
scorpionic /skawr'pee on"ik/, adj.
/skawr"pee euhn/, n.
1. any of numerous arachnids of the order Scorpionida, widely distributed in warmer parts of the world, having a long, narrow, segmented tail that terminates in a venomous sting.
2. the Scorpion, Astron. Scorpius.
3. any of various harmless lizards, esp. the red- or orange-headed males of certain North American skinks.
4. Bible. a whip or scourge that has spikes attached. I Kings 12:11.
[1175-1225; ME < L scorpion- (s. of scorpio), equiv. to scorp(ius) scorpion ( < Gk skorpíos) + -ion- n. suffix, perh. after papilio (s. papilion-) butterfly, or stellio (s. stellion-) gecko]

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Any of some 1,300 nocturnal arachnid species (order Scorpionida, subphylum Chelicerata) having a slender body, a segmented tail tipped with a venomous stinger, and six pairs of appendages.

The small first pair tear apart insect and spider prey. Strong, clawlike pincers on the large second pair, held horizontally in front, are used as feelers and for grasping prey while sucking the tissue fluids. The last four pairs, each with a pincer, are walking legs. The venom is either a hemotoxin that, in humans, causes swelling, redness, and pain or a neurotoxin that may cause convulsions, paralysis, cardiac irregularities, and death. Most scorpions will sting a human only if provoked. Nocturnal hunters, most species are tropical or subtropical.

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 any of 1,400 elongated arachnid species characterized by a segmented curved tail tipped with a venomous (poison) stinger at the rear of the body and a pair of grasping pincers at the front. Although scorpions are most common and diverse in deserts, they also live in many other habitats. Primarily nocturnal, scorpions often play the role of evildoers in fables and legends. Greek respect for scorpions prompted the naming of the constellation Scorpius, a sign of the zodiac.

General features

Size range and diversity of structure
      Scorpions are relatively large among terrestrial arthropods, with an average size of about 6 cm (2.5 inches). Scorpions exhibit few sexual differences, although males usually are more slender and have longer tails than females. Giants among scorpions include the black emperor scorpion (Pandinus imperator), an African species found in Guinea, which attains a body length of about 18 cm (7 inches) and a mass of 60 grams (more than 2 ounces). The longest scorpion in the world is the rock scorpion (Hadogenes troglodytes) of South Africa; females attain a length of 21 cm (8.3 inches). The length of the smallest scorpions, the Caribbean Microtityus fundorai, is 12 mm (0.5 inch). A few precursors of modern scorpions were comparative giants. Fossils of two species (Gigantoscorpio willsi and Brontoscorpio anglicus) measure from 35 cm (14 inches) to a metre (3.3 feet) or more, and an undescribed species is estimated to have been 90 cm (35.5 inches). Most species from deserts and other arid regions are yellowish or light brown in colour; those found in moist or mountain habitats, however, are brown or black.

Distribution and abundance
      In addition to desert habitats, scorpions have adapted to temperate, subtropical, and tropical environments such as grasslands, savannas, and forests. They live on all major landmasses except Greenland and Antarctica. Their range extends from Canada and central Europe to the southern tips of South America (Tierra del Fuego) and Africa, and they have been accidently introduced into New Zealand and England. Scorpions have been found at elevations from sea level to 5,000 metres (more than 16,000 feet) in mountains of Europe and North and South America. A few species live as far north as southern Canada, southern Germany, and Russia.

Natural history

Reproduction and life cycle
      Breeding is seasonal and generally occurs during the warm months, ranging from late spring through early fall. Males may travel hundreds of metres to find receptive females. It appears that males find females by localizing a pheromone that the female emits from the end of her abdomen. Mating in scorpions is preceded by a complicated and characteristic courtship initiated by the male. He first faces and grasps the female, using his pincers (pedipalps). Then the pair, directed by the male, moves sideways and backward in a dancelike motion called promenade à deux. These actions result from the efforts of the pair to find a smooth surface on which the male can extrude a glandular secretion that forms a stalk to which the spermatophore (sperm-containing structure) is attached. He then maneuvers the female so that her genital opening contacts the spermatophore. Once she is positioned over the spermatophore, physical contact with it causes spermatozoa to be ejected into the genital opening (gonopore) of the female. Males that remain near females after mating are sometimes killed and eaten.

      In general, females mate multiple times. In some species, mating must occur after each clutch of offspring is produced in order to fertilize another clutch of eggs. In others, multiple clutches of offspring can be produced from the sperm stored from a single mating. There are at least two species known that can produce offspring without mating at all ( parthenogenesis).

      The mother invests a great amount of time and energy in her offspring. Unlike most nonmammalian animals, scorpions are viviparous (viviparity), giving birth to live young instead of laying eggs. Once fertilized, the eggs are retained in the female's body, where the embryos are nourished in utero for periods varying from several months to a year. The birth process itself may last from several hours to several days. Temperate species usually give birth in spring and summer, whereas tropical species give birth throughout the year. Litter size averages 25, with a range of 1 to more than 100.

      At birth a young scorpion is white and enveloped in a membrane, or chorion. After freeing itself, the immature scorpion crawls onto the mother's back, where it remains for a period ranging from 1 to 50 days. During this time the young scorpions are defenseless and utilize food reserves in their bodies while receiving water transpired through the mother's cuticle and taken up through their own. The young molt their soft embryonic cuticle for one that is fully functional when they assume independence. This early mother-young association is obligatory for newborns. Without it, they do not molt successfully and usually die. The young generally leave the mother soon after this first molt.

      As in all arthropods, growth is accompanied by molting (ecdysis). Scorpions molt an average of five times (the range is four to nine) before reaching maturity. The number of molts in some species is variable. In some Centruroides, for example, small males mature after four molts and large males after five. There are no reports of molting's occurring after reproductive maturity has been reached.

Food and feeding (feeding behaviour)
      Scorpions are opportunistic predators (predation) that eat any small animal they can capture. Common prey includes insects as well as spiders and other arachnids, including other scorpions. Less-common but regular prey includes pill bugs, snails, and small vertebrates such as lizards, snakes, and rodents. The only known specialist scorpion is the Australian spiral burrow, or spider-hunting, scorpion (Isometroides vescus), which feeds solely on burrowing spiders.

      Most scorpions are sit-and-wait predators that remain motionless until a suitable victim has moved into an ambush zone. Scorpions can sense tiny ground vibrations, and some can detect airborne vibrations of flying insects. These behaviours are sophisticated to the extent that scorpions can determine the precise distance and direction of their prey. Once the prey has been detected, the scorpion turns, runs to the prey, and seizes it. The prey is stung if it is relatively large, aggressive, or active. Otherwise it is simply held by the pedipalps as it is eaten. Many of the thick-tailed scorpions (family Buthidae), however, actively search for prey. These species usually have long, slender bodies and pincers (chelae). Many have powerful venoms to compensate for their small pincers.

      Scorpions lack conventional jaws, and their feeding habits are unusual. An additional pair of pincerlike appendages (chelicerae) are toothed, and, with these tools as well as the sharp edges of adjacent jawlike structures (maxillae and coxae), the scorpion chews the prey as quantities of digestive fluids secreted from the midgut pour over it. The victim's soft parts are broken down, liquefied, and sucked into the scorpion's stomach by a pumping action. The victim is gradually reduced to a ball of indigestible material, which is cast aside. Eating is a slow process, often taking many hours.

Willis John Gertsch Gary A. Polis Joseph Culin

Ecology and habitats
      Scorpions are largely nocturnal and hide during the day in the confines of their burrows, in natural cracks, or under rocks and bark. Individuals become active after darkness has fallen and cease activity sometime before dawn. Because scorpions fluoresce under ultraviolet light, biologists can study their natural behaviour and ecology by using portable camping lights equipped with ultraviolet (black-light) bulbs. On a moonless night, scorpions can be seen at distances of 10 metres (33 feet).

 Scorpion habitats range from the intertidal zone to snow-covered mountains. Several species live in caves, with one species (Alacran tartarus) found at depths of more than 800 metres (2,600 feet). Some species have specific habitat requirements. For example, sand-dwelling (psammophilic) species exhibit a morphology that both adapts and restricts them to living in this substrate. Movable bristles (setae) form combs on the legs that increase the surface area and allow them to walk on sand without sinking or losing traction. Lithophilic (“stone-loving”) species such as the South African rock scorpion (Hadogenes troglodytes) are found only on rocks. They possess stout spinelike setae that operate in conjunction with highly curved claws to provide the legs with a strong grip on rock surfaces. They can move rapidly along surfaces at any angle, even upside down.

      Other species show adaptability in habitat use. The European Euscorpius carpathicus lives above ground but also occupies caves and intertidal zones. Scorpio maurus can be found from sea level in Israel to above 3,000 metres (9,900 feet) in the Atlas Mountains of Africa, thousands of kilometres to the west.

      In some habitats scorpions are one of the most successful and important members in terms of density, diversity, population, biomass, and role in community ecology. Many species can locally attain densities of one or more individuals per square metre. Vaejovis littoralis, an intertidal scorpion from Baja California, Mexico, exhibits the highest density, from 2 to more than 12 per square metre along the high-tide mark. Since adult scorpions commonly weigh 0.5 to 5 grams (0.02 to 0.2 ounce), the biomass of the population is high. In some desert areas the biomass of scorpions exceeds that of all other animals except termites and ants.

      Several factors contribute to scorpions' evolutionary success. Although they are not particularly diverse morphologically, scorpions are quite adaptable (adaptation) in terms of ecology, behaviour, physiology, and life history. Some species can be supercooled below the freezing point for weeks yet return within hours to normal levels of activity. Others survive total immersion under water for as long as one or two days. Desert scorpions can withstand temperatures of 47 °C (117 °F), which is several degrees higher than the lethal temperatures for other desert arthropods.

      Despite being venomous predators, scorpions are valuable as prey because many are relatively large and quite abundant. Birds (mostly owls), lizards, a few small snakes, mammals (some rodents and carnivores), and frogs and toads all eat scorpions. A few vertebrates even specialize on scorpions, at least seasonally. Some scorpions are their own worst enemies, with both cannibalism and predation on other species being common. Such predation can be a major mortality factor and may limit the abundance and distribution of some species. A few large arthropods (spiders, solpugids, centipedes) also eat scorpions.

      Scorpions exhibit several antipredator adaptations. The most obvious is the venom-conducting stinger. Venom has dual functions: offensive and defensive. One of its chemical components is toxic to arthropods (for prey capture), while another is active against vertebrates (for predator deterrence). Nocturnal activity and scorpions' tendency to keep hidden may have evolved to avoid predation. Most species are active for only a few hours on 20 to 50 percent of all nights in a year. Many predators, however, are able to handle scorpions safely. Most vertebrate predators will bite or break off the scorpion's tail. Some vertebrates and arthropods are immune to scorpion venom, even from species that are lethal to humans.

      The vast majority of scorpions are nonsocial, solitary animals that interact only at birth, during courtship, or for cannibalism. They are often so aggressive that they are usually consideredinveterate cannibals.” A few, however, exhibit social behaviour (Social behaviour in animals). Some overwinter in aggregations with individuals of their own species, usually under bark or in fallen trees. A few extend the mother-offspring association for weeks to months or even years. In some cases (e.g., emperor scorpions) offspring may remain with the family group even as adults, and some of these family groups cooperate in prey capture.

Form and function
      The anatomy of scorpions has changed little since the Silurian Period (443 to 417 million years ago). Consequently, their body plan is relatively primitive. Segments and associated structures were lost or fused during evolution from ancestral arthropods and arachnids to more highly evolved descendants. Scorpions have more segments (18) than any other arachnids and are strongly segmented in the design of the heart and nervous system. The possession of book lungs rather than tracheae (trachea) for respiration is also primitive.

External features
      The three major regions that form the body, from front to rear, are the prosoma, the mesosoma, and the metasoma. The mesosoma and the metasoma together form the abdomen, or opisthosoma. The prosoma has six segments, each with a pair of appendages. The three-segmented chelicerae that arise from the first segment are pincerlike (chelate) and serve to masticate food. The pedipalps originate in the second segment and terminate in pincers. Pedipalps are used for a variety of purposes, including prey capture, defense, courtship, and burrow excavation. A pair of legs are found on each of segments three through six. The pedipalps and legs are composed of seven segments (from the body outward: coxa, trochanter, femur, patella, tibia, basitarsus, and tarsus). The legs end in tarsal claws used to grasp surfaces during walking. One central pair of eyes and from zero to five lateral pairs are set into the dorsal carapace that covers the prosoma.

      The mesosoma has seven segments. The first (pregenital) segment is reduced and bears the sternum, while the second (genital) bears the ventral gonopore, which is covered. The unique comblike pectines arise from the genital segment. A pair of book lungs are found on the ventral side of mesosomal segments three through six. The seventh mesosomal segment marks the end of thebody.” The mesosoma is covered dorsally by plates that are separated from each other by a flexible membrane. The tail is composed of the five-segmented cylindrical metasoma and a telson bearing the stinger. The anus exits at the end of the fifth metasomal segment.

      The exoskeleton is composed of chitinous (chitin) cuticle overlain by impermeable epicuticular waxes. Growth is accompanied by molts (ecdysis). Scorpions increase in weight until the exoskeleton has become too small to allow further growth. A new exoskeleton is then secreted by the epidermis under the old. During this process some materials are reclaimed from the old cuticle. Scorpions, like other arachnids, probably increase blood pressure just before molting to cause the cuticle to rupture at the side and front margins of the carapace. The chelicerae, pedipalps, legs, and body are withdrawn from the old cuticle over a period of approximately 12 hours. Scorpions then probably increase blood pressure to expand body volume temporarily while the new cuticle hardens. This allows room for future growth. As the cuticle hardens and darkens, it gradually acquires the ability to fluoresce under ultraviolet light.

Internal features
      Muscles attach to the inner wall of the cuticle. Scorpion muscles are striated, with individual fibres innervated by several neurons. A single neuron can attach to several muscle fibres. The strength of muscular contraction is a function of the rate of impulse delivery rather than of the number of fibres contracting (as is the case in vertebrates). The neuromuscular system has fast (phasic) neurons that produce rapid movement and slow (tonic) neurons that produce the prolonged contractions necessary for posture maintenance or for slow movement.

      The central nervous system consists of a brain and ventral nerve cord. The brain is composed of two large ganglia (ganglion) that surround the esophagus. The upper lobe (protocerebrum) of the top ganglion processes optic information and is the origin of complex behaviours, while the lower lobe (tritocerebrum) mainly controls the normal body functions. The bottom ganglion innervates the chelicerae. Locomotion is controlled by both ganglia. The nerve cord of the animal consists of seven ganglia connected by pairs of fibres.

      Scorpions perceive the world through visual, tactile, and chemical sense organs. Their eyes (eye, human) cannot form sharp images, but their central eyes are among the most sensitive to light in the animal kingdom. Evidently they can navigate at night by using shadows cast by starlight. Lateral eyes (ocelli) sense only changes in light intensity and are used to establish daily cycles. Some species have light receptors in the tail.

      Scorpions can interpret vibrations transmitted through both the air and the ground. Long, thin hairlike structures called trichobothria are most easily deflected by air vibrations originating perpendicular to one plane. These hairs are situated on the pedipalps along different planes and thus allow scorpions to detect the direction of air movement, which enables them to catch aerial prey, detect predators, and navigate by using prevailing winds. Organs located in slits of the tarsal leg segments are used by some species to detect ground vibrations produced by prey, potential predators (predation), and mates. These thin areas in the cuticle are deformed by mechanical energy transmitted up the leg from the ground.

      Chemoreceptors are located in the oral cavity (for taste) and the pectines. Receptors in the pectines are used by some species to locate some prey. Males use their pectines to detect pheromones produced by receptive females. Pectines are sexually dimorphic in that males have larger pectines with more and larger teeth.

      Digestion (digestive system, invertebrate) by all arachnids, including scorpions, begins outside the mouth. The preoral cavity is supplied with digestive juices from the gut that partially digest food before it enters the mouth. Setae in the preoral cavity filter undigestible material such as the prey's exoskeleton. These particles are matted together and expelled. Food passes from the mouth to the pharynx to the esophagus to the midgut to the hindgut and is expelled through the anus. The muscular pharynx acts as a pumping organ drawing food into the body. Several pairs of cecal glands arise in the hepatopancreas and enter the midgut. These glands produce the enzymes ( amylases, proteases (proteolytic enzyme), and lipases) used to digest food in the midgut and preoral cavity. Absorption occurs in the midgut and hindgut. The hepatopancreas is a large organ constituting about 20 percent of the total body mass. Food is stored there in the form of a carbohydrate called glycogen.

      Scorpions are extremely efficient eating machines that can increase their body weight by one-third when feeding. Metabolic rates and energy needs of scorpions are lowas little as one-tenth that of flying insects. Furthermore, they are extremely efficient at transferring energy from prey tissue to their own. The ability to consume large quantities of food at one time, high transfer efficiency, extremely low metabolic rates, and an efficient food-storage organ (the hepatopancreas) combine to allow scorpions to live without food for up to 12 months. It is possible that scorpions feed only 5 to 50 times a year. Though they eat slowly, the proportion of scorpions actually observed feeding in the wild is only 2 to 7 percent.

      Excretion and water balance are interlinked in all terrestrial arthropods, including scorpions. Nitrogenous wastes from protein metabolism are collected by two pairs of Malpighian tubules (malpighian tubule). They enter the gut at the midgut-hindgut connection. Excretory wastes are expelled through the anus with feces. The scorpion excretory system is one reason desert scorpions are so efficient at water conservation. Nitrogenous wastes (xanthine, guanine, and uric acid) are nearly insoluble in water. Feces are likewise extremely dry. Furthermore, minimal water is lost through the book lungs (spiracle) or waxed integument. Some scorpions live indefinitely without drinking. In these species sufficient water is normally obtained from their food or is produced internally during metabolism of food.

      The open circulatory system is typical of arthropods. The tubular heart is located dorsally and runs the length of the mesosoma. It contracts rhythmically, sending hemolymph (blood) via the anterior aorta to the prosoma and from the posterior aorta to the metasoma. The anterior aorta branches into the cephalic and cerebral arteries and to smaller arteries that carry blood to each limb and to the nerve cord. Arteries branch further and eventually empty into blood sinuses. Blood sinuses are extensive and bathe most tissues where most gas and material exchange occurs. Blood returns via sinuses and veins into a pericardial sac surrounding the heart before entering the heart through seven pairs of slitlike ostia. Scorpion hemolymph is a colourless fluid containing proteins and salts but no blood cells.

      Book lungs (book lung) consist of a cavity created by an infolding of the exoskeleton that encloses internal parallel leaves (lamellae) of thin cuticle across which gas exchange occurs. A sinus surrounds the book lungs, and the heart pumps blood into and out of the lamellae indirectly through ligaments attached to the sinus. Ventilation occurs passively when individuals move.

      The paired gonads (reproductive system, animal) are a network of tubules that superficially appear similar in both sexes. Males possess seminal vesicles, and large paraxial organs produce the spermatophore. The spermatophore is produced in two parts that fuse during extrusion. Sperm enters the female's gonopore, and fertilization is internal. Eggs (from ovarian follicles within the ovariuterus) undergo two types of embryological development. Some scorpions have ova with various amounts of yolk (apoikogenic), whereas others have smaller, yolkless ova (katoikogenic). Both are viviparous but differ in the amount of nutrition derived directly from the mother. Apoikogenic embryos primarily use yolk and receive only some nourishment from the mother, possibly by diffusion across embryonic membranes. Katoikogenic embryos are nourished via a specialized oral feeding apparatus that develops early. They use their chelicerae to grip the nipple of a specialized stalked diverticulum that branches from the mother's ovariuterus. Thisteatreceives and transports nutrients from the hepatopancreas to the embryo, which uses its pharyngeal musculature to pump nutrients into its body.

Venoms (venom)
      About 25 species in eight genera possess venoms capable of killing people. In the United States there have been few deaths in the past several decades, but it is estimated that hundreds per year may occur worldwide. Species of the genus Centruroides are primarily responsible. Scorpions are also health hazards in parts of India (Buthotus tamulus), North Africa and the Middle East (Androctonus, Buthus occitanus, Buthotus minax, and Leiurus quinquestriatus), South America and the West Indies (Tityus and Rhopalurus), and South Africa (Parabuthus). All these species are members of the family Buthidae. Buthids produce a complex neurotoxin that causes both local and systemic effects. Severe convulsions, paralysis, and cardiac irregularities precede death. Death can be avoided if the antivenoms now available against most lethal species are administered.

      The venoms of more than 1,200 other species are not deadly. These species, however, produce hemotoxins that cause mild to strong local effects, including edema, discoloration, and pain. The sting is often less painful than that of a bee, and victims fully recover in minutes, hours, or days.

Evolution and paleontology
      Scorpions first appeared in the Silurian Period (443 to 417 million years ago). Some believe that they almost certainly evolved from giant water scorpions (order Eurypterida (eurypterid)). Paleozoic scorpions and eurypterids share several features, including external book gills, flaplike abdominal appendages, large compound eyes, and similar chewing structures on the coxae of the first legs.

      Like many of the modern crabs, early scorpions were marine or amphibious; the earliest fossils are associated with marine organisms. They not only apparently possessed gills but also had legs adapted to a bottom-dwelling (benthic) existence. The fact that many of the earliest scorpions were relatively large also strongly suggests that these species needed water for support.

      Marine and amphibious scorpions probably persisted well into the Carboniferous Period (354 to 290 million years ago). The first decidedly terrestrial scorpion fossils are from the Upper Devonian or Lower Carboniferous systems (370 to 323 million years ago). The evolution of enclosed book lungs in place of external book gills was the major change associated with the transition from water to land. Although the classification of early scorpions into categories is uncertain, they diversified into several extinct families. Several other terrestrial arthropods were on land before scorpions appeared. Fossils of other arachnids, myriapods, and insects have been found that are more than 380 million years old (see Devonian Period).

      The presence of these fossils along with differing interpretations of embryological and morphological data have produced a controversy over the origin of the arachnids and the relationship of scorpions to other arachnids. One view considers that scorpions are a group in the phylum Arachnida and may even be the ancestor of other arachnids. The alternate view contends that scorpions are not arachnids at all but modern terrestrial merostomes, the horseshoe crab (Limulus) being their closest living relative. In this view the Merostomata, including scorpions, are a group distinct from the arachnids. Whatever their exact taxonomic relationship, it is clear that scorpions form a distinct group consistently separated by taxonomist (taxonomy)s from other arachnids.

      Except for changes in locomotion and respiration necessitated by the migration to land, the basic scorpion body plan is similar to that of scorpions that lived 430 million years ago. The earliest scorpions possessed a segmented opisthosoma with the mesosoma and metasoma clearly differentiated. They had well-formed chelate pedipalps and chelicerae, eight walking legs, pectines, and a terminal stinger. This body plan has been a particularly successful oneno great architectural evolution in external morphology accompanied the taxonomic diversification of scorpions. Moreover, there has not been extensive modification as they adapted to different habitats.

Gary A. Polis Jesse Dunsmore Clarkson


Distinguishing taxonomic features
      Seventeen extant families and about two dozen subfamilies are identified by the structure of the sternum, gnathobase, legs, cheliceral dentation, and venom gland and by the number and distribution of lateral eyes and pedipalpal trichobothria. Embryological patterns and the anatomy of the reproductive system are also important diagnostic traits.

Annotated classification
Order Scorpiones or Scorpionida (scorpions)
 1,388 species found from the tropics into temperate zones. Chelicerate arachnids with single carapace over cephalothorax; pair of 3-jointed pincers (chelicerae) as the 1st pair of legs; large chelate pedipalps behind these, followed by 4 pairs of walking legs; comblike pectines; 4 pairs of book lungs.
      Family Buthidae
 598 species widely distributed, even into temperate regions. Includes some of the most dangerously venomous. Oldest living family; often with a spine under the stinger.

      Family Vaejovidae
 146 species found from southwestern Canada to Central America. 3 lateral eyes.

      Family Chactidae
 129 species found from Mexico to northern South America. 2 lateral eyes on each side.

      Family Scorpionidae
 119 species found mostly in tropics and subtropics of Africa, Asia, and Australia. Includes the largest species, the emperor scorpion (Pandinus imperator).

      Family Bothriuridae
 112 species found in South America, India, southern Africa, and Australia. 3 lateral eyes on each side.

      Family Diplocentridae
 85 species found in warm regions of the Middle East, Mexico southward to northern South America, and the Antilles islands. Tubercular spine under stinger.

      Family Euscorpiidae
 56 species absent from Australia and most of Africa.

      Family Liochelidae (rock scorpions)
 56 species absent from North America; formerly called Ischnuridae.

      Family Iuridae
 21 species found in arid regions of the Americas as well as Turkey and Greece. Female reproductive system includes an ovariuterus, with yolk-poor ova developing within. Hadrurus the largest in the United States.

      Family Urodacidae
 20 species found only in Australia.

      Family Chaerilidae
 18 species found in southern Asia and continental Southeast Asia. Female reproductive system includes an ovariuterus, with yolk-rich ova developing within.

      Family Superstitioniidae
 9 species, mostly in caves of the American Southwest and Mexico.

      Family Hemiscorpiidae
 7 dangerous species of eastern Africa and southwestern Asia.

      Family Microcharmidae
 7 species of Central Africa and Madagascar.

      Family Troglotayosicidae
 2 species found only in caves of France, Spain, and Ecuador.

      Family Urodacidae (cave scorpions)
 2 species found only in caves of France, Spain, and Ecuador.

      Family Pseudochactidae
 1 species of Central Asia; first described in 1998.

Willis John Gertsch Gary A. Polis Jesse Dunsmore Clarkson

Additional Reading
Philip Brownell and Gary A. Polis (eds.), Scorpion Biology and Research (2001), includes introductory material as well as recent research findings that examine the diverse adaptations of scorpions and their utility in investigations of broader evolutionary questions. Gary A. Polis (ed.), The Biology of Scorpions (1990), is the benchmark source for detailed information about these arachnids. J.L. Cloudsley-Thompson, Spiders, Scorpions, Centipedes, and Mites: The Ecology and Natural History of Woodlice, Myriapods, and Arachnids (1958, reprinted 1968), remains an accurate and accessible reference for general readers.Gary A. Polis Joseph Culin

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  • scorpion — SCORPIÓN, scorpioni, s.m. 1. Nume dat mai multor specii de arahnide având la extremitatea posterioară glande veninoase, care se deschid în vârful unui ac; scorpie (1). ♢ Scorpionul de cărţi =scorpion minuscul, fără coadă şi fără glande veninoase …   Dicționar Român

  • scorpion — SCORPION. s. m. Sorte d insecte venimeux, & dont le venin est principalement à l extremité de la queuë. La piqueure du scorpion est dangereuse. on tient que la blessure que fait le scorpion se guerit en escrasant le scorpion mesme sur la playe.… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • scorpion — early 13c., from O.Fr. scorpion, from L. scorpionem (nom. scorpio), extended form of scorpius, from Gk. skorpios a scorpion, from PIE root * (s)ker to cut (see SHEAR (Cf. shear)). The Spanish alacran scorpion is from Arabic al aqrab …   Etymology dictionary

  • SCORPION — (Heb. עַקְרָב, akrav; pl. akrabbim). The scorpion is mentioned once in the Bible as a dangerous creature of the wilderness (Deut. 8:15). The word akrabbim is also used for prickly thornbushes (I Kings 12:11; Ezek. 2:6), and Ascent of Akrabbim ( …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • scorpion — [skôr′pē ən] n. [OFr < L scorpio < Gr skorpios, scorpion, kind of fish < IE base * (s)ker , to cut > SHEAR] 1. any of an order (Scorpiones) of arachnids found in warm regions, with a front pair of nipping claws and a long, slender,… …   English World dictionary

  • scorpion — ► NOUN ▪ an arachnid with lobster like pincers and a poisonous sting at the end of its tail. ORIGIN Greek skorpios scorpion …   English terms dictionary

  • Scorpion — Scorpion, ein dem Krebse außerordentlich ähnliches Insekt mit 8 Füßen, 2 Scheeren und einem langen, dünnen, aus 6 Knoten gebildeten Schwanz, welcher sich in eine gebogene, dolchartige Spitze mit einer kleinen giftgefüllten Blase endiget. Man… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

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