
/glas, glahs/, n.
1. Carter, 1858-1946, U.S. statesman.
2. Philip, born 1937, U.S. composer.

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Solid material, typically a mix of inorganic compounds, usually transparent or translucent, hard, brittle, and impervious to the natural elements ("vitreous properties").

It is made by cooling molten ingredients fast enough so no visible crystals form. A poor conductor of heat and electricity, glass takes on colours when certain metal oxides are included in the mix. Most glass breaks easily. Obsidian is a naturally occurring glass. Everyday glass (soda-lime or soda-lime-silica) is made of silica (silicon dioxide), soda (sodium carbonate), and limestone (calcium carbonate), with magnesia (magnesium oxide) for sheet glass or alumina (aluminum oxide) for bottle glass. Fused silica is an excellent glass but expensive because of pure silica's very high melting point. Borosilicate glass (e.g., Pyrex) is used for cookware and laboratory glassware because it expands very little when heated. Lead crystal is used for fine tableware. It has a heavy feel because of its lead oxide content and a sparkle due to its high refraction index. Even more specialized glasses include optical, photosensitive, metallic, and fibre-optic. Since glass has no sharp melting point, most types can be shaped while hot and plastic by many techniques, mostly blowing or molding. See also volcanic glass.
(as used in expressions)
glass fibre
Night of Broken Glass
glass architectural
Glass Carter
Glass Philip
lustered glass

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 an inorganic solid material that is usually transparent or translucent as well as hard, brittle, and impervious to the natural elements. Glass has been made into practical and decorative objects since ancient times, and it is still very important in applications as disparate as building construction, housewares, and telecommunications. It is made by cooling molten ingredients such as silica sand with sufficient rapidity to prevent the formation of visible crystals.

      A brief treatment of glass follows. Glass is treated in detail in a number of articles. Stained glass and the aesthetic aspects of glass design are described in stained glass and glassware. The composition, properties, and industrial production of glass are covered in industrial glass. The physical and atomic characteristics of glass are treated in amorphous solid.

      The varieties of glass differ widely in chemical composition and in physical qualities. Most varieties, however, have certain qualities in common. They pass through a viscous stage in cooling from a state of fluidity; they develop effects of colour when the glass mixtures are fused with certain metallic oxides; they are, when cold, poor conductors both of electricity and of heat; most types are easily fractured by a blow or shock and show a conchoidal fracture; they are but slightly affected by ordinary solvents but are readily attacked by hydrofluoric acid.

      Commercial glasses may be divided into sodalimesilica glasses and special glasses, most of the tonnage produced being of the former class. Such glasses are made from three main materialssand (silicon dioxide, or SiO2), limestone (calcium carbonate, or CaCO3), and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3). Fused silica itself is an excellent glass, but, as the melting point of sand (crystalline silica) is above 1,700° C (3,092° F) and as it is very expensive to attain such high temperatures, its uses are restricted to those in which its superior propertieschemical inertness and the ability to withstand sudden changes of temperatureare so important that the cost is justified. Nevertheless the production of fused silica glass is quite a large industry; it is manufactured in various qualities, and when intended for optical purposes the raw material used is rock crystal rather than quartz sand.

      To reduce the melting point of silica, it is necessary to add a flux; this is the purpose of the sodium carbonate (soda ash), which makes available the fluxing agent sodium oxide. By adding about 25 percent of the sodium oxide to silica, the melting point is reduced from 1,723° to 850° C (3,133° to 1,562° F). But such glasses are easily soluble in water (their solutions are called water glass; q.v.). The addition of lime (calcium oxide, or CaO), supplied by the limestone, renders the glass insoluble again, but too much makes a glass prone to devitrificationi.e., the precipitation of crystalline phases in certain ranges of temperature. The optimum composition is about 75 percent silica, 10 percent lime, and 15 percent soda, but even this is too liable to devitrification during certain mechanical forming operations to be satisfactory.

      In making sheet glass it is customary to use 6 percent of lime and 4 percent of magnesia (magnesium oxide, or MgO), and in bottle glass about 2 percent alumina (aluminum oxide, or Al2O3) is often present. Other materials are also added, some being put in to assist in refining the glass (i.e., to remove the bubbles left behind in the melting process), while others are added to improve its colour. For example, sand always contains iron as an impurity, and, although the material used for making bottles is specially selected for its low iron content, the small traces of impurity still impart an undesirable green colour to the container; by the use of selenium and cobalt oxide together with traces of arsenic trioxide and sodium nitrate, it is possible to neutralize the green colour and produce a so-called white (decolourized) glass.

      Glasses of very different, and often much more expensive, compositions are made when special physical and chemical properties are necessary. For example, in optical (optics) glasses, a wide range of compositions is required to obtain the variety of refractive index and dispersion needed if the lens designer is to produce multicomponent lenses that are free from the various faults associated with a single lens, such as chromatic aberration. High-purity, ultratransparent oxide glasses have been developed for use in fibre-optic (fibre optics) telecommunications systems, in which messages are transmitted as light pulses over glass fibres.

      When ordinary glass is subjected to a sudden change of temperature, stresses are produced in it that render it liable to fracture; by reducing its coefficient of thermal expansion, however, it is possible to make it much less susceptible to thermal shock. The glass with the lowest expansion coefficient is fused silica. Another well-known example is the borosilicate glass (Pyrex) used for making domestic cookware, which has an expansion coefficient only one-third that of the typical sodalimesilica glass. In order to effect this reduction, much of the sodium oxide added as a flux is replaced by boric oxide (B2O3) and some of the lime by alumina. Another familiar special glass is the lead crystal (flint glass) glass used in the manufacture of superior tableware; by using lead monoxide (PbO) as a flux, it is possible to obtain a glass with a high refractive index and, consequently, the desired sparkle and brilliance.

      The agents used to colour glass are generally metallic oxides (oxide). The same oxide may produce different colours with different glass mixtures, and different oxides of the same metal may produce different colours. The purple-blue of cobalt, the chrome green or yellow of chromium, the dichroic canary colour of uranium, and the violet of manganese are constant. Ferrous oxide produces an olive green or a pale blue according to the glass with which it is mixed. Ferric oxide gives a yellow colour but requires an oxidizing agent to prevent reduction to the ferrous state. Lead gives a pale yellow colour. Silver oxide gives a permanent yellow stain. Finely divided vegetable charcoal added to a soda-lime glass gives a yellow colour. Selenites and selenates give a pale pink or pinkish yellow. Tellurium appears to give a pale pink tint. Nickel with a potashlead glass gives a violet colour, and a brown colour with a sodalime glass. Copper gives a peacock blue, which becomes green if the proportion of the copper oxide is increased.

      An important class of materials is the chalcogenide glasses, which are selenides, containing thallium, arsenic, tellurium, and antimony in various proportions. They behave as amorphous semiconductors. Their photoconductive properties are also valuable.

      Certain metallic glasses have magnetic properties; their characteristics of ease of manufacture, magnetic softness, and high electrical resistivity make them useful in the magnetic cores of electrical power transformers.

      Many different useful and decorative articles have been made from glass over the centuries. The history of glass as a creative art has been determined partly by technical advances in its manufacture and decoration and partly by the history of taste and fashion.

      Glass was first made in the ancient world, but its earliest origins are obscure. Egyptian (art and architecture, Egyptian) glass beads are the earliest glass objects known, dating from about 2500 BC. Later in Egyptian civilization, a type of glass characterized by feathery or zigzag patterns of coloured threads on the surface of the glass vessel was made.

      The real origins of modern glass were in Alexandria during the Ptolemaic period and, later, in ancient Rome. Alexandrian craftsmen perfected a technique known as mosaic glass in which slices of glass canes of different colours were cut crossways to make different decorative patterns. Millefiori glass, for which the canes are cut in such a way as to produce designs reminiscent of flower shapes, is a type of mosaic glass.

      Molded glass was also developed early, glass being pressed into a mold to form a particular shape. Various types of decoration involving engraving and colour were also possible.

       glassblowing was probably developed during the 1st century BC by glassmakers in Syria. With this technique the possibilities of shaping glass into desired forms were endless. Glass could be blown into a mold or shaped completely free-form. The Romans perfected cameo glass, in which the design has been produced by cutting away a layer of glass to leave the design in relief.

      The next major developments in the history of glass came during the 15th century in Venice. As early as the 13th century the Venetian island of Murano had become the centre for glassmaking. At first, Venetian glassmakers made use of many of the ancient and medieval decorative techniques to produce richly coloured and ornamental pieces having motifs characteristic of the Italian Renaissance.

      Later they developed a clear glass similar to crystal, called cristallo, which was to form the basis for a thriving export trade and spread throughout Europe. Simple blown glasses of this type were much in demand in the 16th century. Such glass lent itself to decoration by the engraving of delicate designs; used from the early 16th century, the technique remained popular well into the 18th century throughout Europe. Diamond-point engraving was practiced in particular in The Netherlands and in Germany.

      Late in the 17th century Bohemia became an important glass-producing area and remained important until early in the 20th century. By the 17th century England was making glass in the Venetian tradition that was notable for its simplicity. The glassmaker George Ravenscroft (Ravenscroft, George) discovered about 1675 that the addition of lead oxide to Venetian-type glass produced a solid, heavier glass. Lead crystal (flint glass), as it was known, thereafter became a favourite type of glass for fine tableware.

      Enameling came into fashion in the middle of the 18th century in England, leading to the development of the type of glass sometimes called Bristol glass. In the 18th century glass cutting came (cut glass) into fashion. As this technique was perfected, great richness of effect became possible. Eventually, by the end of the 18th century, when the technique was further developed in Ireland, the whole surface of glass was being deeply cut to reflect light. This English and Irish cut lead crystal was imitated in Europe and in the United States and has remained popular to the present day. Waterford crystal is an important example of this type.

      The Art Nouveau period saw some important changes. The Favrile glass invented by Louis Comfort Tiffany, with its flowing shapes derived from naturalistic forms and its lustrous surface, was much admired and particularly influenced glassmakers in central Europe. The French glassmaker Émile Gallé and the firm of Daum Frères were also important designers in the Art Nouveau epoch.

      René Lalique, one of the leaders of French glass art, made glass characterized by relief decoration. The Steuben Glass Company of New York produced clear glass objects, often with engraved or incised designs.

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