Sealyham terrier

Sealyham terrier
/see"lee ham', -lee euhm/
one of a Welsh breed of small terriers having short legs, a docked tail, and a wiry, mostly white coat.
[1890-95; named after Sealyham, Wales, where it was first bred]

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Breed of terrier developed in the late 19th century by Capt.

John Edwardes for hunting foxes, otters, and badgers on his Welsh estate, Sealyham. A small, short-legged, sturdy dog, it was bred for courage, stamina, and hunting ability. It has a double coat, soft underneath and wiry on top, and may be solid white or white with darker markings on its head and drooping ears. It stands about 10 in. (25.5 cm) and weighs about 20 lbs (9 kg).

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breed of dog
 breed of terrier developed during the latter half of the 19th century by Capt. John Edwardes for hunting foxes, otters, and badgers on his estate, Sealyham, in Wales. A small, short-legged, sturdy dog, the Sealyham was bred for courage, stamina, and hunting ability. It has a double coat, soft underneath and wiry on top, and may be solid white or white with darker markings on its head and on its drooping ears. The Sealyham stands about 10 inches (25 cm), with males weighing 23 to 25 pounds (10 to 11 kg) and females weighing slightly less.

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  • Sealyham terrier — noun Etymology: Sealyham, Pembrokeshire, Wales Date: 1907 any of a breed of short legged long headed terriers developed in Wales with a usually white wiry outer coat and soft dense undercoat …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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