Thutmose III

Thutmose III
fl. c1475 B.C., Egyptian ruler: conqueror of the Middle East.
Also, Thotmes III, Thothmes III, Thutmosis III.

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died 1426 BC

Egyptian king of the 18th dynasty (r. 14791426 BC), often regarded as the greatest pharaoh of ancient Egypt.

He ascended the throne around the age of 10, but his aunt, Hatshepsut, ruled first as his regent and then in her own right for the next 20 years. On her death he began military campaigns to reestablish Egyptian supremacy in Syria and Palestine. Later he attacked and defeated the kingdom of Mitanni, a powerful Mesopotamian rival of Egypt. He subdued the Nubian tribes to the south and employed them in the gold mines that became the basis of Egypt's wealth. He consolidated his victories with more campaigns and established a system whereby native rulers would pay yearly tribute to Egypt and send their heirs as hostages to Egypt, where they would be educated at court. At home he enlarged the temple of Amon at Karnak. His mummy was discovered in 1889 and his mortuary temple in 1962.

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king of Egypt
died 1426 BCE
 king (reigned 147926 BCE) of the 18th dynasty (Egypt, ancient), often regarded as the greatest of the rulers of ancient Egypt (Egypt, ancient). Thutmose III was a skilled warrior who brought the Egyptian empire to the zenith of its power by conquering all of Syria, crossing the Euphrates (see Tigris-Euphrates river system) to defeat the Mitannians (Mitanni), and penetrating south along the Nile River to Napata in the Sudan. He also built a great number of temples and monuments to commemorate his deeds.

Thutmose's minority
      Thutmose III was the son of Thutmose II; his mother was one of the king's secondary wives or a lesser harem queen, named Isis. Since there was no prince with a better claim to the throne, the boy was crowned king on the early death of his father; he was very young at the time. Hatshepsutthe daughter of Thutmose I, the wife and sister of Thutmose II, and the mother of Thutmose III's half-sister Neferureacted as regent. By the seventh year of his reign this strong-minded and ambitious woman herself assumed the attributes, dress, and insignia of a king and to all intents and purposes reigned in his stead. As one of her courtiers says, “she directed the affairs of the whole land according to her wishes.” Still, Thutmose was given an education befitting his royal station. He was taught all military skills, especially archery, which he demonstrated in public display, and horsemanship, in which he showed considerable prowess. He was later to boast that none among his followers could equal him in physical strength and in marksmanship.

      As he grew up, Thutmose may even have been entrusted with command of the army on campaign in Nubia; he may have also fought in Gezer in Palestine. His grandfather Thutmose I had penetrated into northern Syria; Thutmose II, though far from a weakling, had not followed this success, and Hatshepsut may have been unwilling to send an army into the field. Thus, through inaction, Egyptian influence in Syria and Palestine declined. The sons and grandsons of the Syrian princes who had surrendered to Thutmose I no longer sent tribute, and the king of Mitanni, a powerful Mesopotamian (Mesopotamia, history of) kingdom with its capital beyond the Euphrates, was able to extend his control westward to the Mediterranean (Mediterranean Sea).

      In the 22nd year of Thutmose's reign, a formidable coalition was formed against Egypt, led by the king of Kadesh in northern Syria and no doubt supported by the Mitanni. At this moment of crisis, Hatshepsut died, and Thutmose as sole ruler began a series of annual military campaigns aimed at Nubia and the Levantine powers.

Military campaigns
 After a few months' preparation the king was ready to march at the head of his army. The first campaign is recorded in some detail on the walls of the temple he built at Karnak in Thebes, which describe the march to Gaza and thence to Yahmai south of the Carmel Range, the council of war, and the king's bold decision to surprise the enemy encamped at Megiddo, northeast of Carmel and about 18 miles (29 km) southeast of the modern city of Haifa. Thutmose's approach was by the route least expecteda narrow defile over the mountain. It was successful: the enemy was defeated, and Megiddo was taken after a siege of eight months. In subsequent campaigns, which are less fully described in the annals, ports on the Phoenician (Phoenicia) coast were converted into Egyptian supply bases, and Kadesh and other cities in Al-Biqāʿ (Biqāʿ, Al-) (Bekaa) valley were taken.

      In the 33rd year of Thutmose's reign, the time was at last ripe for his most audacious move, an attack on the kingdom of Mitanni itself, which had grown stronger since the day when Thutmose I had taken its army by surprise. Thutmose planned the campaign well; pontoon boats were transported across Syria on oxcarts for the crossing of the Euphrates River. The ensuing encounter, which must have taken place on the eastern bank, is not described by the annalist; it resulted in the precipitate flight of the Mitannian king and the capture of 30 members of his harem and some hundreds of his soldiers. Triumphantly, Thutmose set up his commemorative inscription by the river's edge, next to that of his grandfather Thutmose I. It was his farthest point of advance. On the homeward journey he hunted elephant in the land of Niy, in the Orontes valley, and on his return he celebrated a great triumph at Thebes and dedicated prisoners and booty to the temple of the state god, Amon.

      In later campaigns (there were 17 in all), Thutmose III was content to consolidate what he had won and to lay the foundations of an imperial organization (political system) of his Asian possessions. Native rulers, members of local ruling dynasties, were henceforward set to govern their own territories (feudalism) as vassals (vassal) of Egypt and were bound by solemn oath to keep the peace, render annual tribute, and obey the Egyptian representative in the region, theoverseer of foreign lands.” Their sons were sent as hostages to Egypt and educated at court, so that in due course they might return to rule their inheritance, Egyptianized in outlook and sympathies. Fortresses were built, and Egyptian garrisons were stationed at key points along the coast and in the highlands.

      To the south, Thutmose reaffirmed the southern boundary of Egyptian domination over Nubia as far as Kurgus, and at Napata, near Mount Barkal, he built a temple to Amon. He thoroughly subdued the turbulent Nubian tribes and employed many of them in the gold mines, which from his reign on became the basis of Egyptian wealth in foreign exchange with the princes of western Asia. For the last 12 years of his reign, he was content to enjoy the fruits of his victories. The tribute of Syria and Palestine and of the Sudan poured into his treasury; the annals list huge quantities of timber and metal ores, cattle, and grain delivered by the conquered. Minoan (Minoan civilization) Crete and Cyprus, Babylonia, Assyria, and the Hittites (Hittite) sent gifts. The tombs of high officials of the reign are decorated with scenes depicting the reception of foreign envoys coming from places as far away as the Aegean (Aegean Sea) and the Greek mainland to lay their rich and exotic gifts at the feet of the pharaoh. The prestige of Egypt had never been so great.

Margaret Stefana Drower

Adornment of Egypt
      The new prosperity was reflected in the remarkable program of building undertaken by the king's architects. The Temple of Amon at Karnak in particular was enlarged and enriched by many new buildings and a number of obelisks (obelisk). Two of the splendid granite obelisks that he erected there are now in Istanbul and Rome; of the two, now known as Cleopatra's Needles (Cleopatra's Needle), with which he adorned the temple of the sun god at Heliopolis, one is in New York City's Central Park and the other on the Thames embankment in London. During Thutmose III's reign, art and craftsmanship received new impetus from his patronage. The exotic birds, beasts, and plants that he brought back from his campaigns in Asia are depicted on the walls of his Festival Hall at Karnak; among the gifts sent him from abroad were a live bear, an elephant, a giraffe, andbirds that give birth every day”—probably domestic hens, which were rare in the Middle East at that time.

      The last decade of his reign is marked by the building of a new temple at Dayr al-Baḥrī, next to Hatshepsut's mortuary temple. At the same time, a systematic program was instituted by Thutmose III to erase the record of her kingship and to ascribe her monuments to her immediate predecessors, Thutmose I and Thutmose II. The motive for Hatshepsut's proscription at such a late date is not fully understood, but most of her cartouches and images vanished from public view.

      During the last years of his life, Thutmose appointed his son Amenhotep II, the son of his second wife, Meryetre, as coregent. When he died, in 1426 BCE, he was laid to rest in a remote corner of the Valley of the Kings (Kings, Valley of the) in western Thebes. The mummy of the pharaoh was one of those discovered in 1889, in a hiding place where the priest-kings of the 21st dynasty (Egypt, ancient) (1075c. 950 BCE) had put them for safety. Of the rich furniture that must originally have been placed in the tomb, only a few fragments were found. A memorial temple, which he built on a terrace at Dayr al-Baḥrī beside that of Hatshepsut, was discovered in 1962.

      In the southern reaches of the western Theban mountain, the burial place of three members of his harem was found; judging by their names, they were Asiatic princesses, and though of minor rank their jewelry and equipment were extremely lavish.

      Of all the kings of ancient Egypt, Thutmose III is perhaps the one who, for the modern historian, most nearly comes to life. His records, though couched in the boastful and extravagant terms thought befitting a pharaoh's exploits, leave little doubt not only of his ability as a soldier and a statesman but also of his abilities as an athlete and a hunter of lion, wild cattle, and elephant. From his mummy it is known that he was a small man, not above five feet three inches (1.6 metres) in height. His statues show a youthful, smooth face with a large, high-bridged nose and pleasantly smiling mouth.

      His fame lived after him. His name inscribed on countless amulets was thought to bring power and protection to the wearers. A popular hymn celebrating his triumphs became a model for later paeans of victory. In it the god Amon-Re says:

I set your glory and the fear of you in all lands, and the terror of you as far as the four supports of the sky...the rulers of all foreign countries are gathered together within thy grasp. I stretch out my hands to bind them for you.

Margaret Stefana Drower Peter F. Dorman

Additional Reading
Detailed discussions of various aspects of the life of Thutmose III are compiled in Eric H. Cline and David B. O'Connor (eds.), Thutmose III: A New Biography (2006). The career and achievements of Thutmose III are also described in some detail in general histories such as J.H. Breasted, A History of Egypt from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest, 2nd ed. (1905, reprinted in 2 vol., 2001); and A.H. Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs (1961). The Cambridge Ancient History, vol. 2, part 1, History of the Middle East and the Aegean Region, c. 18001380 B.C., 3rd ed., edited by I.E.S. Edwards et al. (1973, reprinted 2000), contains chapters on the early part of the 18th dynasty and on the Egyptian challenge and Egypt in Asia; the bibliographies to these chapters are also useful. The text of Thutmose's annals and other inscriptions may be found in J.H. Breasted (ed.), Ancient Records of Egypt, vol. 2 (1906, reissued 1962). J.B. Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Illustrating the Old Testament, 3rd ed. with supplement (1969), contains a better translation of the more important texts. A good assessment of Egyptian military campaigns in Syria and Palestine under Thutmose based on the annals may be found in Donald B. Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III (2003). Dimitri Laboury, La Statuaire de Thoutmosis III (1998), contains a comprehensive catalogue of his royal statuary.

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