
I. mel-1
Soft; with derivatives referring to soft or softened materials of various kinds.
I. Extended form *meld-.
1. melt, from Old English meltan, to melt, from Germanic *meltan.
2. Possibly Germanic *miltja-. milt, from Old English milte, spleen, and Middle Dutch milte, milt.
3. Possibly Germanic *malta-. malt, from Old English mealt, malt.
4. Suffixed variant form *mled-sno-. blenny, from Greek blennos, slime, also a name for the blenny.
5. Suffixed zero-grade form *ml̥d-wi-. moil, mollify, mollusk, mouillé; emollient, from Latin mollis, soft.
6. Possibly nasalized variant form *mlad-. bland, blandish, from Latin blandus, smooth, caressing, flattering, soft-spoken.
II. Variant form *smeld-.
a. smelt1, from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German smelten, to smelt;
b. schmaltz, from Old High German smalz, animal fat;
c. smalt, from Italian smalto, enamel, glaze;
d. enamel, from Old French esmail, enamel. a-d all from Germanic *smelt-;
e. smelt2, from Old English smelt, smylt, a marine fish, smelt, perhaps from Germanic *smelt-.
III. Extended form *meldh-.
1. mild, from Old English milde, mild, from Germanic *mildja-.
2. Possibly Greek maltha, a mixture of wax and pitch: maltha.
IV. Suffixed form *mel-sko-. mulch, from Old English mel(i)sc, mylsc, mild, mellow, from Germanic *mil-sk-.
V. Extended form *ml̥ək-. bonanza, chondromalacia, malacology, osteomalacia, from Greek malakos, soft.
VI. Possibly Celtic *molto-, sheep. mutton, from Old French moton, sheep.
VII. Suffixed zero-grade form *(ə)ml-u-. amblygonite, amblyopia, from Greek amblus, blunt, dull, dim.
[Pokorny 1. mel- 716.]
  II. mel-2
Strong, great.
1. Suffixed (comparative) form *mel-yos-. ameliorate, meliorate, meliorism, from Latin melior, better.
2. Suffixed zero-grade form *ml̥-to-. molto, multi-, multitude, from Latin multus, much, many.
[Pokorny 4. mel- 720.]
  III. mel-3
False, bad, wrong.
1. mal-, malice, malign; dismal, malady, malaria, maledict, malefactor, malefic, malentendu, malevolence, malison, malversation, from Latin malus, bad, and male, ill (> malignus, harmful).
2. Perhaps suffixed zero-grade form *ml̥-s-. blame, blaspheme, from Greek blasphēmos, blasphemous, perhaps from *ml̥s-bhā-mo-, “speaking evil” (*bhā-, to speak; see bhā-2).
3. Suffixed form *mel-yo-. markhor, from Avestan mairiia-, treacherous.
[Pokorny 2. mel- 719, mēlo- 724.]

* * *

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