Antimachus of Colophon

Antimachus of Colophon

Greek poet and scholar
flourished c. 410 BC, Colophon, Ionia [in modern Turkey]

      Greek poet and scholar, author of an epic in 24 books entitled Thebais, about the expedition of the Seven Against Thebes. This work enjoyed little popular success at first, but it was greatly admired in antiquity, beginning with Plato. Antimachus's other poetry included the Lyde, two books in elegiac couplets modeled on the Nanno of Mimnermus. In the Lyde many different mythological tales are linked by the theme of unhappy love; like the Thebais, it was influential in later times. He also composed a poetic encomium for the Spartan general Lysander (died 395 BC).

      Antimachus's learned style was taken as a model by Alexandrian poet-scholars of the 3rd century BC, including Apollonius of Rhodes, Asclepiades (Asclepiades Of Bithynia), and Posidippus; but he was scorned by two important poets, the Greek Callimachus (3rd century BC) and the Roman Catullus (Catullus, Gaius Valerius) (1st century BC). Antimachus was praised temperately by the Roman educator Quintilian (1st century AD). The Roman emperor Hadrian rated Antimachus above Homer, according to the Greek historian Dio Cassius. The emperor's approbation, although eccentric, kept the poet in the public eye. His writings survive chiefly in quotation by later writers to illustrate obscure words and out-of-the-way mythological detail. He was the editor of the first scholarly text of the Homeric poems and studied their rare words.

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