
/bab'euh loh"nee euh, -lohn"yeuh/, n.
an ancient empire in SW Asia, in the lower Euphrates valley: its greatest period was 2800-1750 B.C. Cap.: Babylon.

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Ancient cultural region of the Tigris and Euphrates river system.

The area was divided into Sumer (southeast) and Akkad (northwest) when the first Babylonian line of Amorite kings took power after 2000 BC. Largely because of the efforts of Hammurabi (r. с 179250 BC), Babylonia gained regional hegemony but declined after his death; the Kassites from the east eventually assumed power (с 1595) and established a dynasty that lasted some four centuries. After Elam conquered Babylonia (c. 1157 BC), a series of wars established a new Babylonian dynasty whose outstanding member was Nebuchadrezzar I (r. с 11241103 BC). Following his rule, a three-way struggle developed for control of Babylonia among Assyria, Aram (see Aramaeans), and Chaldea, in which the Assyrians ruled the area most frequently (9th7th century BC). In the 7th6th centuries BC the Chaldean Nebuchadrezzar II (605562 BC) instituted the last and greatest period of Babylonian supremacy, conquering Syria and Palestine and rebuilding Babylon, the capital city. It was conquered in 539 BC by the Persian Achaemenian dynasty under Cyrus II and in 331 BC by Alexander the Great, after which the capital city was gradually abandoned.

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ancient region, Mesopotamia
 ancient cultural region occupying southeastern Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (modern southern Iraq from around Baghdad to the Persian Gulf). Because the city of Babylon was the capital of this area for so many centuries, the term Babylonia has come to refer to the entire culture that developed in the area from the time it was first settled, about 4000 BC. Before Babylon's rise to political prominence (c. 1850 BC), however, the area was divided into two countries: Sumer in the southeast and Akkad in the northwest.

      A brief treatment of Babylonia follows. For full treatment, see Mesopotamia, history of.

      The history of Sumer and Akkad is one of constant warfare. The Sumerian city-states fought one another for the control of the region and rendered it vulnerable to invasion from Akkad and from its neighbour to the east, Elam. Despite the series of political crises that marked their history, however, Sumer and Akkad developed rich cultures. The Sumerians were responsible for the first system of writing, cuneiform; the earliest known codes of law; the development of the city-state; the invention of the potter's wheel, the sailboat, and the seed plow; and the creation of literary, musical, and architectural forms that influenced all of Western civilization.

 This cultural heritage was adopted by the Sumerians' and Akkadians' successors, the Amorites (Amorite), a western Semitic tribe that had conquered all of Mesopotamia by about 1900 BC. Under the rule of the Amorites, which lasted until about 1600 BC, Babylon became the political and commercial centre of the Tigris-Euphrates area, and Babylonia became a great empire, encompassing all of southern Mesopotamia and part of Assyria to the north. The ruler largely responsible for this rise to power was Hammurabi (c. 17921750 BC), the sixth king of the 1st dynasty of Babylon, who forged coalitions between the separate city-states, promoted science and scholarship, and promulgated his famous code of law.

      After Hammurabi's death, the Babylonian empire declined until 1595 BC, when the Hittite invader Mursil I (Mursilis I) unseated the Babylonian king Samsuditana, allowing the Kassites (Kassite) from the mountains east of Babylonia to assume power and establish a dynasty that lasted 400 years.

      During the last few centuries of Kassite rule, religion and literature flourished in Babylonia, the most important literary work of the period being the Enuma Elish, the Babylonian epic of creation. During this same time, however, Assyria broke away from Babylonian control and developed as an independent empire, threatening the Kassite dynasty in Babylonia and on a few occasions temporarily gaining control. Elam, too, grew powerful and ultimately conquered most of Babylonia, felling the Kassite dynasty (c. 1157 BC).

      In a series of wars, a new line of Babylonian kings, the 2nd dynasty of the city of Isin, was established. Its most outstanding member, Nebuchadrezzar I (reigned c. 11241103 BC), defeated Elam and successfully fought off Assyrian advances for some years.

      For several centuries following Nebuchadrezzar I's rule, a three-way struggle developed among the Assyrians and Aramean and Chaldean tribesmen for control of Babylonia. From the 9th century to the fall of the Assyrian empire in the late 7th century BC, Assyrian kings most frequently ruled over Babylonia, often appointing sub-kings to administer the government. The last ruling Assyrian king was Ashurbanipal, who fought a civil war against his brother, the sub-king in Babylon, devastating the city and its population.

      Upon Ashurbanipal's death, a Chaldean leader, Nabopolassar, made Babylon his capital and instituted the last and greatest period of Babylonian supremacy. His son Nebuchadrezzar II (reigned 605562 BC) conquered Syria and Palestine; he is best remembered for the destruction of Judah and Jerusalem in 587 BC and for the ensuing Babylonian captivity of the Jews. He also revitalized Babylon, constructing the wondrous hanging gardens and rebuilding the Temple of Marduk and its accompanying ziggurat.

      The Persians, under Cyrus the Great, captured Babylonia from Nebuchadrezzar's last successor Nabonidus in 539 BC. Thereafter, Babylonia ceased to be independent, passing eventually in 331 BC to Alexander the Great, who planned to make Babylon the capital of his empire and who died in Nebuchadrezzar's palace. After Alexander's death, however, the Seleucids eventually abandoned Babylon, bringing an end to one of the greatest empires in history.

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