
tibial, adj.
/tib"ee euh/, n., pl. tibiae /tib"ee ee'/, tibias.
1. Anat. the inner of the two bones of the leg, that extend from the knee to the ankle and articulate with the femur and the talus; shinbone. See diag. under skeleton.
2. Zool.
a. a corresponding bone in a horse or other hoofed quadruped, extending from the stifle to the hock.
b. (in insects) the fourth segment of the leg, between the femur and tarsus. See diag. under coxa.
[1685-95; < L tibia lit., reed pipe]

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also called  shin 
 inner and larger of the two bones of the lower leg in vertebratesthe other is the fibula. In humans the tibia forms the lower half of the knee joint above and the inner protuberance of the ankle below. The upper part consists of two fairly flat-topped prominences, or condyles, that articulate with the condyles of the thighbone, or femur, above. The attachment of the ligament of the kneecap, or patella, to the tibial tuberosity in front completes the knee joint. The lateral condyle is larger and includes the point at which the fibula articulates. The tibia's shaft is approximately triangular in cross section; its markings are influenced by the strength of the attached muscles. It is attached to the fibula throughout its length by an interosseous membrane.

      At the lower end of the tibia there is a medial extension (the medial malleolus), which forms part of the ankle joint and articulates with the talus (anklebone) below; there is also a fibular notch, which meets the lower end of the shaft of the fibula.

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