
/hab"i tat'/, n.
1. the natural environment of an organism; place that is natural for the life and growth of an organism: a tropical habitat.
2. the place where a person or thing is usually found. Paris is a major habitat of artists.
3. a special environment for living in over an extended period, as an underwater research vessel.
4. habitation (def. 1).
[1755-65; < L: it inhabits, 3rd sing. pres. indic. of habitare, freq. of habere to have, hold]

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Place where an organism or a community of organisms lives, including all living and nonliving factors or conditions of the surrounding environment.

A host organism inhabited by parasites is as much a habitat as a place on land such as a grove of trees or an aquatic locality such as a small pond. "Microhabitat" refers to the conditions and organisms in the immediate vicinity of a plant or animal.

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 place where an organism or a community of organisms lives, including all living and nonliving factors or conditions of the surrounding environment. A host organism inhabited by parasites is as much a habitat as a terrestrial place such as a grove of trees or an aquatic locality such as a small pond. Microhabitat is a term for the conditions and organisms in the immediate vicinity of a plant or animal.

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(of a plant or an animal),

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