
amphoral, adj.
/am"feuhr euh/, n., pl. amphorae /-feuh ree'/, amphoras. Gk. and Rom. Antiq.
a large two-handled storage jar having an oval body, usually tapering to a point at the base, with a pair of handles extending from immediately below the lip to the shoulder: used chiefly for oil, wine, etc., and, set on a foot, as a commemorative vase awarded the victors in contests such as the Panathenaic games. Cf. pelike, stamnos.
[1300-50; ME < L < Gk amphoreús, equiv. to am(phi)- AMPHI- + phoreús bearer (i.e., handle), akin to phérein to bear]

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      ancient Roman unit of capacity for grain and liquid products equal to 48 sextarii and equivalent to about 27.84 litres (7.36 U.S. gallons). The term amphora was borrowed from the Greeks, who used it to designate a measure equal to about 34 litres (9 U.S. gallons).

  ancient vessel form used as a storage jar and one of the principal vessel shapes in Greek pottery, a two-handled pot with a neck narrower than the body. There are two types of amphora: the neck amphora, in which the neck meets the body at a sharp angle; and the one-piece amphora, in which the neck and body form a continuous curve. The first is common from the Geometric period (c. 900 BC) to the decline of Greek pottery; the second appeared in the 7th century BC. The height of amphorae varies from large Geometric vases of 5 feet (1.5 metres) to examples of 12 inches (30 centimetres) or even smaller (the smallest are called amphoriskoi). The average normal height is about 18 inches (45 centimetres). Amphorae, which survive in great numbers, were used as storage and transport vessels for olives, cereal, oil, and wine (the wine amphora was a standard Attic measure of about 41 quarts [39 litres]) and, in outsize form, for funerals and as grave markers. Wide-mouthed, painted amphorae were used as decanters and were given as prizes.

      The neck amphora, prefigured in Mycenean (14th-century-BC) pottery and remodelled as a main shape in the Protogeometric style (1000c. 900 BC), has about 12 distinct shape variations, determined as much by utilitarian as by aesthetic considerations. Noteworthy are the Nolan type (from Nola, Italy), some of which had triple handles popular in red-figure pottery; the Panathenaic (Panathenaea) amphora, painted in black-figure and presented as a prize (filled with olive oil and having the inscriptionI am one of the prizes from Athens”) at the Panathenaic Festivals from the 6th to the 2nd century BC (they often depict contests and victors); and the loutrophoros, slender-bodied, with a tall neck and flaring mouth, used from the 6th century for ritual purposes at weddings and funerals. The one-piece amphora maintained a more consistent shape, with cylindrical handles, flaring lip, echinus foot, and amply curved belly. Amphorae, such as wine containers, continued to be made in profusion during the Roman Empire. Because amphorae were used to transport goods, they are widely found throughout the ancient eastern Mediterranean world.

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