
obeliscal, adj.obeliskoid, adj.
/ob"euh lisk/, n.
1. a tapering, four-sided shaft of stone, usually monolithic and having a pyramidal apex.
2. something resembling such a shaft.
3. an obelus.
4. Print. dagger (def. 2).
[1540-50; < L obeliscus < Gk obelískos small spit, equiv. to obel(ós) spit, pointed pillar + -iskos dim. suffix]

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Tapered four-sided pillar, originally erected in pairs at the entrance to ancient Egyptian temples.

The Egyptian obelisk was carved from a single piece of stone, usually granite, and embellished with hieroglyphics. It was wider at its square or rectangular base than at its pyramidal top, and could be over 100 ft (30 m) high. During the Roman empire, many obelisks were transported from Egypt to Italy. A well-known modern obelisk is the Washington Monument.

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      tapered monolithic pillar, originally erected in pairs at the entrances of ancient Egyptian temples. The Egyptian obelisk was carved from a single piece of stone, usually red granite from the quarries at Aswān. It was designed to be wider at its square or rectangular base than at its pyramidal top, which was often covered with an alloy of gold and silver called electrum. All four sides of the obelisk's shaft are embellished with hieroglyphs that characteristically include religious dedications, usually to the Sun god, and commemorations of the lives of rulers. While obelisks are known to have been erected as early as the 4th dynasty (c. 26132494 BC), no examples from that era have survived. Obelisks of the 5th dynasty's Sun temples were comparatively squat (no more than 10 feet [3.3 metres] tall). The earliest surviving obelisk dates from the reign of Sesostris I (19181875 BC) and stands at Heliopolis, a suburb of Cairo, where once stood a temple to Re. One of a pair of obelisks erected at Karnak by Thutmose I (c. 152512 BC) is 80 feet (24 metres) high, square at the base, with sides of 6 feet (1.8 metres), and 143 tons in weight.

      An inscription on the base of Hatshepsut's obelisk at Karnak indicates that the work of cutting that particular monolith out of the quarry took seven months. In the Temple of Hatshepsut at Thebes are scenes of the transport of the obelisk down the Nile by barge. At its destination workmen put the shaft into place upon its detached base by hauling it up a ramp made of earth and tilting it.

      Other peoples, including the Phoenicians and the Canaanites, produced obelisks after Egyptian models, although not generally carved from a single block of stone.

      During the time of the Roman emperors, many obelisks were transported from Egypt to what is now Italy. At least a dozen went to the city of Rome itself, including one now in the Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano that was originally erected by Thutmose III (reigned 15041450 BC) at Karnak. With a height of 105 feet (32 m) and a square base with sides of 9 feet (2.7 m) that tapers to a square top with sides of 6 feet, 2 inches (1.88 m), it weighs approximately 230 tons and is the largest ancient obelisk extant.

      Late in the 19th century the government of Egypt divided a pair of obelisks, giving one to the United States and the other to Great Britain. One now stands in Central Park, New York City, and the other on the Thames embankment in London. Although known as Cleopatra's Needles (Cleopatra's Needle), they have no historic connection with the Egyptian queen. They were dedicated at Heliopolis by Thutmose III about 1500 BC and bear inscriptions to him and to Ramses II (c. 1304c. 1237 BC). Carved from the typical red granite, they stand 69 feet, 6 inches (21.2 m) high, have a rectangular base that is 7 feet, 9 inches by 7 feet, 8 inches (2.36 m by 2.33 m), and weigh 180 tons. The quarrying and erecting of these pillars is a measure of the mechanical genius and the unlimited manpower available to the ancient Egyptians.

      A well-known example of a modern obelisk is the Washington Monument, which was completed in Washington, D.C., in 1884. It towers 555 feet (169 m) and contains an observatory and interior elevator and stairs.

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