- bher-
I. bher-1
To carry; also to bear children.1.a.(ii) forbear1, from Old English forberan, to bear, endure (for-, for-; see per1). Both (i) and (ii) from Germanic *beran;2.3.4. Compound root *bhrenk-, to bring (< *bher- + *enk-, to reach; see nek-2). bring, from Old English bringan, to bring, from Germanic *brengan.5. -fer, fertile; afferent, circumference, confer, defer1, defer2, differ, efferent, infer, offer, prefer, proffer, refer, suffer, transfer, vociferate, from Latin ferre, to carry.6. Prefixed and suffixed zero-grade form *pro-bhr-o-, “something brought before one” (*pro-, before; see per1). opprobrium, from Latin probrum, a reproach.7. Possibly suffixed zero-grade form *bhr̥-tu- in Latin words having to do with “chance” (? < “a bringing, that which is brought”).b. Fortuna, fortune, from Latin fortūna, chance, good luck, fortune, and Fortūna, goddess of good fortune.8. Probably lengthened o-grade form *bhōr-. ferret1, furtive, furuncle; furunculosis, from Latin fūr, thief.9. feretory, -phore, -phoresis, -phorous; amphora, anaphora, diaphoresis, euphoria, metaphor, periphery, pheromone, telpher, tocopherol, from Greek pherein, to carry, with o-grade noun phoros, a carrying.II. bher-2Bright, brown.1. Suffixed variant form *bhrū-no-.2. Reduplicated form *bhibhru-, *bhebhru-, “the brown animal,” beaver. beaver1, from Old English be(o)for, beaver, from Germanic *bebruz.
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Universalium. 2010.