
/glee/, n.
1. open delight or pleasure; exultant joy; exultation.
2. an unaccompanied part song for three or more voices, popular esp. in the 18th century.
[bef. 900; ME; OE gleo; c. ON gly; akin to GLOW]
Syn. 1. merriment, jollity, hilarity, mirth, joviality, gaiety. See mirth.
/glee/, Scot. and North Eng.
1. to squint or look with one eye.
2. a squint.
3. an imperfect eye, esp. one with a cast.
[1250-1300; ME glien, gleen; perh. < Scand; cf. ON glja to shine]

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      (from Old English gléo:musicorentertainment,” used in this sense in Beowulf), vocal composition for three or more unaccompanied solo male voices, including a countertenor. It consists of several short sections of contrasting character or mood, each ending in a full close, or cadence, and its text is often concerned with eating and drinking. In style it is homophonici.e., based on chords rather than on interwoven melodies. Although the first composer to use the term for a musical work was John Playford (1652), the glee flourished from about 1740 to about 1830. By the late 18th century, glees were also composed for mixed voices (male and female). The term is also loosely applied to various vocal compositions of the 17th19th centuries that do not conform to these characteristicse.g., the instrumentally accompanied part-songs by Henry Bishop.

      The glee is a purely English form and together with the catch, or round, it made up the greater part of the repertory of the glee clubs once prominent in English musical life. The most famous was the Glee Club (17831857). Others, still in existence, include the Noblemen and Gentlemen's Catch Club (founded 1761) and the City Glee Club (founded 1853).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Glee — (gl[=e]), n. [OE. gle, gleo, AS. gle[ o]w, gle[ o], akin to Icel. gl[=y]: cf. Gr. ? joke, jest.] [1913 Webster] 1. Music; minstrelsy; entertainment. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2. Joy; merriment; mirth; gayety; paricularly, the mirth enjoyed… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Glee — [gli:] der; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. glee, eigtl. »Fröhlichkeit«> einfaches Lied für drei od. mehr Stimmen (meist Männerstimmen) ohne instrumentale Begleitung in der engl. Musik des 17. bis 19. Jh.s, das bes. in Herrenklubs beliebt war …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

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