

animal group
  a group of limbed vertebrates (vertebrate) that includes all living reptiles (reptile) (class Reptilia), birds (bird) (class Aves), mammals (mammal) (class Mammalia), and their extinct relatives and ancestors. The amniotes are the evolutionary branch (clade) of the tetrapods (tetrapod) (superclass Tetrapoda) in which the embryo develops within a set of protective extra-embryonic membranes (membrane)—the amnion, chorion, and allantois.

      The amnion, chorion, and allantois of amniotes likely evolved from the embryonic tissue layer encasing a large yolk mass. In living reptiles, a sheet of cells (cell) grows outward from the embryo. This growth, in combination with the growth and torsion of the embryo itself, causes the external layers of this tissue sheet to fold over the embryo from tail to head. When these folds meet above the embryo, they fuse. The tissue sheet, which becomes a tough, fluid-filled sac called the amniotic membrane, is made up of an outer chorion layer and an inner amnion layer. The function of the amniotic membrane is largely protective, whereas the allantois serves as a collection area for waste materials and a site of gas exchange. The allantois forms as an outpocketing of the embryo's hindgut and grows outward into the space between the amnion and chorion.

      This arrangement of extra-embryonic membranes is an evolutionary adaptation that permitted the deposition of eggs (egg) in terrestrial environments. As a result of this change, tetrapods could become fully terrestrial. In reptiles and birds, the amnion, chorion, and allantois are further protected by a hard or leathery calcareous shell. In most mammals and some live-bearing lizards (lizard), a portion of the amniotic membrane and the allantois form the placenta, a vascular organ that facilitates the exchange of nutrients (nutrient) and waste products between the growing fetus and its mother.

      Vertebrates that develop without the extra-embyronic membranes are known as anamniotes. They do not belong to a formal classification group, because they are associated by the absence of a characteristic. Among the tetrapods, anamniotes include extant and extinct amphibians (amphibian) and two groups of extinct reptilelike animals, the anthracosaurs (Diplovertebron) and the batrachosaurs.

George R. Zug

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Universalium. 2010.

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