
/mah"lay, -lee/, n.
a city in and the capital of the Maldives. 17,000.

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Chief atoll (pop., 2000: 74,069) and capital of the Maldives.

Located in the centre of the Maldives, it comprises two groups of islets: North Male, which is 32 mi (51 km) by 23 mi (37 km); and South Male, which is 20 mi (32 km) by 12 mi (19 km). It has central courts, a government hospital, an international airport, and public and private schools. It is a trade and tourist centre.

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also spelled  Male' 

      island and atoll, capital of the Maldives, Indian Ocean. It lies on Male Atoll, about 400 miles (645 km) southwest of Sri Lanka. As the seat of government for the Maldivians, it has central courts, a government hospital, public and private schools with instruction in English, and a vocational-training school focused on engineering. It is a trade and tourist centre and is connected with Sri Lanka and India by steamship lines. Male International Airport handles both domestic and international flights. Male's chief products are fish (bonito and tuna), coconuts, breadfruit, and woven palm mats. In December 2004 much of the city was flooded after the Maldives was struck by a large tsunami triggered by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean near Indonesia. However, Male's seawall limited the damage. Pop. (2000) 74,069.

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Universalium. 2010.

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