secondary emission

secondary emission
the emission of electrons (secondary electrons) from a material that is bombarded with electrons or ions.

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      ejection of electrons (electron) from a solid that is bombarded by a beam of charged particles. Some electrons within the surface of a material are given enough energy to break free from the attractive force holding them to the surface by a transfer of kinetic energy from the bombarding particles. For a given energy, electrons themselves are a more efficient bombarding particle than the much heavier ions (ion) (atoms (atom) that have lost or gained at least one electron). An excellent target material is cesium oxide, which may emit a current of secondary electrons 10 times stronger than the primary, or bombarding, current. This magnification of the electron current by secondary emission is an essential feature of photomultiplier tubes (photomultiplier tube) used to detect weak electric currents (electric current), especially in certain radiation detectors. The effect also is employed in image intensifiers that produce a bright image of a faintly illuminated object.

      Ions, too, may be ejected from solids by secondary emission produced when positive ions bombard their surfaces.

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