
I. sem-1
One; also adverbiallyas one,” together with.
Derivatives include simultaneous, hyphen, acolyte, and simple.
I. Full-grade form *sem-.
a. hendecasyllabic, hendiadys, henotheism, hyphen, from Greek heis (< nominative singular masculine *hen-s < *hem-s), one;
b. Greek he- in hekaton, one hundred (? dissimilated from *hem-katon; see dekm̥). Both a and b from Greek *hem-.
2. Suffixed form *sem-el-. simultaneous; assemble, ensemble, from Latin simul, at the same time.
3. Suffixed form *sem-golo-. single, from Latin singulus, alone, single.
4. Compound *sem-per- (*per, during, for; see per1). sempre; sempiternal, from Latin semper, always, ever (< “once for all”).
II. O-grade form *som-.
2. Suffixed form *som-o-.
a. same, from Old Norse samr, same, from Germanic *samaz, same;
b. homeo-, homo-; anomalous, from Greek homos, same;
c. homily, from Greek homīlos, crowd.
3. Suffixed form *som-alo-. homolographic, from Greek homalos, like, even, level.
III. Lengthened o-grade form *sōm-.
1. Suffixed form *sōm-i-. seem, seemly, from Old Norse sœ̄mr, fitting, agreeable (< “making one,” “reconciling”), from Germanic *sōmiz.
2. Suffixed lengthened o-grade form *sōm-o-. samizdat, samovar, from Russian sam(o)-, self.
IV. Zero-grade form *sm̥-.
1. acolyte, anacoluthon, from Greek compound akolouthos, accompanying (-kolouthos, from o-grade of keleuthos, way, path), from ha-, a-, together.
2. Compound form *sm̥-plo- (*-plo-, -fold; see pel-2).
a. simple, from Latin simplus, simple;
b. haploid, from Greek haploos, haplous, single, simple.
3. Suffixed form *sm̥m-o-.
a. some, from Old English sum, one, a certain one;
b. -some1, from Old English -sum, -like. Both a and b from Germanic *sumaz.
4. Suffixed form *sm̥m-alo-. similar; assimilate, resemble, from Latin similis, of the same kind, like.
5. Compound *sm̥-kēro-, of one growing (see ker-2).
6. Suffixed form *sm̥-tero-. hetero-, from Greek heteros (earlier hateros), one of two, other.
7. Compound *sm̥-plek-, “one-fold,” simple (*-plek-, -fold; see plek-). semplice, simplex, simplicity, from Latin simplex, simple.
8. Extended form *sm̥ma. hamadryad, from Greek hama, together with, at the same time.
[Pokorny 2. sem- 902.]
  II. sem-2
Summer. Also semə- (oldest form *semə₂-). Suffixed zero-grade form *sm̥ə-aro-. summer1, from Old English sumor, summer, from Germanic *sumaraz.
[Pokorny 3. sem- 905.]

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