
/huy"dreuh zeen'/, n.
1. Also called diamine. a colorless, oily, fuming liquid, N2H4, that is a weak base in solution and forms a large number of salts resembling ammonium salts: used chiefly as a reducing agent and a jet-propulsion fuel.
2. a class of substances derived by replacing one or more hydrogen atoms in hydrazine by an organic group.
[1885-90; HYDR-2 + AZ- + -INE2]

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      (N2H4), one of a series of compounds called hydronitrogens and a powerful reducing agent. It is used in the synthesis of various pesticides, as a base for blowing agents that make the holes in foam rubber, and as a corrosion inhibitor in boilers. Hydrazine is a colourless liquid with an ammonia-like odor. It has a melting point of 2.0° C (35.6° F) and a boiling point of 113.5° C (236.3° F). It readily absorbs moisture to form the hydrate N2H4·H2O.

      Hydrazine was first isolated from organic compounds in 1887. The common method of preparation is by the Raschig process, which involves the oxidation of ammonia with sodium hypochlorite in the presence of gelatin or glue. (Other variations of this process substitute urea for ammonia.)

      Hydrazine reacts with acids and some metallic salts, and the products are used in the manufacture of certain explosives and agricultural fungicides. Hydrazine reacts with organic compounds to form alkyl hydrazines, used as fuel in rocket and jet propulsion. Other reactions with organic compounds yield hydrazones and hydrazides, which are used in such pharmaceuticals as isoniazid (in the treatment of tuberculosis) and as chemical intermediates in the production of polymers and photographic chemicals.

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