
promenader, n.
/prom'euh nayd", -nahd"/, n., v., promenaded, promenading.
1. a stroll or walk, esp. in a public place, as for pleasure or display.
2. an area used for such walking.
3. a march of guests into a ballroom constituting the opening of a formal ball.
4. a march of dancers in square dancing.
5. a formal dance; prom.
6. to go for or take part in a promenade.
7. to execute a promenade in square dancing.
8. to take a promenade through or about.
9. to conduct or display in or as if in a promenade; parade: They promenaded their prisoner before the townspeople.
[1560-70; < F, deriv. of promener to lead out, take for a walk or airing < L prominare to drive (beasts) forward (pro- PRO-1 + minare to drive); see -ADE1]

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Public place where people walk (or, in the past, rode) at leisure for pleasure, exercise, or display.

Promenades are pedestrian avenues pleasingly landscaped or commanding a view, often located along waterfronts and in parks. Vehicular traffic may or may not be restricted.

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      place for strolling, where persons walk (or, in the past, ride) at leisure for exercise, display, or pleasure. Vehicular traffic may or may not be restricted. Promenades are located in resort towns and in parks and are public avenues landscaped in a pleasing manner or commanding a view.

      The Royal Crescent at Bath, Somerset, England, is an 18th-century example of a promenade, and the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey, is a modern example. Large cities not devoted to a leisured life, or class, rarely include a walk that is exclusively a promenade because the pace of contemporary life set by the automobile, and the chance of being a victim of crime, detract from its original purpose as a place for strolling.

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Universalium. 2010.

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