
Also ghebh-. To give or receive.
Derivatives include give, able, malady, prohibit, duty, and endeavor.
1. Form *ghebh-.
a. give, from Old English giefan, to give, and Old Norse gefa, to give;
b. forgive, from Old English forgi(e)fan, to give, give up, leave off (anger), remit, forgive, from Germanic compound *far-geban, to give away (*far-, away; see per1). Both a and b from Germanic *geban.
2. Suffixed form *ghebh-ti-, something given (or received). gift, from Old Norse gipt, gift, a gift, from Germanic *giftiz.
3. O-grade form *ghobh-. gavel2, from Old English gafol, tribute, tax, debt, from Germanic *gab-ulam, something paid (or received).
4. Form *ghabh-ē-.
a. able, binnacle, habile, habit, habitable, habitant, habitat; avoirdupois, cohabit, exhibit, inhabit, inhibit, malady, prebend, prohibit, provender, from Latin habēre, to hold, possess, have, handle (> habitāre, to dwell);
b. debenture, debit, debt, devoir, due, duty; endeavor, from Latin dēbēre, to owe (-, away from; see de-).
[Pokorny ghabh- 407.] Compare kap-.

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