- chorion
—chorionic, chorial, adj./kawr"ee on', kohr"-/, n.1. Embryol. the outermost of the extraembryonic membranes of land vertebrates, contributing to the formation of the placenta in the placental mammals.2. Zool. the membrane around the eggs of certain insects, secreted by cells of the ovary.[1535-45; < NL < Gk chórion membrane enclosing the fetus]
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in reptiles, birds, and mammals, the outermost membrane around the embryo. It develops from an outer fold on the surface of the yolk sac. In insects the chorion is the outer shell of the insect egg.In vertebrates, the chorion is covered with ectoderm lined with mesoderm (both are germ layers) and is separated from other embryonic membranes by an extraembryonic body cavity, the coelom. In reptiles and birds it fuses with the allantois. In direct contact with the eggshell of reptiles and birds, this chorioallantoic membrane absorbs oxygen through the porous shell from the atmosphere for nourishment of the embryo; it also discharges waste carbon dioxide through the shell.In mammals (except marsupials), the chorion develops a rich supply of blood vessels and forms an intimate association with the endometrium (lining) of the female's uterus. Chorion and endometrium together form the placenta, which is the embryo's principal organ of respiration, nutrition, and excretion.* * *
Universalium. 2010.