
/sim"pleks/, adj., n. pl. simplexes, simplices /-pleuh sees'/.
1. simple; consisting of or characterized by a single element.
2. pertaining to or noting a telecommunications system permitting communication in only one direction at a time.
3. Math. a basic geometric element in a Euclidean space, being a line segment in one dimension, a triangle in two dimensions, a tetrahedron in three dimensions, and so on: used in topology and linear programming.
4. an apartment having all the rooms on one floor.
[1585-95; < L: having a single layer, lit., one-fold, equiv. to sim-, base meaning "one" (akin to similis SIMILAR, Gk hén (neut.) one, homós same (see HOMO-), E SAME) + -plex -PLEX]

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  • simplex — (adj.) characterized by a single part, 1590s, from L. simplex single, simple, from PIE root *sem one, together (Cf. L. semper always, lit. once for all; Skt. sam together; see SAME (Cf. same)) + *plac fold. The noun is …   Etymology dictionary

  • simplex — [sim′pleks΄] adj. [L, simple < IE base * sem , one + * plak : see DUPLEX] 1. having only one part; not complex or compounded 2. designating or of a system of telegraphy, telephony, etc. in which a signal can be transmitted in only one… …   English World dictionary

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  • Simplex — (lat.), simpel, einfach; schlicht; einfältig …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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