn, khelidōn, the swallow.
[Pokorny ghel- 428.]
  II. ghel-2
To shine; with derivatives referring to colors, bright materials, gold (probablyyellow metal”), and bile or gall. Oldest form *g̑hel-, becoming *ghel- in centum languages.
Derivatives include gold, arsenic, melancholy, Hare Krishna, gleam, glimpse, and glide.
I. Words denoting colors.
1. Suffixed form *ghel-wo-. yellow, from Old English geolu, yellow, from Germanic *gelwaz.
2. Suffixed variant form *ghlō-ro-. chloro-; chlorite1, from Greek khlōros, green, greenish yellow.
3. Suffixed variant form *ghlo-wo-. chloasma, from Greek khloos (< *khlo-wo-s), greenish color.
4. O-grade form *ghol-. podzol, from Russian zola, ashes (from their color).
5. Suffixed form *ghel-i-. Hare Krishna, Harijan, from Sanskrit hari-, tawny yellow.
6. Possibly suffixed zero-grade form *ghl̥-wo- in Latin fulvus, tawny (with dialectal f- as in fel, gall): griseofulvin.
II. Words denoting gold.
1. Suffixed zero-grade form *ghl̥-to-.
a. gold, from Old English gold, gold;
b. gild1, from Old English gyldan, to gild, from Germanic denominative verb *gulthjan;
c. guilder, gulden, from Middle Dutch gulden, golden;
d. gowan, from Middle English gollan, yellow flower, possibly from a source akin to Old Norse gullinn, golden. a-d all from Germanic *gultham, gold.
2. Suffixed o-grade form *ghol-to-. zloty, from Polish złoto, gold.
3. Suffixed full-grade form *ghel-no-. arsenic, from Syriac zarnīkā, orpiment, from Middle Iranian *zarnik-, from Old Iranian *zarna-, golden.
III. Words denoting bile.
1. Suffixed o-grade form *ghol-no-. gall1, from Old English gealla, gall, from Germanic *gallōn-, bile.
2. Suffixed o-grade form *ghol-ā-. chole-, choler, cholera; acholia, melancholy, from Greek kholē, bile.
3. Suffixed full-grade form *ghel-n-. felon2, from Latin fel, bile.
IV. A range of Germanic words (where no preforms are given, the words are late creations).
1. gleam, from Old English glǣm, bright light, gleam, from Germanic *glaimiz.
2. glimpse, from Middle English glimsen, to glimpse, from a source akin to Middle High German glimsen, to gleam.
3. glint, from Middle English glent, a glint, and glenten, to shine, from a source akin to Swedish dialectal glinta, to shine.
4. glimmer, from Middle English glimeren, to glimmer, from a source akin to Swedish glimra, glimmer.
5. glitter, from Old Norse glitra, to shine.
6. glitz, from Old High German glīzan, to sparkle.
7. glisten, from Old English glisnian, to shine.
8. glister, from Middle Dutch glinsteren or Middle Low German glisteren, to shine.
9. glass, glaze, glazier, from Old English glæs, glass, from Germanic *glasam, glass.
10. glare1, from Middle English glaren, to glitter, stare, from a source akin to Middle Low German glaren, to glisten, from Germanic *glaz-.
11. gloss1, from a source perhaps akin to Icelandic glossi, a spark.
12. glance2, from Old High German glanz, bright.
13. gleg, from Old Norse glöggr, clear-sighted.
14. glad1, from Old English glæd, shining, joyful, from Germanic *gladaz.
15. glee; gleeman, from Old English glēo, sport, merriment, from Germanic *gleujam.
a. gleed, from Old English glēd, ember;
b. glogg, from Old Norse glodh, ember. Both a and b from Germanic *glō-di-.
a. glow, from Old English glōwan, to glow;
b. glower, from Middle English gloren, to gleam, stare, probably from a source akin to Norwegian dialectal glora, to gleam, stare;
c. gloat, from a source perhaps akin to Old Norse glotta, to smile (scornfully). a-c all from Germanic *glō-.
18. gloaming, from Old English glōm, twilight, from Germanic *glō-m-.
19. Possibly distantly related to this root is Germanic *glīdan, to glide.
a. glide, from Old English glīdan, to slip, glide;
b. glissade, from Old French glier, to glide;
c. glitch, from Old High German glītan, to glide;
d. glede, from Old English glida, kite (< “gliding, hovering bird”), from derivative Germanic *glidōn-.
20. glib, from a source possibly akin to Middle Low German glibberich, slippery.
[Pokorny 1. g̑hel- 429.]

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