Boston terrier

Boston terrier
one of an American breed of small, pug-faced, short-haired dogs having erect ears, a short tail, and a brindled or black coat with white markings. Also called Boston bull.
[1890-95, Amer.]

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Breed of dog developed in the late 19th century in Boston.

Bred from the English bulldog and a white English terrier, the Boston terrier is one of the few breeds to have originated in the U.S. It has a terrier-like build, dark eyes, a short muzzle, and a short, fine coat of black or brindle, with white on the face, chest, neck, and legs. It stands 1417 in. (3643 cm) high and ranges in weight from 15 to 25 lbs (711 kg). The breed is characteristically gentle and affectionate.

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breed of dog
 breed of dog developed in the latter half of the 19th century in Boston. Bred from the English bulldog and a white English terrier, the Boston terrier is one of the few breeds to have originated in the United States. It has a terrier-like build, dark eyes, a short muzzle, and a short, fine coat of black or brindle, with white on the face, chest, neck, and legs. At maturity, it stands 15 to 17 inches (38 to 43 cm); weight may range from less than 15 to about 25 pounds (7 to 11 kg). The breed is characteristically gentle and affectionate.

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  • Boston terrier — noun small pug faced American terrier breed having a smooth brindle or black coat with white markings • Syn: ↑Boston bull • Hypernyms: ↑terrier …   Useful english dictionary

  • Boston terrier — /bɒstən ˈtɛriə/ (say bostuhn tereeuh) noun one of a breed of small, smooth coated dogs with short hair and brindle or dark brown coat with white markings, originated in the US by crossing the English bulldog and the bull terrier. Also, Boston… …  

  • Boston terrier — noun Date: 1894 any of a breed of small smooth coated terriers originating as a cross of the bulldog and bullterrier and being brindled or black with white markings called also Boston bull …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Boston terrier — Bos′ton ter′rier n. dch any of an American breed of small, shorthaired dogs with a short, square muzzle, erect ears, and a brindled or black coat with white markings • Etymology: 1890–95, amer …   From formal English to slang

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