
/eks"ray'/, n. Also, x ray, X ray.
1. Physics.
a. Often, x-rays. a form of electromagnetic radiation, similar to light but of shorter wavelength and capable of penetrating solids and of ionizing gases.
b. such radiation having wavelengths in the range of approximately 0.1-10 nm.
2. a radiograph made by x-rays.
3. (cap.) a word in communications to represent the letter X.
4. to examine, photograph, or treat with x-rays.
5. of or pertaining to x-rays.
Also, X-ray.
[1895-1900; trans. of G X-Strahl (1895), the name orig. given to the rays by Röntgen, their discoverer, x signifying their unknown nature]

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radiation beam
  electromagnetic radiation of extremely short wavelength and high frequency, with wavelengths ranging from about 10−8 to 10−12 metre and corresponding frequencies from about 1016 to 1020 hertz (Hz).

 X-rays are commonly produced by accelerating (or decelerating) charged particles; examples include a beam of electrons (electron) striking a metal plate in an X-ray tube and a circulating beam of electrons in a synchrotron particle accelerator or storage ring. In addition, highly excited atoms (atom) can emit X-rays with discrete wavelengths characteristic of the energy level spacings in the atoms. The X-ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum falls far outside the range of visible wavelengths. However, the passage of X-rays through materials, including biological tissue, can be recorded with photographic films and other detectors. The analysis of X-ray images of the body is an extremely valuable medical diagnostic tool.

      X-rays are a form of ionizing radiationwhen interacting with matter, they are energetic enough to cause neutral atoms to eject electrons. Through this ionization process the energy of the X-rays is deposited in the matter. When passing through living tissue, X-rays can cause harmful biochemical changes in genes (gene), chromosomes (chromosome), and other cell components. The biological effects of ionizing radiation, which are complex and highly dependent on the length and intensity of exposure, are still under active study (see radiation injury). X-ray radiation therapies (radiation therapy) take advantage of these effects to combat the growth of malignant tumours.

 X-rays were discovered in 1895 by German physicist Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen (Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad) while investigating the effects of electron beams (electron beam) (then called cathode rays (cathode ray)) in electrical discharges through low-pressure gases. Röntgen uncovered a startling effectnamely, that a screen coated with a fluorescent material placed outside a discharge tube would glow even when it was shielded from the direct visible and ultraviolet (ultraviolet radiation) light of the gaseous discharge. He deduced that an invisible radiation from the tube passed through the air and caused the screen to fluoresce. Röntgen was able to show that the radiation responsible for the fluorescence originated from the point where the electron beam struck the glass wall of the discharge tube. Opaque objects placed between the tube and the screen proved to be transparent to the new form of radiation; Röntgen dramatically demonstrated this by producing a photographic image of the bones of the human hand (see photograph—>). His discovery of so-called Röntgen rays was met with worldwide scientific and popular excitement, and, along with the discoveries of radioactivity (1896) and the electron (1897), it ushered in the study of the atomic world and the era of modern physics.

Fundamental characteristics

Wave nature
      X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation; their basic physical properties are identical to those of the more familiar components of the electromagnetic spectrumvisible light, infrared radiation, and ultraviolet radiation. As with other forms of electromagnetic radiation, X-rays can be described as coupled waves of electric (electric field) and magnetic fields (magnetic field) traveling at the speed of light (about 300,000 km, or 186,000 miles, per second). Their characteristic wavelengths and frequencies can be demonstrated and measured through the interference effects that result from the overlap of two or more waves in space. X-rays also exhibit particle-like properties; they can be described as a flow of photons (photon) carrying discrete amounts of energy and momentum. This dual nature is a property of all forms of radiation and matter and is comprehensively described by the theory of quantum mechanics.

      Though it was immediately suspected, following Röntgen's discovery, that X-rays were a form of electromagnetic radiation, this proved very difficult to establish. X-rays are distinguished by their very short wavelengths, typically 1,000 times shorter than the wavelengths of visible light. Because of this, and because of the practical difficulties of producing and detecting the new form of radiation, the nature of X-rays was only gradually unraveled in the early decades of the 20th century.

      In 1906 the British physicist Charles Glover Barkla (Barkla, Charles Glover) first demonstrated the wave nature of X-rays by showing that they can bepolarizedby scattering from a solid. polarization refers to the orientation of the oscillations in a transverse wave; all electromagnetic waves are transverse oscillations of electric and magnetic fields. The very short wavelengths of X-rays, hinted at in early diffraction studies in which the rays were passed through narrow slits, was firmly established in 1912 by the pioneering work of the German physicist Max von Laue (Laue, Max von) and his students Walter Friedrich and Paul Knipping. Laue suggested that the ordered arrangements of atoms in crystals (crystal) could serve as natural three-dimensional diffraction gratings (diffraction grating). Typical atomic spacings in crystals are approximately 1 angstrom (1 × 10−10 metre), ideal for producing diffraction effects in electromagnetic radiation of comparable wavelength. Friedrich and Knipping verified Laue's predictions by photographing diffraction patterns produced by the passage of X-rays through a crystal of zinc sulfide. These experiments demonstrated that X-rays have wavelengths of about 1 angstrom and confirmed that the atoms in crystals are arranged in regular structures.

      In the following year, the British physicist William Lawrence Bragg (Bragg, Sir Lawrence) devised a particularly simple model of the scattering of X-rays from the parallel layers of atoms in a crystal. The Bragg law shows how the angles at which X-rays are most efficiently diffracted from a crystal are related to the X-ray wavelength and the distance between the layers of atoms. Bragg's physicist father, William Henry Bragg (Bragg, Sir William), based his design of the first X-ray spectrometer on his son's analysis. The pair used their X-ray spectrometer in making seminal studies of both the distribution of wavelengths in X-ray beams and the crystal structures of many common solidsan achievement for which they shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1915.

Particle nature
      In the early 1920s, experimental studies of the scattering of X-rays from solids played a key role in establishing the particle nature of electromagnetic radiation. In 1905 German physicist Albert Einstein (Einstein, Albert) had proposed that electromagnetic radiation is granular, consisting of quanta (later called photons (photon)) each with an energy hf, where h is Planck's constant (about 6.6 × 10−34 joule∙second) and f is the frequency of the radiation. Einstein's hypothesis was strongly supported in subsequent studies of the photoelectric effect and by the successes of Danish physicist Niels Bohr (Bohr, Niels)'s model of the hydrogen atom and its characteristic emission and absorption spectra (see Bohr atomic model). Further verification came in 1922 when American physicist Arthur Compton (Compton, Arthur Holly) successfully treated the scattering of X-rays from the atoms in a solid as a set of collisions between X-ray photons and the loosely bound outer electrons of the atoms.

      Adapting the relation between momentum and energy for a classical electromagnetic wave to an individual photon, Compton used conservation of energy (energy, conservation of) and conservation of momentum (momentum, conservation of) arguments to derive an expression for the wavelength shift of scattered X-rays as a function of their scattering angle. In the so-called Compton effect, a colliding photon transfers some of its energy and momentum to an electron, which recoils. The scattered photon must thus have less energy and momentum than the incoming photon, resulting in scattered X-rays of slightly lower frequency and longer wavelength. Compton's careful measurements of this small effect, coupled with his successful theoretical treatment (independently derived by the Dutch scientist Peter Debye (Debye, Peter)), provided convincing evidence for the existence of photons. The approximate wavelength range of the X-ray portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, 10−8 to 10−12 metre, corresponds to a range of photon energies from about 100 eV (electron volts (electron volt)) to 1 MeV (million electron volts).

      The defining characteristics of X-raystheir ability to penetrate optically opaque materials, their wavelengths of atomic dimension, the high energy of individual X-ray photonslead to a wide range of industrial, medical, and scientific applications. Specialized X-ray sources, detectors, and analysis techniques have been developed to address a range of questions from the study of the interactions of the simplest molecules to the structure of the human brain.

 X-ray images of the body are an indispensable diagnostic tool in modern medicine. Medical imaging allows for the nonintrusive detection of dental cavities, bone fractures, foreign objects, and diseased conditions such as cancer. Standard X-ray images easily differentiate between bone and soft tissue; additional contrast between different areas of soft tissue is afforded by the injection of a contrast mediuma liquid or gas that is comparatively opaque to X-rays, as shown in the photograph—> (see diagnostic imaging). In the 1970s a powerful new X-ray imaging technique, computed tomography (computerized axial tomography) (CT), was developed. Now in widespread use, CT scans produce detailed high-resolution cross-sectional images of internal organs and structures; they are far more sensitive to small density variations than conventional X-ray images.

      As with other forms of ionizing radiation, X-rays cause biochemical changes in living cells. A high-energy X-ray photon deposits its energy by liberating electrons from atoms and molecules. These free electrons may themselves ionize additional neutral species. Through this process, reactive ions and free radicals are formed, leading to further chemical reactions. The resulting radiation-induced chemistry can break the molecular bonds needed for cell growth and can induce genetic damage (see radiation injury). While there are significant health risks associated with exposure to X-rays, radiation therapies exploit the above effects to treat cancerous tumours and blood disorders such as leukemia. X-rays (and higher-energy gamma rays (gamma ray)) are directed at target tissues; the consequent molecular damage blocks the growth of the diseased cells. Nearby normal cells, also exposed to the ionizing X-rays, are typically more capable of repair. In a related application, in agricultural industries the irradiation of some foods with X-rays and gamma rays is used to inhibit selectively the growth of bacteria (see food preservation: Food irradiation (food preservation)).

      X-rays are a powerful diagnostic tool for revealing the structure and composition of materials (materials testing). The great utility of X-ray images derives from the differential absorption of X-rays by materials of different density, composition, and homogeneity. In a common application, X-rays are used for quick examination of the contents of airline baggage. In industry, X-ray images are used to detect flaws nondestructively in castings that are inaccessible to direct observation. X-ray microscopes are capable of magnifying X-ray absorption images so as to resolve features on scales as small as about 40 nanometres (nm; billionths of a metre), or roughly 400 atomic diameters. This resolution, about five times greater than that achieved by the best visible light microscopes, is possible because of the small diffraction effects associated with the very short wavelengths of X-rays. X-ray microscopes usually operate withsoftX-rays (wavelengths in the 1- to 10-nm range) and rely on reflective optics (see spectroscopy: X-ray optics (spectroscopy)) orzone plates” (see optics: Filtering (optics)) to achieve focusing. Because water is relatively transparent in the soft X-ray region, these microscopes are ideal for studying biological materials in an aqueous environment. Another sophisticated absorption technique, called EXAFS (“extended X-ray absorption fine structure”), is capable of identifying the short-range ordering of atoms and molecules in unstable samples of crystals and amorphous solids (amorphous solid).

       X-ray diffraction techniques (orX-ray crystallography”) allow for the determination of crystal structures in inorganic, organic, and biological materials. The detailed atomic structure of the double-helix polymer deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA) was famously revealed by James Watson (Watson, James Dewey) and Francis Crick (Crick, Francis Harry Compton) via the X-ray crystallography studies of Maurice Wilkins (Wilkins, Maurice). X-ray fluorescence is a complementary method for the quantitative analysis of the composition of materials. In this technique, a sample is exposed to either an electron beam or a beam of primary X-rays; the resulting atomic excitations lead to X-ray emissions (analysis) with wavelengths characteristic of the elements in the sample. The electron microprobe uses this process to identify the constituents of sample regions as small as a few micrometres (millionths of a metre). X-ray fluorescence and diffraction techniques are valuable methods for the nondestructive analysis of art objects. Brushstroke techniques and the arrangements of painted-over pigments in oil paintings, the presence of coatings and varnishes, and the compositions of glasses, porcelain, and enamels are revealed through X-ray analysis.

      Many of the above techniques are enhanced by the exceptionally high X-ray intensities produced in modern synchrotron light facilities. Extremely bright, short X-ray pulses, tuned to selected wavelength regions, are used to probe chemical reactions on surfaces, the electronic structures of semiconductors and magnetic materials, and the structure and function of proteins and biological macromolecules. Another promising source of high-intensity X-rays is the X-ray laser. While coherent (coherence) X-rays (a signature of lasing) at the longer-wavelength end of the spectral region have been produced in the laboratory, the development of a practical device at shorter wavelengths remains a difficult technological challenge.

Production and detection of X-rays

Production of X-rays
      There are three common mechanisms for the production of X-rays: the acceleration of a charged particle, atomic transitions between discrete energy levels, and the radioactive decay of some atomic nuclei. Each mechanism leads to a characteristic spectrum of X-ray radiation.

      In the theory of classical electromagnetism, accelerating electric charges emit electromagnetic waves. In the most common terrestrial source of X-rays, the X-ray tube, a beam of high-energy electrons impinges on a solid target. As the fast-moving electrons in the beam interact with the electrons and nuclei of the target atoms, they are repeatedly deflected and slowed. During this abrupt deceleration, the beam electrons emit bremsstrahlung (German:braking radiation”)—a continuous spectrum of electromagnetic radiation with a peak intensity in the X-ray region. Most of the energy radiated in an X-ray tube is contained in this continuous spectrum. Far more powerful (and far larger) sources of a continuum of X-rays are synchrotron particle accelerators (particle accelerator) and storage rings. In a synchrotron, charged particles (usually electrons or positrons (positron)) are accelerated to very high energies (typically billions of electron volts) and then confined to a closed orbit by strong magnets. When the charged particles are deflected by the magnetic fields (and hence accelerated via the change in their direction of motion), they emit so-called synchrotron radiationa continuum whose intensity and frequency distribution are determined by the strength of the magnetic fields and the energy of the circulating particles. Specially designed synchrotron light sources are used worldwide for X-ray studies of materials.

      In an X-ray tube, in addition to the continuous spectrum of radiation emitted by the decelerating electrons, there is also a spectrum of discrete X-ray emission lines that is characteristic of the target material. Thischaracteristic radiationresults from the excitation of the target atoms by collisions with the fast-moving electrons. Most commonly, a collision first causes a tightly bound inner-shell electron to be ejected from the atom; a loosely bound outer-shell electron then falls into the inner shell to fill the vacancy. In the process, a single photon is emitted by the atom with an energy equal to the difference between the inner-shell and outer-shell vacancy states. This energy difference usually corresponds to photon wavelengths in the X-ray region of the spectrum. Characteristic X-ray radiation can also be produced from a target material when it is exposed to a primary X-ray beam. In this case, the primary X-ray photons initiate the sequence of electron transitions that result in the emission (secondary emission) of secondary X-ray photons.

      In 1913 the English physicist Henry Moseley (Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys) discovered a simple relationship between the wavelengths of the X-ray emission lines from a target and the atomic number of the target elementthe wavelengths are inversely proportional to the square of the atomic number. Known as Moseley's law, this relationship proved to be a definitive tool in the determination of atomic numbers in the early days of atomic physics. X-ray fluoresence techniques, in which the wavelengths of characteristic X-rays are recorded following the excitation of a target, are now commonly used to identify the elemental constituents of materials.

      X-ray emission is sometimes a by-product of a nuclear transformation. In the process of electron capture, an inner-shell atomic electron is captured by the atomic nucleus, initiating the transformation of a nuclear proton into a neutron and lowering the atomic number by one unit (see radioactivity: Types of radioactivity (radioactivity)). The vacant inner-shell orbit is then quickly filled by an outer-shell electron, producing a characteristic X-ray photon. The relaxation of an excited nucleus to a lower-energy state also sometimes results in the emission of an X-ray photon. However, the photons emitted in most nuclear transitions of this type are of even higher energy than X-raysthey fall into the gamma-ray (gamma ray) region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

      Many astronomical sources of X-rays have been discovered over the past 50 years; collectively they are a rich resource of information about the universe (see X-ray sources (X-ray source)). X-rays are emitted by the Sun's hot corona (outer atmosphere) and by the coronas of other ordinary stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. Many binary star systems emit copious X-rays; the strongest such sources produce, in the X-ray region alone, more than 1,000 times the entire energy output of the Sun. supernova remnants are also strong sources of X-rays, which are sometimes associated with synchrotron radiation produced by high-energy charged particles circulating in intense magnetic fields and sometimes with atomic emissions from extremely hot gases (in the range of 10 million kelvins). Powerful extragalactic sources of X-rays, including active galaxies, quasars, and galactic clusters, are currently under intense scientific scrutiny; in some cases the exact mechanisms of X-ray production are still uncertain or unknown. As the Earth's atmosphere strongly absorbs X-rays, astronomical observations in the X-ray region must be made from orbiting satellites. The launch of the Chandra X-ray Observatory in 1999 greatly advanced the observational capabilities of X-ray astronomy (see telescope: X-ray telescopes (telescope)).

Detection of X-rays
      Photographic film was used by Röntgen as one of the first X-ray detectors, and this simple technique remains in wide use in medical applications. The process of exposure is initiated by X-ray photons ionizing radiation-sensitive silver halide crystals in an emulsion on the film surface; the resulting photochemical change of the affected crystals darkens the exposed area (see radiation measurement: Photographic emulsions (radiation measurement)).

      Photographic techniques, while much improved upon since the time of Röntgen and still extremely useful for qualitative applications, are not well-suited for more quantitative measurements of X-ray intensities and spectral content. A number of more effective detection methods have been developed. In a Geiger-Müller tube, or Geiger counter, incoming X-ray photons ionize (photo-ionization) atoms in a gas-filled volume. An applied high voltage induces further ionizations from collisions between liberated electrons and neutral atoms, creating an avalanche of charged particles and a large electrical pulse that is easily detected. More sophisticated detection schemes based on the ionization of gas atoms can discriminate between X-rays of different energies (see radiation measurement: Proportional counters (radiation measurement)). Other common detection schemes rely on the ability of X-rays to produce visible fluorescence in crystals (see scintillation counter) and charge separation in semiconductors (semiconductor) (see radiation measurement: Semiconductor detectors (radiation measurement)).

Glenn Stark

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