Dio Cassius

Dio Cassius

▪ Roman historian
also spelled  Dion Cassius  or (in Byzantine sources)  Dio Cocceianus , in full  Lucius Cassius Dio  
born c. 150, Nicaea, Bithynia [now İznik, Tur.]
died 235

      Roman administrator and historian, the author of Romaika, a history of Rome, written in Greek, that is a most important authority for the last years of the republic and the early empire.

      The son of Cassius Apronianus, governor of Dalmatia and Cilicia under Marcus Aurelius, and grandson of Dio Chrysostom, Dio Cassius went to Rome (180) after his father's death and became a member of the Senate. By Macrinus he was entrusted with the administration of Pergamum and Smyrna, and on his return to Rome he was made consul. After this he obtained the proconsulship of Africa and, again on his return, was sent as legate successively to Dalmatia and Pannonia. He was granted a second consulship by Severus Alexander, in 229, shortly before retirement.

      His history of Rome consisted of 80 books, beginning with the landing of Aeneas in Italy and ending with his own consulship. Books 36–60 survive in large part. They relate events from 69 BC to AD 46, but there is a large gap after 6 BC. Much of the work is preserved in later histories by John VIII Xiphilinus (to 146 BC and then from 44 BC to AD 96) and Johannes Zonaras (Zonaras, Joannes) (from 69 BC to the end).

      Dio's industry was great, and the various offices he held gave him opportunities for historical investigation. His narratives show the hand of the practiced soldier and politician; the language is correct and free from affectation. His work is far more than a mere compilation, though: it tells the story of Rome from the perspective of a senator who has accepted the imperial system of the 2nd and 3rd centuries. His account of the late republic and the age of the Triumvirs (triumvirate) is especially full and is interpreted in light of the battles over supreme rule in his own day. In Book 52 there is a long speech by Maecenas, whose advice to Augustus reveals Dio's own vision of the empire.

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