Catullus, Gaius Valerius

Catullus, Gaius Valerius
born с 84, Verona, Cisalpine Gaul
died с 54 BC, Rome

Roman poet.

Few facts about his life are certain. Of 116 extant poems, 25 portray an intense and unhappy affair with a married woman ("Lesbia"); others reflect an affair with the youth Juventius; still others are outbursts of contempt for Julius Caesar and other personages. He displayed remarkable versatility in assorted poetic forms, and his conversational rhythms carry an immediacy unrivaled by any other classical poet. His expressions of love and hatred represent perhaps the finest lyric poetry of ancient Rome.

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Roman poet
born c. 84 BC, , Verona, Cisalpine Gaul
died c. 54 BC, , Rome

      Roman poet whose expressions of love and hatred are generally considered the finest lyric poetry of ancient Rome. In 25 of his poems he speaks of his love for a woman he calls Lesbia, whose identity is uncertain. Other poems by Catullus are scurrilous outbursts of contempt or hatred for Julius Caesar and lesser personages.

      No ancient biography of Catullus survives. A few facts can be pieced together from external sources, in the works of his contemporaries or of later writers, supplemented by inferences drawn from his poems, some of which are certain, some only possible. The unembroidered, certain facts are scanty. Catullus was alive 5554 BC on the evidence of four of his poems and died young according to the poet Ovidat the age of 30 as stated by St. Jerome (writing about the end of the 4th century), who nevertheless dated his life erroneously 8757 BC. Catullus was thus a contemporary of the statesmen Cicero, Pompey, and Caesar, who are variously addressed by him in his poems. He preceded the poets of the immediately succeeding age of the emperor Augustus, among whom Horace, Sextus Propertius, Tibullus, and Ovid name him as a poet whose work is familiar to them. On his own evidence and that of Jerome, he was born at Verona in northern Italy and was therefore a native of Cisalpine Gaul (Gaul This Side of the Alps); he owned property at Sirmio, the modern Sirmione, on Lake Garda, though he preferred to live in Rome and owned a villa near the Roman suburb of Tibur, in an unfashionable neighbourhood. According to an anecdote in the Roman biographer Suetonius' Life of Julius Caesar, Catullus' father was Caesar's friend and host, but the son nevertheless lampooned not only the future dictator but also his son-in-law Pompey and his agent and military engineer Mamurra with a scurrility that Caesar (Caesar, Julius) admitted was personally damaging and would leave its mark on history; the receipt of an apology was followed by an invitation to dinnerthe same day,” and Caesar's relations with the father continued uninterrupted. (Suetonius cites the episode as an example of Caesar's clemency.)

      Catullus' poetry reports one event, externally datable to c. 5756 BC, a journey to Bithynia in Asia Minor in the retinue of Gaius Memmius, the Roman governor of the province, from which he returned to Sirmio. It also records two emotional crises, the death of a brother whose grave he visited in the Troad, also in Asia Minor, and an intense and unhappy love affair, portrayed variously in 25 poems, with a woman who was married and whom he names Lesbia, a pseudonym (Ovid states) for Clodia, according to the 2nd-century writer Apuleius. His poems also record, directly or indirectly, a homosexual affair with a youth named Juventius.

      Such are the stated facts. The conjectural possibilities to be gleaned mostly from the internal evidence of Catullus' poetry extend a little further. It is accepted that Catullus was born c. 84 BC and that he died c. 54 BC. His father's hospitality to Caesar may have been exercised in Cisalpine Gaul when Caesar was governor of the province, but equally well at RomeSuetonius does not indicate time or place. Catullus' Roman villa may have been heavily mortgaged (depending on the choice of manuscript reading of one poem). A yacht retired from active service and celebrated in an iambic poem may have been his own, built in Bithynia, in northwestern Asia Minor, and therefore available to convey him on his way home to Sirmio after his tour of duty. His fellow poet Cinna may have accompanied him to Bithynia. For the governor Memmius, himself a litterateur (to whom the Roman philosophic poet Lucretius dedicated his poem on the nature of things, De rerum natura), such company might be congenial, and it is possible to speculate that Cinna was on board the yacht. The brother's grave could have been visited en route to or from Bithynia.

      The poet's Clodia may have been a patrician, one of the three Clodia sisters of Cicero's foe Publius Clodius Pulcher, all three the subject of scandalous rumour, according to Plutarch. If so, she was most probably the one who married the aristocrat Metellus Celer (consul 60 BC, died 59 BC), who in 62 BC was governor of Cisalpine Gaul. It may have been at that time that the youthful poet first met her and possibly fell under her spell. She is accorded a vivid if unflattering portrait in Cicero's (Cicero, Marcus Tullius) Pro Caelio, in which the orator had occasion to blacken her character in order to defend his client against Clodia's charge that as her lover after her husband's death he had tried to poison her. The client was Marcus Caelius Rufus, conceivably the Rufus reproached by Catullus in poem LXXVII as a trusted friend who had destroyed his happiness (but if so, the Caelius of poem C is a different person). This identification of Clodia, suggested by an Italian scholar of the 16th century, has found support in some uncertain inferences from the Lesbia poems: the poet's mistress besides being married perhaps moved in society, enjoyed fashionable amusements, was cultivated and witty, and was licentious enough to justify Cicero's attack. On the other hand, the poet twice appears to have included the protection of his own rank among the gifts he had laid at her feet.

The poetry
      A consideration of the text of Catullus' poems and of its arrangement is of unusual interest. Its survival has been as precarious as his biography is brief. Not being part of the school syllabus, from roughly the end of the 2nd century to the end of the 12th century, it passed out of circulation. Knowledge of it depends on a single manuscript discovered c. 1300, copied twice, and then lost. Of the two copies, one in turn was copied twice, and then it was lost. From the three survivorsin the Bodleian Library at Oxford, the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, and the Vatican Library in Romescholars have been able to reconstruct the lostarchetype.” Incorrect transcription in the preceding centuries (some 14 instances are beyond repair), however, has invited frequent and often uncertain emendation. Depending on whether one poem is divided or not, 113 or 114 poems survive. In the printed total of 116, numbers XVIII to XX were inserted by early editors without proof that they were written by Catullus. In 14 instances gaps are visible (eight of these of one or more lines), and in possibly six poems fragments of lost poems have been left attached to existing ones. Ancient citations indicate the existence of at least five more poems. The surviving body of work is therefore mutilated and incomplete and (in contrast to the Odes of Horace) cannot in its present published form represent the intentions of either author or executors, despite the elegant dedication to the historian Cornelius Nepos that heads it. With these qualifications, it permits the reconstruction of a poetic personality and art unique in Latin letters.

      The collection is headed by 57short poems,” ranging in length between 5 and 25 lines (number X, an exception, has 34) in assorted metres, of which, however, 51 are either hendecasyllabicthat is, having a verse line of 11 syllables (40 such)—or iambicbasically of alternate short and long syllables (11). These rhythms, though tightly structured, can be characterized as occasional or conversational. There follow eightlonger poems,” ranging from 48 lines to 408 (number LXV, of 24 lines, is prefatory to number LXVI) in four different metres. The collection is completed by 48epigramswritten in the elegiac distich, or pair of verse lines, and extending between 2 and 12 lines, a limit exceeded only by two poems, one of 26 lines and the other of 16.

      This mechanical arrangement, by indirectly recognizing the poet's metrical virtuosity and proposing three kinds of composition, justly calls attention to a versatility disproportionate to the slim size of the extant work. The occasional-verse metres and the elegiac distich had been introduced into Latin before his day. Traditionally both forms, as practiced by Greek writers after the 4th century BC and their Roman imitators, had served for inscriptions and dedications and as verse of light occasions, satirical comment, and elegant sentiment. Catullus and his contemporaries continued this tradition; but in some 37 instances the poet uniquely converts these verse forms to serve as vehicles of feelings and observations expressed with such beauty and wit, on the one hand, or such passion, on the other, as to rank him, in modern terms, among the masters of the European lyricthe peer of Sappho and Shelley, of Burns and Heinebut exhibiting a degree of complexity and contradiction that the centuries-later Romantic temperament would scarcely have understood. The conversational rhythms in particular, as he managed them for lyric purposes, achieved an immediacy that no other classic poet can rival.

      In his longer poems Catullus produced studies that deeply influenced the writers and poets of the Augustan Age: (Augustan Age) two charming marriage hymns; one frenzied cult hymn of emasculation; one romantic narrative in hexameters (lines of six feet) on the marriage of Peleus with the sea goddess Thetis; and four elegiac pieces, consisting of an epistle introducing a translation of an elegant conceit by the Alexandrian poet Callimachus, followed by a pasquinade, or scurrilous conversation, between the poet and a door (of poor quality, perhaps a youthful effort), and lastly a soliloquy (unless indeed this be two poems) addressed to a friend and cast in the form of an encomium, or poem of praise. The Augustan poet Virgil is content to imitate Catullus without naming him, even going so far, in the Aeneid, as thrice to borrow whole lines from him. Horace both imitated Catullus and criticized him. Tibullus, Propertius, Ovid, and later Martial both imitate and affectionately commemorate him.

      In his lifetime, Catullus was a poet's poet, addressing himself to fellow craftsmen (docti, or scholarly poets), especially to his friend Licinius Calvus, who is often posthumously commemorated along with him. It is now fashionable to identify this coterie as the poetae novi, orNeoterics” (the modern term for these new poets), who preferred the learned allusiveness and mannered and meticulous art of the Alexandrian poets to the grander but archaic fashion of Ennius (Ennius, Quintus), the father of Roman poetry. The school was criticized by Cicero and by Horace, who names Calvus and Catullus. To the degree that Catullus shared such conceptions of what might be called poetic scholarship, he is to be numbered in the company of Gerard Manley Hopkins, T.S. Eliot, and Ezra Pound rather than with the Romantics.

      For the general reader, the 25 Lesbia poems are likely to remain the most memorable, recording as they do a love that could register ecstasy and despair and all the divided emotions that intervene. Two of them with unusual metre recall Sappho, the poetess of the Aegean island of Lesbos, as also does his use of the pseudonym Lesbia. As read today, these two seem to evoke the first moment of adoring love (number LI, a poem that actually paraphrases its Sapphic model) and the last bitterness of disillusionment (number XI). On the other hand, the poems of invective, which spare neither Julius Caesar nor otherwise unknown personalities, male and female, may not have received the critical attention some of them deserve. Their quality is uneven, ranging from the high-spirited to the tedious, from the lapidary to the laboured, but their satiric humour is often effective, and their obscenity reflects a serious literary convention that the poet himself defends. Between these two poles of private feeling lie a handful of transcendent and unforgettable compositions: the lament at his brother's grave; the salute to Sirmio his beloved retreat; the exchange of vows between Acme and Septimius; his elegy for the wife of Calvus; and even that vivid mime of a moment's conversation in a leisured day, in which the gay insouciance of a few young persons of fashion, the poet included, going about their affairs in the last days of the Roman Republic, is caught and preserved for posterity.

Eric Alfred Havelock

Additional Reading
Verse translations include The Poems of Catullus, trans. by Frederic Raphael and Kenneth McLeish (1978); The Poems of Catullus, trans. by Charles Martin (1979, reissued 1990); and The Poems of Catullus, ed. and trans. by Guy Lee (1990). A prose translation, The Poems of Gaius Valerius Catullus, trans. by Francis Warre Cornish, 2nd ed., rev. by G.P. Goold (1988, reprinted with corrections, 1995), is part of The Loeb Classical Library series.Kenneth Quinn (ed.), Catullus: The Poems, 2nd ed. (1973); and D.F.S. Thomson (ed.), Catullus (1997, reissued 2003), comment on all poems.Works that are useful for understanding the poet and his context include Kenneth Quinn, The Catullan Revolution, 2nd ed. (1999), and Catullus: An Interpretation (1970); David O. Ross, Jr., Style and Tradition in Catullus (1969); T.P. Wiseman, Catullus and His World: A Reappraisal (1985, reissued 2000); John Kevin Newman, Roman Catullus and the Modification of the Alexandrian Sensibility (1990); William Fitzgerald, Catullan Provocations: Lyric Poetry and the Drama of Position (1995); and David Wray, Catullus and the Poetics of Roman Manhood (2001). Collections of essays include Kenneth Quinn (compiler), Approaches to Catullus (1972); Julia Haig Gaisser (ed.), Catullus (2007); and Marilyn B. Skinner (ed.), A Companion to Catullus (2007).

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