Thutmose II

Thutmose II
fl. c1495 B.C., Egyptian ruler, son of Thutmose I, half brother of Thutmose III.
Also, Thotmes II, Thothmes II, Thutmosis II.

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king of Egypt
flourished 2nd millennium BCE

      18th-dynasty (Egypt, ancient) king (reigned c. 148279 BCE) of ancient Egypt (Egypt, ancient) who suppressed a revolt in Nubia, Egypt's territory to the south, and also sent a punitive expedition to Palestine against some Bedouins (Bedouin).

      Thutmose was born to Thutmose I, his predecessor, by one of his secondary queens, Mutnofret. Thutmose II married his fully royal half-sister, Hatshepsut, at an early age. According to an inscription from Aswān dated year one, a chief from northern Kush, around the Second Nile (Nile River) Cataract, fomented a revolt against Egyptian suzerainty and threatened the garrisons stationed in Nubia. The king dispatched a force with orders to quell the rebels and execute their males. One of the chief's sons was taken captive to Egypt, probably to be Egyptianized and returned to his country as a client ruler. Some time later, as shown by the biography of one of the soldiers who had accompanied his father, Thutmose II sent forces against some Bedouins in southern Palestine.

      Besides these references, little is known of Thutmose II's reign. At Karnak he erected a festival court in front of the entrance pylon of the temple, and the court was continually adorned with royal monuments until it was demolished during the renovations of Amenhotep III. In western Thebes he built a small funerary temple, which his son later enlarged. No tomb has been positively identified as belonging to Thutmose II, although his mummy was discovered reburied in the royal cache.

      By a woman of his harem, Thutmose II left a son who was still very young at his father's death. As indicated by the king's chief architect, although the young prince was elevated to the throne, it was his stepmother and regent, Hatshepsut, who governed Egypt.

      There is doubt concerning the length of Thutmose II's reign. Only his first year is positively attested, and while some scholars opt for a short reign of 3 or 4 years, others have proposed a 14- or even 18-year reign.

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