
I. nek-1
Death. Oldest form *nek̑-, becoming *nek- in centum languages.
Derivatives include nuisance, innocent, and nectarine.
2. Suffixed (causative) o-grade form *nok-eyo-. nocent, nocuous, nuisance; innocent, innocuous, from Latin nocēre, to injure, harm.
3. Suffixed o-grade form *nok-s-. noxious; obnoxious, from Latin noxa, injury, hurt, damage entailing liability.
4. Suffixed full-grade form *nek-ro-. necro-, necrosis; necromancy, from Greek nekros, corpse.
5. nectar, nectarine, from Greek nektar, the drink of the gods, “overcoming death” (*tar-, overcoming; see terə-2).
[Pokorny nek̑- 762.]
  II. nek-2
To reach, attain. Oldest form *nek̑-, becoming *nek- in centum languages.
I. O-grade form *nok-. enough, from Old English genōg, enough, from Germanic *ganōga-, sufficient, from *ga-nah, “suffices” (*ga-, intensive prefix; see kom).
II. Variant form *enk-.
1. oncogenesis, oncology, from Greek reduplicated enenkein, to carry (suppletive aorist of pherein, to carry; see bher-), with derived noun onkos, a burden, mass, hence a tumor (from suffixed o-grade *onk-o-; see 2 below).
2. Suffixed o-grade form *onk-o-. baisa, paisa, pice, from Sanskrit aṁśaḥ, part, portion.
3. Compound root *bhrenk- (see bher-1).
[Pokorny enek̑- 316.]

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