
/ter"ee euhr/, n.
1. any of several breeds of usually small dogs, used originally to pursue game and drive it out of its hole or burrow.
2. (cap.) U.S. Mil. a surface-to-air, two-stage antiaircraft missile.
[1400-50; < MF, short for chien terrier lit., dog of the earth ( < ML terrarius; see TERRA, -IER2); so called because used to start badgers from their burrows; r. late ME terrere < AF (see -ER2)]
/ter"ee euhr/, n. Law.
a book or document in which are described the site, boundaries, acreage, tenants, etc., of certain lands.
[1470-80; < MF, short for registre terrier register of land ( < ML terrarius; see TERRA, -IER2); r. earlier terrere < AF (see -ER2]

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Any of several dog breeds developed, mostly in England, to find and kill vermin and for use in the sports of foxhunting and dog fighting.

Bred to fight and kill, they often were pugnacious but are now bred for a friendlier temperament. Because terriers had to fit in rodent burrows, most breeds are small and lean and have a rough, wiry coat that requires little maintenance. They have a long head, square jaw, and deep-set eyes. All terriers are vocal and inclined to chase and confront. Most breeds were named for the place where they were developed. See also Airedale terrier, Bedlington terrier, Boston terrier, bull terrier, Dandie Dinmont terrier, fox terrier, Irish terrier, pit bull terrier, Scottish terrier, Yorkshire terrier.
(as used in expressions)

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  • terrier — (n.) mid 15c., from O.Fr. chien terrier terrier dog, lit. earth dog, from M.L. terrarius of earth, from L. terra earth (see TERRAIN (Cf. terrain)). So called because the dogs pursue their quarry (foxes, badgers, etc.) into their burrows …   Etymology dictionary

  • terrier — [ter′ē ər] n. [ME terrere < MFr (chien) terrier, hunting (dog) < terrier, hillock, burrow < ML terrarius, of earth < L terra, TERRA] any member of several breeds of generally small and typically aggressive dog, orig. bred to rout… …   English World dictionary

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