
/skawr"pee euhs/, n., gen. Scorpii /-pee uy'/. Astron.
the Scorpion, a zodiacal constellation between Sagittarius and Libra, containing the bright star Antares.
Also, Scorpio.
[ < L < Gk skorpíos SCORPION]

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astrology and astronomy
 (Latin:Scorpion”), in astronomy, zodiacal constellation lying between Libra and Sagittarius, at about 16 hours 30 minutes right ascension (the coordinate on the celestial sphere analogous to longitude on the Earth) and 30° south declination (angular distance south of the celestial equator). Antares (Alpha Scorpii), the brightest star, is of the first magnitude.

      In astrology, Scorpius (or Scorpio) is the eighth sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about October 24 to about November 21. Its representation as a scorpion is related to the Greek legend of the scorpion that stung Orion to death (said to be why Orion sets as Scorpius rises in the sky). Another Greek myth relates that a scorpion caused the horses of the Sun to bolt when they were being driven for a day by the inexperienced youth Phaeton.

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Universalium. 2010.

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