gamma ray

gamma ray
1. a photon of penetrating electromagnetic radiation (gamma radiation) emitted from an atomic nucleus.
2. a photon emitted by an electron as a result of internal conversion.
3. electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths shorter than approximately one tenth of a nanometer.

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Penetrating very short-wavelength electromagnetic radiation, similar to an X ray but of higher energy, that is emitted spontaneously by some radioactive substances (see gamma decay, radioactivity).

Gamma radiation also originates in the decay of certain subatomic particles, and in particle-antiparticle annihilation (See also antimatter). Gamma rays can initiate nuclear fission, can be absorbed by ejection of an electron (see photoelectric effect), and can be scattered by free electrons (see Compton effect).

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 electromagnetic radiation of the shortest wavelength and highest energy.

      Gamma rays are produced in the disintegration of radioactive atomic nuclei and in the decay of certain subatomic particles (subatomic particle). The commonly accepted definitions of the gamma-ray and X-ray regions of the electromagnetic spectrum include some wavelength overlap, with gamma-ray radiation having wavelengths that are generally shorter than a few tenths of an angstrom (10−10 metre) and gamma-ray photons (photon) having energies that are greater than tens of thousands of electron volts (electron volt) (eV). There is no theoretical upper limit to the energies of gamma-ray photons and no lower limit to gamma-ray wavelengths; observed energies presently extend up to a few trillion electron voltsthese extremely high-energy photons are produced in astronomical sources through currently unidentified mechanisms.

      The term gamma ray was coined by British physicist Ernest Rutherford (Rutherford, Ernest, Baron Rutherford of Nelson, of Cambridge) in 1903 following early studies of the emissions of radioactive nuclei. Just as atoms (atom) have discrete energy levels associated with different configurations of the orbiting electrons (electron), atomic nuclei have energy level structures determined by the configurations of the protons (proton) and neutrons (neutron) that constitute the nuclei. While energy differences between atomic energy levels are typically in the 1- to 10-eV range, energy differences in nuclei usually fall in the 1-keV (thousand electron volts) to 10-MeV (million electron volts) range. When a nucleus makes a transition from a high-energy level to a lower-energy level, a photon is emitted to carry off the excess energy; nuclear energy-level differences correspond to photon wavelengths in the gamma-ray region.

      When an unstable atomic nucleus decays into a more stable nucleus (see radioactivity), thedaughternucleus is sometimes produced in an excited state. The subsequent relaxation of the daughter nucleus to a lower-energy state results in the emission of a gamma-ray photon. Gamma-ray spectroscopy, involving the precise measurement of gamma-ray photon energies emitted by different nuclei, can establish nuclear energy-level structures and allows for the identification of trace radioactive elements through their gamma-ray emissions. Gamma rays are also produced in the important process of pair annihilation, in which an electron and its antiparticle, a positron, vanish and two photons are created. The photons are emitted in opposite directions and must each carry 511 keV of energythe rest mass energy (see relativistic mass) of the electron and positron. Gamma rays can also be generated in the decay of some unstable subatomic particles, such as the neutral pion.

      Gamma-ray photons, like their X-ray counterparts, are a form of ionizing radiation; when they pass through matter, they usually deposit their energy by liberating electrons from atoms and molecules. At the lower energy ranges, a gamma-ray photon is often completely absorbed by an atom and the gamma ray's energy transferred to a single ejected electron (see photoelectric effect). Higher-energy gamma rays are more likely to scatter from the atomic electrons, depositing a fraction of their energy in each scattering event (see Compton effect). Standard methods for the detection of gamma rays are based on the effects of the liberated atomic electrons in gases, crystals, and semiconductors (see radiation measurement and scintillation counter).

 Gamma rays can also interact with atomic nuclei. In the process of pair production, a gamma-ray photon with an energy exceeding twice the rest mass energy of the electron (greater than 1.02 MeV), when passing close to a nucleus, is directly converted into an electron-positron pair (see photograph—>). At even higher energies (greater than 10 MeV), a gamma ray can be directly absorbed by a nucleus, causing the ejection of nuclear particles (see photodisintegration) or the splitting of the nucleus in a process known as photofission.

      Medical applications of gamma rays include the valuable imaging technique of positron emission tomography (PET) and effective radiation therapies (radiation therapy) to treat cancerous tumours. In a PET scan, a short-lived positron-emitting radioactive pharmaceutical, chosen because of its participation in a particular physiological process (e.g., brain function), is injected into the body. Emitted positrons quickly combine with nearby electrons and, through pair annihilation, give rise to two 511-keV gamma rays traveling in opposite directions. After detection of the gamma rays, a computer-generated reconstruction of the locations of the gamma-ray emissions produces an image that highlights the location of the biological process being examined.

      As a deeply penetrating ionizing radiation, gamma rays cause significant biochemical changes in living cells (see radiation injury). Radiation therapies make use of this property to selectively destroy cancerous cells in small localized tumours. Radioactive isotopes are injected or implanted near the tumour; gamma rays that are continuously emitted by the radioactive nuclei bombard the affected area and arrest the development of the malignant cells.

      Airborne surveys of gamma-ray emissions from the Earth's surface search for minerals containing trace radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium. Aerial and ground-based gamma-ray spectroscopy is employed to support geologic mapping, mineral exploration, and identification of environmental contamination. Gamma rays were first detected from astronomical sources in the 1960s, and gamma-ray astronomy is now a well-established field of research. As with the study of astronomical X-rays, gamma-ray observations must be made above the strongly absorbing atmosphere of the Earthtypically with orbiting satellites or high-altitude balloons (see telescope: Gamma-ray telescopes (telescope)). There are many intriguing and poorly understood astronomical gamma-ray sources, including powerful point sources tentatively identified as pulsars (pulsar), quasars (quasar), and supernova remnants. Among the most fascinating unexplained astronomical phenomena are so-called gamma-ray bursts (gamma-ray burster)—brief, extremely intense emissions from sources that are apparently isotropically distributed in the sky.

Glenn Stark

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Universalium. 2010.

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