
/pahm/, n.
1. the part of the inner surface of the hand that extends from the wrist to the bases of the fingers.
2. the corresponding part of the forefoot of an animal.
3. the part of a glove covering this part of the hand.
4. Also called sailmaker's palm. a stiff rawhide or metal shield worn over this part of the hand by sailmakers to serve as a thimble.
5. a linear measure of from 3 to 4 inches (71/2-10 centimeters), based on the breadth of the hand.
6. a linear measure of from 7 to 10 inches (171/2-25 centimeters), based on the length of the hand.
7. the flat, expanded part of the horn or antler of a deer.
8. a flat, widened part at the end of an armlike projection.
9. Naut.
a. the blade of an oar.
b. the inner face of an anchor fluke. See diag. under anchor.
c. (loosely) an anchor fluke.
10. a flat-topped bearing member at the head of a stanchion.
11. grease someone's palm, to give money to, esp. as a bribe: Before any work could begin, it was necessary to grease the superintendent's palm.
12. to conceal in the palm, as in cheating at cards or dice or in juggling.
13. to pick up stealthily.
14. to hold in the hand.
15. to impose (something) fraudulently (usually fol. by on or upon): to palm stolen jewels on someone.
16. to touch or stroke with the palm or hand.
17. to shake hands with.
18. Basketball. to grip (the ball) momentarily with the hand in the act of dribbling.
19. palm off, to dispose of by deception, trickery, or fraud; substitute (something) with intent to deceive: Someone had palmed off a forgery on the museum officials.
[1300-50; < L palma (c. OE folm hand); r. ME paume < MF < L palma]
palmlike, adj.
/pahm/, n.
1. any of numerous plants of the family Palmae, most species being tall, unbranched trees surmounted by a crown of large pinnate or palmately cleft leaves. Cf. palm family.
2. any of various other trees or shrubs that resemble this.
3. a leaf or branch of such a tree, esp. as formerly borne to signify victory or as used on festive occasions.
4. a representation of such a leaf or branch, as on a military or other decoration of honor, usually indicating a second award of the decoration.
5. the reward of honor due to a victor: In oratory she yields the palm to no one.
6. victory; triumph; success: He carried off the palm by sheer perseverance.
[bef. 900; ME, OE < L palma palm tree, special use of palma PALM1]

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Any of about 2,800 species of flowering, subtropical trees, shrubs, and vines that make up the family Arecaceae (or Palmae).

Many are economically important. Palms furnish food, shelter, clothing, timber, fuel, building materials, fibres, starch, oils, waxes, and wines for local populations in the tropics. Many species have very limited ranges; some grow only on single islands. The fast growth and many by-products of palms make exploitation of the rainforest appealing to agribusiness. The usually tall, unbranched, columnar trunk is crowned by a tuft of large, pleated, fan-or feather-shaped leaves, with often prickly petioles (leafstalks), the bases of which remain after leaves drop, often covering the trunk. Trunk height and diameter, leaf length, and seed size vary greatly. Small flowers are produced in large clusters. Among the most important palms are the sugar palm (Arenga pinnata, or A. saccharifera), coconut palm, date palm, and cabbage palmetto.
(as used in expressions)

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      any member of the Arecaceae, or Palmae, the single family of monocotyledonous flowering plants of the order Arecales.

      The great centres of palm distribution are in America and in Asia from India to Japan and south to Australia and the islands of the Pacific and Indian oceans, with Africa and Madagascar as a third but much less important palm region. These centres are bounded roughly by latitudes 44° N and 44° S, though the greatest abundance lies primarily between latitudes 30° N and 30° S. These distributions correspond more or less with zones having mean annual temperatures of 15 and 21 °C (60 and 70 °F) and, with rare exceptions, to areas having 500 mm (20 inches) or more of rainfall per year.

      The northernmost palm is the European fan palm (Chamaerops humilis), which grows about the Mediterranean in Europe and North Africa; the southernmost is the nikau palm (Rhopalostylis sapida), of New Zealand and the Chatham Islands. Although there are species with extensive ranges, especially in America, most are restricted in range, and those of islands, in particular, are frequently found nowhere else. One species, Maxburretia gracilis, is limited to a few limestone outcroppings in the Langkawi Islands off the Malay Peninsula. The island of New Caledonia has 17 genera and 32 species of palms, all of them endemic. The palms of Madagascar are not yet well known, but 130 species belonging to 21 genera are recorded and at least 14 of the genera are found only on the island. No species, except the European fan palm and the pantropical cultivated coconut (Cocos nucifera (coconut palm)), occurs on more than one continent; the genera transcending continental bounds are Chamaerops in Europe and Africa, Elaeis (oil palm) and Raphia (raffia palm, or jupati) in Africa and America, and Borassus (palmyra palm), Calamus (rattan palm), Hyphaene (doum palm), and Phoenix (date palm) in Africa and Asia. Numbers of individuals of a species may be few or many.

      Centres of abundance in numbers of species occur in mixed tropical and subtropical forests (forest) in both the American and the Asian tropics. The lowland rainforests of New Guinea and the Sunda Islands and the rainforests of Central and South America are richest in palm species. The Chocó region of western Colombia and parts of the island of Borneo have extraordinary numbers of palms. In the Gunung Mulu National Park, Malaysia, an area of rainforest spanning about 52,864 hectares, has 111 species representing 20 genera. In the western part of the Antioquia region of northwestern Colombia, 89 species representing 34 genera of palms occur in an area of 19,000 square km (7,300 square miles). It is noteworthy that palms are not the dominant elements in these forests. Large stands of single species do dominate certain types of vegetation in the tropics and subtropics. The carnauba wax palm (Copernicia alba) occurs in solid stands hundreds of square kilometres in extent in the northeastern section of the Paraguayan Chaco Boreal and adjacent Bolivia and Brazil, the largest stands in this region alone containing possibly 500 million plants.

      In the eastern tropics, Nypa fruticans may form dense colonies on estuarine muds; these pure stands of nipa palm (Nypa) extend for hundreds of hectares in eastern Sumatra and parts of Borneo. In other situations, dicotyledonous mangrove species occur with the nipa palm. The genus Manicaria (bussu palm) occupies similar habitats in some New World areas. Palms are dominant in another type of vegetation on the landward fringe of mangrove swamps in the western Malay Archipelago, where Oncosperma tigillarium and Calamus erinaceus (and, in Borneo, Daemonorops longispathus) are found. In the Amazon estuary Raphia taedigera covers extensive areas; other species of the raffia palm dominate similar habitats in West Africa. The raffia palm occurs in nearly pure stands between marsh and dicotyledonous swamp forests along the Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Costa Rica, and Mauritia flexuosa is found in vast stands in inland parts of the Amazon basin. On riverine flats and coastal plains of Africa, Hyphaene compressa and Borassus aethiopum occur, often in great abundance. Freshwater swamplands in parts of New Guinea are dominated by Metroxylon sagu. Both the doum palm and the sago palm (Metroxylon) are useful, and their distribution may be due in part to human activities. Eugeissona utilis grows in dense local stands to the exclusion of other trees in the uplands of Borneo. The vegetation dominated by Prestoea montana is distinctive in the montane forests of the Caribbean. Many of these palms are economically useful, and their natural or seminatural stands may be immensely important in local economies.

      The abundance of palms may also be considered in relation to numbers of species per genus, in that a few palm genera have large numbers of species. Calamus with about 379 is the largest and Bactris (the peach palm) with approximately 239 is second. Several other genera, Licuala, Pinanga, Chamaedorea, and Daemonorops, have more than 100 species each. Nearly a third of the genera (64), however, have only a single species, and more than half have fewer than 5 species each. The small number of species per genus reflects the large amount of endemism in the family.

Economic importance
      The palms with the greatest importance in world commerce are the coconut (coconut palm) and the African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis); both are prime sources of vegetable oil and fat. Few plants are as versatile as the coconut. The husk of the fruit is the source of coir, used for ropes and mats; the hard inner fruit layer (endocarp) is used as fuel and to make charcoal, cups, bottles, and trinkets; coconutjuiceorwater” (liquid endosperm) is a tasty beverage; the flesh (solid endosperm) is eaten raw or dried to form copra, a source of oil (widely used for food preparation and industrial purposes) and oil cake (cattle feed); the flesh may also be grated, mixed with water, and pressed to obtain coconut milk, used in food preparation and as a substitute for cow's milk. The sap obtained from tapping the inflorescence, or flower stalk, is drunk unfermented or fermented (toddy) and is a source of sugar, alcohol, and vinegar. Trunks are used in construction and furniture making, and leaves are used in a variety of ways in domestic economies. The African oil palm is important chiefly for the palm oil obtained from the fruit coat and for kernel oil from the seed.

      Other palms are used extensively in both the Old and New worlds. sugar and alcohol are obtained by tapping inflorescences of the sugar palm (Arenga pinnata), the palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer), the wild date (Phoenix sylvestris), the toddy palm (Caryota urens), the nipa palm, and the gebang and talipot palms (Corypha elata and C. umbraculifera). Wine is made from species of the raffia palm in Africa and from the gru gru palm (Acrocomia) and the coquito palm (Jubaea) in America. The sago palm and, to a lesser extent, the sugar palm and the gebang palm are sources of starch obtained from the pith. The fruit of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera (date palm)) is a staple in parts of Asia Minor, the Arabian Peninsula, and North Africa and is also an article of commerce. Fruits are also widely used fresh, as sources of oil, and in the preparation of refreshing drinks and ice cream. Throughout much of the Asian tropics and even in parts of East Africa, the seed of the betel palm (Areca catechu) is used, with lime and the leaf of the betel pepper (Piper betle), as a chewing substance. Trunks and leaves serve in local construction, in the making of weapons, and as sources of wax (the wax palm, Ceroxylon; the carnauba wax palm). Leaves of the gebang palm are made into umbrellas and books; others provide material for rain capes, baskets, raffia (Raphia farinifera), hats, hammocks, and the fibre known as piassava.

 Palms seem destined to continue to be extremely valuable economically, but in increasingly different ways. For centuries they have provided most of the necessities of life for humans in the tropics. Within rainforests and along their borders, whole communities have depended on palms for their livelihood. Except for the pantropical coconut, different genera have served in different tropical areas. The number of uses is legion. The sugar palm is used in more than 40 ways in Asia; the babassu palm (Attalea; see photograph—>) in Brazil yields 28 products of edible and chemical value. Native palm products are now contributing substantially to local economies. In 1979 the value of the harvest from six native palm genera (the black palm, Astrocaryum; the piassava palm, Attalea; the carnauba wax palm, Copernicia; Euterpe; Mauritia; and the babassu palm) was more than $100 million. Entrepreneurs recognized during the 1980s that several genera that have been utilized only from natural stands might be enhanced by the selection, cultivation, and mechanical harvesting that could be afforded them as major plantation crops. Certain neotropical palms, which are reported to have several times the potential yield of the traditional oil seeds such as peanuts and soybeans, are a good example. Perhaps 200 species of palms are potential oil producers, but only about 20 have been exploited, and, except for the oil palm (Elaeis), which is a plantation crop, oil has been extracted from wild specimens. The oil from the seeds of one species, Jessenia bataua, is physically and chemically much like olive oil, and the mesocarp pulp from the fruits of Jessenia and the closely related Oenocarpus is reported to have a protein content similar to that of meat. Large-scale production of such genera has been advocated.

      Several genera show excellent potential for silviculture and agroforestry in land use systems where they are mixed with other species, sometimes also with animal components. A further advantage is that some useful palms grow on land not suitable for other crops, such as Mauritia flexuosa in waterlogged soils, the black palm in seasonally inundated areas, and Euterpe chaunostachys in swamps. Many palms, such as the sugar palm, the palmyra palm, and the sago palm, are multipurpose trees. In tropical America, the peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) is widely grown for hearts of palm and fruits, both in plantations and on small farms. The wood is valuable, and the peach palm also is grown as shade for several crops, such as coffee (Coffea arabica), citrus (Citrus), and breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis); it is especially successful with cacao (Theobroma cacao). In Ecuador, palms that are grown by the agroforestry industry include the peach palm; the tagua, or ivory, palm (Phytelephas aequatorialis) grown for vegetable ivory; and a fibre palm (Aphandra natalia). In Southeast Asia the production of rattan from species of Calamus (C. caesius, C. manan, and C. trachycoleus) is a promising industry. Commercial production of sago from trunks of Metroxylon has been investigated. Palms are sources of many products; indeed, no other plant family provides such a diversity. Their use in agroforestry may help conserve rainforests while providing an income for small farmers. The potential for their development is enormous.

      Apart from commercial or local uses, palms are extensively planted for ornament in warm regions or indoors when a tropical effect is desired. Several hundred species are used as ornamentals in outdoor gardens as well.

 Palms have adapted to many habitats within their geographic limits. To the dweller in temperate regions, they tend to be associated with jungle or with tropical shores, where the coconut is often a prominent feature of the landscape. Most palms are inhabitants of tropical forests. There they thrive on well-drained acid soils in regions of high though often seasonal rainfall. They range from the lowlands to mountain and cloud forests up to altitudes of 1,800 metres. Rarely, as in the wax palm and some species of Geonoma, they grow at elevations as high as 3,000 metres in the Andes. There are exceptions, however, for palms are also found in swamps or poorly drained areas (bussu palm, Mauritia, date palm, sago palm, raffia palm) or brackish estuaries and lagoons (nipa palm) or areas subject to alternate flooding and drying (carnauba wax palm). They also occur in deserts or on seashores when underground water is present (doum palm, Washingtonia, coconut palm), or in open savanna, grassland, or gallery forest, or restricted to such special habitats as limestone outcrops (Maxburretia rupicola), serpentine soils (Gulubia hombronii), or river margins (Astrocaryum jauari, Leopoldinia pulchra) where competition is limited.

      Palms were long assumed to be wind-pollinated (pollination), but recent studies are showing that, while some (the thatch palm, Thrinax) are indeed anemophilous, wind is only one of a diversity of mechanisms of pollination. Some genera, such as the coconut and babassu palms, are pollinated by both insects and wind. Beetles are implicated in Astrocaryum mexicanum, Bactris, Cryosophila albida, Rhapidophyllum hystrix, and Socratea exorrhiza. Syrphus flies apparently pollinate Asterogyne martiana in Costa Rica, and drosophila flies are thought to pollinate the nipa palm in New Guinea. Bees pollinate several species (Sabal palmetto and Iriartea deltoidea). Studies of pollination are difficult because of the large number of insects that are associated in some way with most palms. Few modern studies have been done, but obvious adaptations for insect pollination can be found in many palms. Bats have been found to pollinate Calyptrogyne in Costa Rica.

      In most palm fruits only one ovule matures into a seed, although a few genera are known to have 2- or 3-seeded fruits and up to 10 seeds may develop in Phytelephas. The black or brightly coloured fruits are dispersed (dispersion) by many different animals. The African elephant feeds on fruits and is important in dispersing Phoenix reclinata, Borassus aethiopum, and species of Hyphaene. Shrikes feed on fruits of the date palm, and in northeastern Queensland, Australia, the cassowary ingests fruits and disperses seeds of several rainforest palms (Calamus and Linospadix). The black bear (Ursus americanus) disperses Sabal, Rhapidophyllum hystrix, and Serenoa repens in Florida, U.S. Fruits of Euterpe in northern South America are sought by fish and by the electric eel (Electrophorus electricus). Wild dogs (family Canidae) and palm civets (Paradoxurus) devour fruits of Arenga and Caryota in Asia. Studies of fruit dispersal are in their infancy, but a large number of interesting associations have been noted.

      In tropical forest ecosystems palms are important in many ways. Breathing roots help aerate waterlogged soils. Orbignya cohune is known to be important in the development of the soil profilestems are initially geotropic and buried to depths of one metre during establishment growth. The large cavities that are formed when palms in a population die result in considerable soil turnover. Many palms accumulate leaf litter in their crowns (Asterogyne martiana, Eugeissona minor, Pinanga ridleyana, and Daemonorops verticillaris), presumably trapping important nutrients. Some palms (Orbignya phalerata) contribute large amounts of dry matter, which, when recycled, adds to soil fertility.

      During the 1980s the value of palms in demographic studies was realized. Palms are easily identified within the forest. Their age can be estimated by determining the length of time needed to produce a leaf and counting the leaf scars. This method, however, must be used with considerable caution since studies are beginning to show that the rate of leaf production can vary with environmental factors. Some palms have very long lives; life spans of 50 to 100 years are common. In the Seychelles, specimens of the double coconut, Lodoicea maldivica (coco de mer), have lived for up to 350 years, and Livistona eastonii in Australia has lived to be as old as 720 years.

      Palms are important in determining the composition of the forest community. Forest understories are sometimes dominated by a single species, as is the case with Astrocaryum mexicanum in Veracruz, Mexico. Competition between young palms and ultimate canopy components may be an important factor in forest regeneration. Some palms that grow near the forest floor (Asterogyne martiana and Geonoma cuneata, for example) are being used to study light relationships, especially as regards simple versus dissected leaves. These studies are promising but in their preliminary stages.

Characteristic morphological features
      The life cycle of a palm is like that of most flowering plants except that the early vegetative phase is often prolonged because the palm stem generally attains its maximum girth below ground before it begins to grow upward. This establishment growth is necessary because palms, unlike woody broad-leaved plants, do not have the means for growing a thicker trunk; moreover, they have only a single growing point. There is usually an accompanying change from the small and sometimes strap-shaped leaf of the seedling to the leaf of the adult.

      Most palm stems are erect and solitary or clustered, but some grow horizontally, becoming procumbent, or trailing, at or below the surface of the soil and producing the crown at ground level, while others are high-climbing vines. Rare instances of regular branching (in Allagoptera, Chamaedorea, Hyphaene, Nannorrhops, Nypa, Vonitra) appear to involve equal or subequal division at the apex that results in a forking habit. The two newly formed branches may continue equally, or one may be overtopped by the other (Nannorrhops). When thickening occurs, as in the royal palms (Roystonea) or in the few that produce conspicuous swellings orbelliessuch as Colpothrinax, it is due to an increase in number or size of internal cells and not to new cell production at a cambium, or growing, layer. The cortex, orbark,” may be smooth or rough, and it is sometimes fiercely armed with spines or covered with old leaf bases. Nodes are marked by often prominent and ringlike leaf scars.

      A typical palm stem, unlike the woody cylinder of a hardwood tree, is composed of hundreds to thousands of conducting strands scattered in softer ground tissue. There are usually two unequal regions, however. The central region is larger and softer than the outer region, which often is composed of densely packed fibres so hard that they quickly dull any cutting instrument. Thus, palms are often left in place when forests are cleared for cultivation. Such a construction accounts for the ability of palms to withstand winds that break ordinary trees.

      The first root of palms, unable to increase in diameter as do roots of broad-leaved plants, is eventually replaced by adventitious roots from the basal nodes of the stem. Most roots penetrate the ground, but, in some palms, adventitious roots may form a mound above ground or appear at intervals along the stem. In Cryosophila and Mauritia, roots along the stem are transformed into spines. Stout prop roots forming a dense or open cone are found at successive nodes along the stem of certain varieties of palms.

      Leaves (leaf) in the Palmae have a characteristic aspect but are diverse in size, shape, and division. Most have a sheath, petiole or leafstalk, and blade. Sheaths sometimes are elongate or tubular, and when they appear to form a continuation of the stem, they are referred to as a crownshaft. The petiole is discernible above the sheath as a supporting axis devoid of leaflets.

      The terminal portion or blade of the palm leaf is always plicate and may be either pinnate (featherlike) or palmate (fanlike). The first category embraces those that have distinct pinnae or leaflets or are bipinnate (Caryota) or merely pinnately veined. The second includes blades with relatively elongate central veins or ribs (costapalmate) or those in which segments radiate from a central region at the tip of the petiole. Many palmate and costapalmate leaves have a prominent, often spear-shaped, ridge of tissue at the apex of the petiole known as the hastula.

      Leaves are sometimes armed with spines or marginal teeth on sheath, petiole, or blade, or on all parts. Pinnae may be modified into recurved hooks (Desmoncus), or the tip of the central axis may be produced into a long slender whiplike strand armed with recurved spines in climbing palms such as the rattan palm.

      The inflorescence, the structure that bears the flowers, may be a large and complex panicle with numerous small leaflike bracts and branches to the sixth order, or it may be reduced to a head or to a spikelike axis with a single bract, or, as in the rattan palm, it may become a slender, clawed climbing organ or cirrus (tendril). The usual inflorescence has a supporting peduncle, or main axis, on which is borne a two-keeled first bract that is known as a prophyll and usually one or more other sterile bracts below the flowering portion. The flowering portion is composed of a central axis with branches of one or more orders and bracts associated with each branch.

      A small bract usually subtends the flower or flower cluster. More rarely, the flowers are sunken in pits formed by the union of prominent bracts or by differential growth of the branch.

      Flowers of the Palmae are attached directly to the flowering branch or more rarely may have short supporting stalks. In either case they are very diverse in structure, size, and colour and are usually based on a three-part plan. Most are less than 2.5 cm (1 inch) in length, but the female flowers of Phytelephas may be 25 cm long. The least specialized flowers are those with a calyx of three sepals, a corolla of three petals, a male complement of six stamens, and a female structure of three distinct carpels, each with one ovule. Unisexual flowers are often markedly dimorphic (i.e., the male and female forms are very different).

      The sepals in all flowers are either overlapping or joined in a lobed cupule and are 3, rarely 2 or up to 10, in number. Petals, similarly, are usually 3, but may be 2 or up to 10; these are usually thicker than sepals, fibrous, and whitish or coloured. They may be distinct and overlapped or they may meet without overlapping, especially in male flowers. Petals also are sometimes partially to completely united. In a few palms the sepals and petals are reduced and united into a lobed cupule.

      Stamens, though most often 6 in number, may rarely be 3 (Areca triandra, Geonoma triandra, Nypa fruticans) or more numerous, ranging from 6 to 36 in Heterospathe, to more than 200 in such groups as Caryota, Phytelephas, and Veitchia. Sterile stamens may differ only slightly from fertile stamens, or they may consist of a filament alone without an anther, or be united in a cup about the base of the female structure or in a tube joined to the petals, or be reduced to minute flaps of tissue. Pollen grains vary greatly in shape and aperture type, although monosulcate apertures are most common. The surface of the grains, however, may be smooth or ridged to warty or spiny.

      Carpels, the female parts of the flower, are usually 3 in number. Though sometimes quite distinct, the carpels are most often united in a 3-chambered female structure (pistil) in which each chamber may contain an ovule or in which 1 or 2 chambers may be reduced or apparently lacking, the pistil then appearing to be 2-chambered or single-chambered. Occasionally, though rarely, flowers have only 1 or 2 distinct carpels, or a pistil with as many as 5 to 10 chambers.

      Palm fruits, whether large or small, usually do not split at maturity, and thus seeds are not shed separately. The fruit coat (pericarp) is three-layered: a smooth, prickly, warty, or scaly outer layer (exocarp); a fleshy, fleshy-fibrous, or fibrous middle layer (mesocarp); and a thin and membranous to thick and bony inner layer (endocarp) surrounding the seed. The mesocarp is sometimes filled with stinging chemical crystals or withstone cells,” thick-walled dense cells. The seed has a thin, often highly vascularized outer layer (testa) over copious, hard, sometimes hollow endosperm in which the pluglike embryo is embedded at either end or on one side.

      The earliest fossils (fossil) of palms are leaves of Sabal magothiensis and stems of Palmoxylon cliffwoodensis from the Late Cretaceous, about 80 million years ago. By the middle of the Maastrichtian, some 69 million years ago, pollen supposedly representative of Nypa fruticans and Acrocomia is present. These records place palms among the earliest recognizable modern families of flowering plants. By the beginning of the Eocene Epoch, nearly 60 million years ago, palms were widespread and abundant. A diversity of genera, including Phoenix, Sabal, Serenoa, Livistona, Trachycarpus, and Oncosperma, existed in the United States, Canada, India, Europe, and China, many in places where palms do not occur today. These genera include members of groups considered primitive and specialized within the family and appear to represent an early burst of radiation and diversification.

      Palms are diverse and their interrelationships are not clear. Some of their structural specialization relates to the demands of gigantism and an unbranched habit. Underlying such requirements are reproductive structures and a vascular system that are characteristic of all monocotyledons. Thus, the study of palms may be valuable in interpreting monocotyledonous evolution. It has been suggested that the palms may represent a fragment of an early monocotyledonous radiation. The Palmae was separated earlier than the other families and has developed more specialized features, although within its own special constraints.

Harold E. Moore, Jr. Natalie W. Uhl

Additional Reading
Michael J. Balick (ed.), The PalmTree of Life: Biology, Utilization, and Conservation (1988), detailed discussions of a number of important palms, with a section on worldwide endangerment of useful palms; Michael J. Balick, Systematics and Economic Botany of the Oenocarpus-Jessenia (Palmae) Complex (1986), a treatment of two important American oil palms; Michael J. Balick et al., Useful Palms of the World: A Synoptic Bibliography (1990), an extensive annotated list of uses of palms, incomplete but very informative; A. Henderson, “A Review of Pollination Studies in the Palmae,” The Botanical Review, 53(3):221259 (1986), a recent summary that shows which genera have been studied and the diversity of mechanisms; David Jones, Palms in Australia (1984), a horticultural treatment that provides a good, well-illustrated, nontechnical introduction, giving for each palm a short description, notes, distribution, distinguishing features, confusing species, cultivation, and propagation; H. Borgtoft Pedersen and H. Balslev, Ecuadorean Palms for Agroforestry (1990), an enlightening discussion of the potential of palms in agroforestry; P.B. Tomlinson, The Structural Biology of Palms (1990), a masterful, detailed synthesis of palm structure, its biological implications, and the author's prognosis for the future; H.E. Moore and Natalie W. Uhl, “Major Trends of Evolution in Palms,” The Botanical Review, 48:169 (1982); Natalie W. Uhl and John Dransfield, Genera Palmarum (1987), a classification reference book, including treatment of morphology, anatomy, fossil record, distribution, ecology, and evolution.

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  • PALM — (Heb. תָּמָר, mishnaic Heb. דֶּקֶל), the Phoenix dactylifera. In the Bible the word tamar refers only to the tree; it refers to the fruit also only in rabbinic literature. According to rabbinic tradition, the honey enumerated among the seven… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • palm — palm1 [päm] n. [ME palme < OE palm < L palma: so named because its leaf somewhat resembles the palm of the hand] 1. any of an order (Arecales) of tropical or subtropical monocotyledonous trees and shrubs, having a woody, usually unbranched …   English World dictionary

  • Palm TX — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Palm TX [[Archivo: |240px]] Fabricante Palm, Inc. Tipo PDA …   Wikipedia Español

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