
To grasp.
Derivatives include have, heavy, cable, captive, deceive, capsule, and chassis.
I. Basic form *kap-.
1. heddle, from Old English hefeld, thread used for weaving, heddle (a device which grasps the thread), from Germanic *haf-.
2. haft, from Old English hæft, handle, from Germanic *haftjam.
3. Form *kap-o-. have; behave, from Old English habban, to have, hold, from Germanic *habai-, *habēn.
4. heavy, from Old English hefig, heavy, from Germanic *hafigaz, “containing something,” having weight.
5. haven, from Old English hæfen, a haven, from Germanic *hafnō-, perhapsplace that holds ships.”
6. hawk1, from Old English h(e)afoc, hawk, from Germanic *habukaz.
7. Latin combining form -ceps (< *kap-s), “taker” (see gʷher-, man-2, per1).
8. Probably from this root is Germanic *gaf-, the source of Provençal gafar, to seize: gaff1.
II. Suffixed form *kap-yo-.
1. heave, heft, from Old English hebban, to lift, from Germanic *hafjan.
III. Lengthened-grade variant form *kōp-.
a. behoof, from Old English behōf, use, profit, need;
b. behoove, from Old English behōfian, to have need of. Both a and b from Germanic compound *bi-hōf, “that which binds,” requirement, obligation (*bi-, intensive prefix; see ambhi), from *hōf-.
2. copepod, from Greek kōpē, oar, handle.
[Pokorny kap- 527.] Compare ghabh-.

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