
/huy'meuh nop"teuhr euhn/, adj.
1. hymenopterous.
2. Also, hymenopter. a hymenopterous insect.
[1875-80; HYMENOPTER + -AN]

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  any member of the third largest and perhaps the most beneficial to humans of all insect orders. More than 115,000 species have been described, including ants (ant), bees (bee), ichneumons (ichneumon), chalcids (chalcid), sawflies (sawfly), wasps (wasp), and lesser known types. Except in the polar regions, they are abundant in most habitats, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions.

 Collectively, the Hymenoptera are most important to humans as pollinators of wild and cultivated flowering plants, as parasites of destructive insects, and as makers of honey. The Hymenoptera are divided into two suborders: Symphyta (mainly sawflies and horntails) and Apocrita (wasps, ants, bees, and most parasitic forms).

 The order includes the best known of the social insectsants and some species of bees and wasps. Most species, however, are solitary in habit. Hymenopterans may be parasitic or nonparasitic, carnivorous, phytophagous, or omnivorous.

General features
      Hymenopterans are chiefly small to medium-sized insects, usually with four membranous wings and a narrow waist that sets off the abdomen from the thorax, or middle region of the body. The mouthparts may be either of the biting type or of the biting-sucking type. In the higher evolutionary formsbees, for examplemouthparts are modified into a sucking apparatus, although many also retain biting mandibles. The ovipositor, or egg-laying organ in the female, is often very long and may be modified for piercing, sawing, or stinging. Metamorphosis is completei.e., the insect develops through four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Sex is usually determined by whether or not an egg is fertilized, with fertilized eggs developing into females and unfertilized ones becoming males.

      Hymenoptera display an array of interesting behavioral characteristics, particularly in social species. The dancelike movements of honeybees (honeybee) communicate information from one individual to another about the location, distance, quantity, and quality of a particular food source. These movements were carefully studied and described by the German entomologist Karl von Frisch. Trophallaxis, or the mutual exchange of food between larvae and adults of bees, ants, and wasps, has been of special interest to hymenopterists. Hyperparasitismthe parasitic habit of one species upon another parasitic specieshas also attracted attention. polyembryony, the development of many individuals (as many as 1,000) from a single egg, is an unusual phenomenon occurring in some members of the families Chalcididae and Proctotrupidae. parthenogenesis (production of young by females that are not fertilized by males) also occurs in some forms.

      Certain ants are remarkable for their relationship with insects such as aphids and scales that provide honeydew or other sweet fluids. Ants that obtain sweet fluids from the caterpillars of certain species of blue butterflies (Lycaenidae) reciprocate by allowing the caterpillars to devour ant larvae. The honey ant (Myrmecocystus in the United States, Plagiolepis in Africa) has in the nest a division of worker ants known as repletes, which are fed sugary secretions. As a consequence of high food intake, the abdomens of repletes swell into globules up to 1 cm (about 0.4 inch) in diameter.

      Hymenoptera, even those equipped with a sting, are sought as food by other animals. Skunks, badgers, field mice, shrews, and other animals attack bee nests for the insects as well as for the honey. The larvae of the wax month (Galleria mellonella) live in bee nests, where they eat beeswax, thus damaging the nest. The cuckoo bee (Anthophorinae), a close relative of the bumblebee, lays its eggs in bumblebee nests, where the larvae are cared for and nourished by bumblebee workers.

Size range and diversity of structure
      Hymenopterans range in size from the smallest fairyflies (Mymaridae), which are about 0.21 mm (about 0.008 inch) in length, to the largest of the Pelecinidae, which may exceed 5 cm (about 2 inches) in length.

      Principal differences in structure within the order include the presence or absence of wings that, when present, consist of two pairs; the presence or absence of awaist”; modifications of the ovipositor; and adaptations of mouthparts for specific eating habits. Polymorphism, the occurrence of two or more forms of a species, is highly developed in some of the social Hymenoptera. A honeybee colony, for example, contains at least one queen, plus workers and drones, with each form being structurally and physiologically different from the others.

Distribution and abundance
      Bees and wasps, as the most significant agents for the pollination of flowers, are found virtually everywhere that flowering plants occur. Social species may live in colonies of as many as 1,000,000 individuals. Ants are most numerous, both in numbers and in species, in tropical and subtropical regions. The number of ant species in arctic or Alpine regions is extremely small. The group appears to be absent over great areas north of the Arctic Circle.

      The honeybee has been valued since pre-Christian times for its honey and beeswax. Beekeeping in modern times has become a lucrative and highly developed enterprise. Royal jelly, produced by honeybee workers, has enjoyed some popularity as a cosmetic, although its beneficial properties in this respect have not been satisfactorily demonstrated.

      Certain parasitic (parasitism) forms are valuable control agents against insect pests. Notable among these are the parasitic wood wasps that attack wood-boring beetles; braconids that parasitize many Lepidoptera and wood-boring beetles; eulophids that parasitize scale insects; pteromalids that parasitize several crop pests; chalcids and trichogrammatids that parasitize a variety of orchard pests; and tiphiids that parasitize the Japanese beetle. Fig insects (Agaonidae) are valuable as the only pollinators of the Smyrna fig, an important crop in the Western United States.

      Relatively few Hymenoptera species are serious economic pests (pest). Chief among these, however, are the wheatstem sawfly (Cephidae); some seed chalcids that are also pests of wheat; the larch sawfly (Pristiphora erichsonii), which destroyed much of the larch forests in Britain and North America late in the 19th century; and the European spruce sawfly (Gilpinia), which was once a serious pest in North America. In order to control the European spruce sawfly, parasitic wasps were introduced from Europe.

 The fire ant (Solenopsis saevissima), accidentally introduced into the United States from South America, feeds on young plants and seeds and is known to attack young mammals. The destructive habit of legionary ants, or army ants (Dorylinae), is of particular importance in South America. Armies of as many as 1,500,000 such insects destroy almost all animal life they encounter. Leaf-cutting ants (leafcutter ant) (Atta) are serious pests, especially in Brazil, where they may ravage extensive plantings of cultivated plants overnight. These insects are used locally as a source of food by people in South America.

Natural history

      The ovary of the queen bee is composed of several hundred ovarioles, each of which contains about 60 eggs and so-called nutrition cells. The so-called spermatheca, a sperm reservoir that collects sperm from the male in the course of several matings, connects with the oviduct, through which eggs are carried to the outside. The sperm can remain alive and viable in the fluid medium of the spermatheca for several years.

      When an egg passes down the oviduct, it may or may not be fertilized by emerging sperm, at thediscretionof the female. Fertilization occurs if the female relaxes a muscular ring around the sperm duct, thus allowing the duct to open and sperm to pass through. Since unfertilized eggs result in males (haploid; n chromosomes) and fertilized eggs result in females (diploid; 2n chromosomes), the queen determines the sex of the offspring by relaxing or closing the muscular ring.

      In addition to this facultative (haplo-diploid) sex determination, hymenopteran reproduction is often remarkable in other respects. An extreme and pronounced dimorphism often exists between the two sexes. Some male and female hymenopterans are so different in appearance that at one time they were thought to represent different species. The consequence of such extreme difference is that the two sexes, with markedly different ways of life, also have different tasks in the insect community. As a rule, only the female cares for the brood, and males live only long enough to mate. This dimorphism also involves the senses. Female bees, for instance, are sensitive to yellow, blue-green, blue, and ultraviolet light. The drones (males), however, are blind to yellow but are particularly sensitive to ultraviolet light. The yellow colour of many flowers is of no significance to the drones since they cannot feed themselves. Sunlight, however, which contains much ultraviolet light, is important in orienting the insect during the mating flight.

       parthenogenesis, which occurs in many insect orders, is particularly common in the Hymenoptera and can occur in three forms: arrhenotoky, thelytoky, and deuterotoky. In arrhenotoky, males are produced from unfertilized eggs laid by mated (impregnated) females or by so-called secondary, or supplementary, queens, which have not been impregnated. In thelytoky, which occurs in many species of the suborder Symphyta, unmated females produce males. In deuterotoky, unmated females of some Symphyta produce females as well as males. The occurrence of these forms is not always mutually exclusive. For example, in Apis, about 1 percent of the eggs laid by secondary queens may be female.

      Parthenogenetic reproduction in Hymenoptera often occurs in a cycle of alternate generations. In chalcids, the first generation, consisting of males and females, produces a second generation of females, which lay unfertilized eggs that produce both males and females, thus repeating the first generation. In some gall wasps (Cynipidae) no males have yet been observed. The females of these wasps invariably produce thelytokous females.

      The first generation of the braconid Microtonus brevicollis is parthenogenetic and parasitizes the adult form of the beetle Haltica amphelophaga. The second generation, however, lives in the larvae of the same beetle, and the females are impregnated by males. The occurrence of parthenogenesis is determined by a nutritional or hormonal factor in the larva of the host. The mode of reproduction is also determined by the number of chromosomes (i.e., cell structures that contain hereditary information) in the egg.

       polyembryony, the development of more than one individual from a single egg, occurs in numerous parasitic Hymenoptera, including chalcids, encyrtids, proctotrupoids, braconids, and dryinids. In this type of reproduction, the embryo divides into several separate, identical parts at an early stage. Each of these then develops into an individual insect. In Litomatix truncatellus, which is parasitic on the larvae of the noctuid moth Plusia gamma, about 1,000 embryos develop from one egg. The offspring from one egg are all male or all female, and, as a rule, several eggs are laid at one time so that both sexes will occur in one brood. It is believed that polyembryony is controlled by internal factors, either genetic or chemical, a view supported by the fact that in some species (Platygasteridae) only part of a brood may occur polyembryonically.

Solitary forms
 The solitary wasps, of which there are about 20,000 species, usually build nests or cells, which they provision with permanently paralyzed insects or spiders. One egg is laid in each cell, and the body of the paralyzed host provides all the nutriment needed by the developing larva. Some solitary wasps nest in woody or pithy stems, whereas others dig tunnels in the soil. The mason, or potter, wasps construct nests of mud, which are sometimes vaselike or juglike and may be found attached to twigs or other objects.

      Sawflies, which are phytophagous, lay their eggs in incisions in plants, cut by the sawlike blades of the ovipositor. Species of several genera, notably Pontania, induce the growth of galls on willows.

      The spider wasps (Pompilidae) usually construct single cells in the ground, in rotten wood, or in rock crevices and provision them with paralyzed spiders. The threadwaisted wasps (Sphecidae) have diverse nesting habits. Most of them nest in the ground and use leafhoppers, treehoppers, cicadas, stinkbugs, bees, winged ants, beetles, or caterpillars as food for the young, each species or group confining itself to one type of prey. Mud daubers (Sceliphron, Chalybion) build small nests of mud, often in attics, outbuildings, or eaves, and provision them with the bodies of paralyzed spiders.

 The females of the superfamily Ichneumonoidea deposit their eggs in or on the larvae or pupae (rarely eggs or adults) of the host species. The legless, maggotlike larvae that hatch from these eggs feed on the body fats and fluids of the host until fully grown. At this time, the larvae usually spin silken cocoons, within which they pupate and from which the adult parasites eventually emerge. Those species parasitizing exposed hosts usually develop as internal parasites, whereas those attacking hosts concealed in wood burrows, plant stems, cocoons, or leaf mines feed externally. In the case of internal parasites, the hosts feed and behave normally until shortly before the parasitic larvae have completed their development. The hosts of the external feeders are paralyzed by the female parasites. In most cases, one parasitic larva completes its development within or upon its host, although in some species, many larvae develop in one host. Adults of ichneumon wasps feed principally on honeydew secreted by aphids and related insects or on host juices that exude from punctures made by the ovipositor.

      Most cuckoo wasps (Chrysididae) lay their eggs in the nests of solitary wasps or bees. Among the exceptions is an African species that is parasitic on the tsetse fly. Tiphiidae and Scoliidae are mostly parasites of beetle grubs that live in the soil. The female wasp digs into the soil to locate the grub, stings and paralyzes it, and deposits an egg on it. The wasp larva lives on the outside of the grub.

      Most species of the superfamily Apoidea are solitary bees, with each female making her own nest (usually a burrow in the ground) and provisioning it. Among such bees there are no castes (worker, queen). The female bee constructs cellseach of which is an enclosed space provided with a supply of pollen and honeylays an egg in each cell, then closes it, and goes on to build and provision another.

 Most solitary bees are short-lived as adults. Some species may be in flight only a few weeks, having spent the rest of the year in their cells as eggs, larvae, pupae, and young adults. Other species have several generations yearly, so that adults may be found more or less continually. In temperate climates, solitary bees usually pass the winter in their cells, either as mature larvae (prepupae) or as young adults.

      Several families of bees have evolved species that are called parasitic because they lay their eggs in cells of various bee species. The young larva, which usually has a large head and large jaws, destroys the egg or young larva of the host, then eats the provisions of the host. Such bees not only lack the scopa (i.e., pollen-collecting apparatus) and other structures associated with collecting and carrying pollen but also lack the various structures of the jaws and legs that other species use for making nests.

      In several families of Hymenoptera the larvae are completely dependent upon the continuous care of the adults. The colony is a family community of which every insect is an integral unit. Apart from the community, any one individual cannot properly function or survive. The essential work in the societysuch as nest building, feeding and tending the brood, and defense of the nestis performed by female workers. The fertile female, the queen, performs only one task: egg laying. The workers can be differentiated morphologically and physiologically as soldiers, outside workers, inside workers, and nest builders. The males play no part in everyday nest activities. They live only for a short time at a specific time of year, occur in limited numbers, and are virtual parasites of the colony that must feed them.

      The activities of certain solitary bees of the subfamily Halictinae are helpful in understanding certain aspects of the evolution of the highly organized hymenopteran societies. The females of Halictus quadricinctus survive the hatching of their own offspring. Mother and daughter stay together in the same nest, which consists of single brood cells. Thus, although each female takes care of her own cells, they build and defend the nest together. In Augochloropsis sparsalis there is a further development in that females of one nest stay together for one summer, and a division of labour occurs. Some of the young females return, still unmated, from the nuptial flight. These individuals then take charge of gathering pollen and nectar and further building of the nest and are called worker bees. The mated females merely deposit eggs.

 The social behaviour of Halictus (Evylaeus) malachurus has advanced another step. Morphological differences are apparent between the ovipositing female and the assisting females. The latter are poorly fed as larvae and, as a result, are smaller with poorly developed sexual organs. Bumblebee colonies are often highly developed, with different castes clearly established. Social companionship and division of labour becomeobligatoryand, although a mated queen can build a nest independently and raise the first worker bees herself, she needs the assistance of workers to help rear sexually mature bees.

      Similar preliminary stages to a social organization are found in the Vespidae. The female Stenogaster depressigaster passes several generations in the communal nest, and the daughters build their own cells and care for their own offspring. In the case of Belenogaster, however, whose nests include about 60 cells, the females not only feed their own brood but also indiscriminately feed all larvae present. Trophallaxis, or exchange of food between workers and larvae, is a further development.

      The first evolutionary step toward a division of labour occurs in Polybia. Some female Polybia only lay eggs. In others, called assisting females, the gonads are poorly developed; these females take charge of repair and construction, larvae care, and food gathering. They thus are useful in the society, even though they produce no offspring. This society lasts at least one summer and possibly as long as several years before it dissolves, and young sexually mature insects establish a new nest in spring.

      The life of the honeybee colony is potentially endless. Because the queen's honey-collecting apparatus and her pharyngeal glands and wax glands are degenerated, she is incapable of building a nest or feeding and tending the brood. The continued survival of the colony results from the fact that young queens replace the old and that queens mate with many males (a practice called polyandry) to promote genetic diversity within the colony. After their nuptial flight young queens return to the home nest. If, during the spring, many offspring develop, the colony population greatly increases, and the number of cells in the comb for developing young is no longer adequate. The colony then divides by swarming, during which the old queen leaves the nest with about half of the worker bees, and the old nest is relinquished to a newly hatched queen. The swarm finds a new nesting place and builds new combs. To make the task easier, all the departing workers consume honey before leaving the old nest.

      For nest building, the Polistinae (paper wasps) and Vespinae (e.g., yellow jackets) use paperlike coverings, which they construct by gnawing wood particles from structures such as fences, telephone poles, and barn doors. This is then kneaded together with saliva to form a little ball. After returning to the nest, insects roll the balls into layers of paper-thin cell walls. Vespinae also build the outer nest covering in several layers to help modulate the interior temperature, the air between the layers of paper serving as insulation. Interior warmth is produced by the body heat of the larvae and by the constant contraction of the muscles of the adults. This agitation, like human shivering, generates heat and raises the temperature of the hive. If the nest becomes overheated, drops of water are carried in. Temperature regulation of the nest is so precise that on warm days a constant temperature of 35 °C (95 °F) can be maintained. An equally precise temperature regulation occurs in the hive of the honeybee.

      All ant species are social in habit. The virgin queen ant, who is usually winged, mates in flight with only one male. During the flight he transfers to her seminal receptacle all the sperm she will require for the rest of her life, which may be as long as 15 years. Each fertilized queen is immediately capable of establishing or taking over a nest. After the mating flight has ended, she first seeks a place to raise her brood. Her wings then drop off, and the bulky wing muscles degenerate, providing nutritive materials from the breakdown of the muscle tissue.

      As soon as the wings have fallen the ovaries become functional, and egg laying begins. In primitive species the queen leaves the nest and forages for food for the larvae. In more advanced forms, the queen rarely leaves the nest. She feeds so-called nutrition eggs or other food stores within her own body to the first brood. The larvae that survive in the nest develop into dwarf workers, which forage outside the nest for food to nourish additional larvae.

      A few ant species (e.g., Atta) have developed colonies that live for long periods, with one queen succeeding another. In Eciton the young queens, which are wingless, mate in the nest and are dependent upon the help of the workers as the nest is being built.

Division of labour (labour, division of)
      The degree of social organization in a Hymenoptera colony is most evident in the division of labour. In honeybee colonies the division of labour is achieved in an especially interesting manner. Tasks are assigned according to age. The first day after the bee's emergence as an adult, female workers carry out wastes, clean the cells, and line them with a disinfectant secretion preparatory to deposition of the egg by the queen. On about the fourth day this young bee advances to brood nursing, where she provides older larvae with honey and pollen. On the sixth day she also provides young, newly hatched larvae with specific larval food from her pharyngeal glands. At about 16 days the bee becomes active in secreting wax and using it to build the comb. Soon afterward, she makes her first orientation flight outside the hive. On about the 20th day she begins serving as an entrance guard, shortly after which she becomes a forager. She remains at this job until her death. This activity sequence parallels certain physiological changes in the bee. The pharyngeal glands start to secrete larval food substances on the third or fourth day, and the wax glands become active on about the 10th day. By the time the bee moves to service outside the hive, both the pharyngeal and wax glands have degenerated.

      In the division of labour among some ant forms highly specialized types of polymorphism have been developed. The Cryptocercus ants, for example, make nests in hollow stems of plants, then bore a circular entrance that remains under constant surveillance by special guards whose heads are modified into pluglike structures that fit the entrance. Each guard is relieved after several hours and another guard takes its place. Nest members who wish to enter indicate that they are members by means of a special movement of the antenna. Entrance guards are useless for other tasks. Repletes (see above General features) are a special worker caste of the honey ant. When food is plentiful, these workers are fed so much that the size of the abdomen is greatly increased. Unable to walk, they hang as living honey jugs from the ceiling of the nest, to be used as a food source when fresh food is scarce.

Social parasitism
      The very close relationship between insects that are social parasites of the Hymenoptera and their hosts is made possible by the host's division of labour and by a special secretion produced by the parasite. The beetles Lomechusa and Atemeles (Staphylinidae) enter unmolested into the nests of ants, such as Formica and Myrmica. The beetle larvae are adopted, fed, and reared together with the ant brood. The adults and larvae of the beetle pacify their hosts by means of chemical secretions, which induce the ants to care for them.

Communication (animal communication)
      The highly integrated activities of the Hymenoptera colony require sophisticated methods of passing information among its members. The so-called dance of the honeybee is perhaps the most remarkable demonstration of methods of communication in insects.

      After a bee has discovered a new source of food, she returns fully loaded to the comb, delivers nectar and pollen, and notifies the other bees about the new food source before returning to the field. Information about the plant species is conveyed by the odour of the flower, which adheres to the bee's body and is sensed by other bees through their antennae. She communicates information about the quality and location of the food source by means of various dancelike movements. Information about the quality and quantity of the food source is conveyed by the liveliness and duration of the dance movements of the bee. If the food source is unusually rich and of high quality, certain sounds are also made to convey this information. The location of the food source is indicated by the rhythm of the dance and by the orientation of the axis of the abdomen with respect to gravity. If the food source is near the hive, arounddance is performed. Atail-waggingdance indicates that the food source is more than 80 metres (260 feet) away. This dance transmits precise information about direction as well as distance. The number of dance cycles performed by the bee in a certain length of time is inversely related to the distance of the food source. Thus, about 10 cycles are performed every 15 seconds for a food source 100 metres (330 feet) away, but only one cycle is made in that period if the food source is 10,000 metres (33,000 feet) away. The bee measures the distance in terms of how much energy she expends in travelling to the food source. The sun and gravity are used in conveying directional information. During the flight to the food source the bee determines the angle between the line of flight and the sun. The angle to the vertical at which she then dances on the vertical face of the honeycomb describes the angle between the line of flight to the food source and a line drawn in the direction of the sun. An upward tail-wagging run means:The flight is toward the sun,” whereas a downward run means:The flight is away from the sun.” A run 45° to the left indicates that the source is 45° to the left of the sun. Because the position of the sun changes during the day, the dance angle must also change in the course of the day. If the sun is concealed behind clouds or behind some obstruction such as a mountain or a group of trees, the bee analyzes the pattern of polarized light coming from the sky. If only a small opening of sky appears between the clouds, it reveals to the bee's eye a typical pattern that travels along with the sun. A particular intensity of polarized light is generated toward the earth's surface from every point in the sky. The sun's position is determined by virtue of the bee's sensitivity to polarization differences.

      The tail-wagging dance is also performed when a swarm is searching for a new nest location. When a swarm accompanies its queen from the hive, it gathers first in the immediate neighbourhood of the original hive. Scouts fly out in all directions looking for a suitable nesting place. When a suitable site is found, the scouts return to the cluster and announce the site by means of the dance, and the swarm then moves en masse.

      As the principal insect pollinators (pollination) of flowering plants, the Hymenoptera have played a vital ecological role ever since the two groups evolved. The mutual dependency of many species of bees and wasps and flowering plants is firmly established. Indeed, many plants cannot reproduce without the helpful intervention of a particular insect species, most often a hymenopteran.

      Parasitism, which occurs among most families of Hymenoptera, is usually apparent to none but the interested student. However, the ecological significance of parasitism within the order might well overshadow that of pollination. Hymenoptera, the most prevalent and successful of insect parasites, exert a profound, if subtle, control over populations of other insects and certain other arthropodsgroups that might otherwise overpopulate and thus upset their particular ecosystem. Humans have utilized this control mechanism to their own advantage by importing, breeding, and maintaining many species of Hymenoptera parasites that prey upon insect pests.

Form and function

Adult features
External structure
      Concomitant with diversity of habit in the adult Hymenoptera is a diversity of form. This variety prevails to such a degree that only the briefest, general description applies to the order as a whole.

 As in all adult insects, the segmented body consists of three primary body regions: head, thorax, and abdomen. In most forms a narrow constriction at the anterior (front) end of the abdomen distinctly separates it from the thorax. Two pairs of membranous wings (wing) are usually present. The vein pattern in the wings is usually reduced, and, in some forms, veins are entirely absent. The hindwings, noticeably smaller than the forewings, are interlocked with the latter by tiny hooklets on the anterior margin. In certain solitary wasps, particularly the wasp family called velvet ants (Mutillidae), females are wingless. All worker ants (Formicidae) lack wings. Winglessness also occurs in some genera of ichneumons and chalcids, usually only in females, sometimes in both sexes, but rarely in the males alone.

      The mouthparts are usually modified for biting or for biting and sucking. The compound eyes (eye, human) (i.e., consisting of many mosaic-like facets) are large. There are usually three ocelli, or simple eyes, arranged in a triangle on the top of the head. The antennae vary greatly in form. Rarely are they shorter than the head is wide. Usually they are moderately long, sometimes longer than the body, and composed of many segments. Often the basal segment, or scape, is greatly elongated. In some, segments near the tip are modified into a club, whereas others may have branched segments. The leg is nearly always characterized by five segments, of which the fifth is the tarsus, orfoot.” The abdomen of the female has an ovipositor at the tip. In the sawflies, the ovipositor is modified into a sawlike tool used for making slits in the leaves or stems of plants in which the eggs are deposited, but in all other Hymenoptera it is modified for stinging or piercing.

Internal structure
 The form of the digestive system in Hymenoptera is relatively uniform throughout the order. In ants, an infrabuccal chamber located under the mouth has as its apparent purpose the trapping of indigestible particles that have been ingested along with food. This solid residue is regurgitated as a pellet.

      In stinging forms the esophagus enlarges near the stomach into a crop, or honey stomach, which serves as a reservoir for liquids to be later regurgitated. In honey ant repletes, the crop may be greatly distended. In honeybees, it may contain as much as 75 milligrams (0.003 ounce) of nectar, which can be about one-third the insect's total weight. In bees and wasps, the stomach, or ventriculus, is the largest part of the digestive system; in most ants, solitary wasps, and other forms, it is quite small.

      Two pairs of salivary glands (salivary gland) are well developed, particularly in bees. One pair is found in the head and the other in the thorax. The ducts leading from them unite to form a single canal that passes into the pharynx. Drones and queen bees also have a mass of salivary gland cells in the head near the ocelli. Worker bees have one pair of pharyngeal glands that produce food, especially royal jelly, for the young larvae. The pharyngeal glands are rudimentary in drones and absent in queens.

      The function of the mandibular glands, which open near the inner angle of the mandible, is not fully understood. However, in gall wasps their secretion is known to cause an abnormal growth of cells in leaves. Among social forms, this gland in the queen produces both the substance that inhibits ovary development in workers and one that attracts males during her mating flight.

      The so-called Nassonow gland, opening on the dorsal side of the abdomen, produces a substance that is used to mark the entrance to the bee hive as well as food sources away from the hive. Honeybees, bumblebees, stingless bees, and many solitary bees have wax glands on the sternites (ventral body plates). The wax is used in the construction of brood cells and cells for the storage of pollen and honey.

Features of immature stages
egg and larva
      The eggs of parasitic forms are often attached to a surface by means of a pedicel, or stalk. In some forms, the pedicel may be five or six times the length of the egg itself.

      The larva typically has a distinct head region, three thoracic segments, and usually nine or 10 abdominal segments. In the suborder Symphyta, the larvae are usually caterpillar-like. The head covering is especially tough and the mouthparts powerfully developed. There are usually three pairs of legs on the thorax and six or eight on the abdomen. Symphyta larvae that are wood borers or stem borers have no abdominal legs and the thoracic legs are smaller than those of nonborers.

      With rare exceptions larvae of the suborder Apocrita have no legs and are maggotlike in form. The head covering is softer and thinner than in the Symphyta. In parasitic forms, the head is often greatly reduced and partially withdrawn into the prothorax (anterior part of the thorax). Sense organs appear to be poorly developed, with no ocelli, very small or absent antennae, and toothlike, sicklelike, or spinelike mandibles. In most Apocrita larvae the stomach is a blind sac until the final larval stage, when it opens into the intestine. The larvae of stinging forms (Aculeata) generally have 10 pairs of spiracles, or breathing pores, whereas parasitic forms usually have nine pairs present.

      In the Apocrita, the final stage, the prepupa, begins to show certain adult features such as wings and adult legs. The prothoracic segment has begun to distend because of the growing head. The first abdominal segment, or propodium, becomes part of the thorax. The pupa is exarate, meaning that the developing adult appendages (legs and wings) are separate from the body rather than molded into its surface.

      A cocoon is usually formed. It may be parchmentlike in texture, made of soil particles, or, in stinging forms, a thin, silken lining within the larval cell. Certain ants form no cocoon whatever.

Special adaptations (adaptation)
      A great variety of structural adaptations have evolved in hymenopterans, and several interesting ones will be discussed here. In worker bees, hairs (hair) on the tarsi of the forelegs are used to brush pollen from flowers. The tarsi of the forelegs and middle legs are used to brush pollen from hairs on the body of the bee. During the flight from one blossom to another, the collected pollen is passed to pollen-bearing organs, which vary among different kinds of bees.

      Some primitive bees (e.g., in the families Colletidae and Halictidae) have masses of long hairs on the basal segments (coxae, trochanters, femurs) of the hind legs and on the undersurface of the abdomen. These hairs constitute the scopa, or pollen-bearing structure. In many colletids and halictids, the scopa is limited to the hind legs. In two subfamilies, Panurginae and Anthophorinae, the scopa is enlarged on the fourth segment (tibiae) of the hind legs and reduced or absent on the abdomen and on the basal leg segments. In the social bees, the scopa is limited to the outer sides of the hind tibiae, where it consists of long hairs surrounding a smooth area, the entire structure being called a pollen basket, or corbicula. In leaf-cutting bees (Megachilidae), the scopa is limited to the underside of the abdomen. In some colletids (Hyaleinae), the scopa is absent, and the pollen, mixed with nectar, is carried to the nest in the crop (anterior end of the digestive tract).

Special senses
      Reproduction, the search for food, and, in the case of social species, coordinated group activity require highly developed sensory and orientative capability. In these respects the Hymenoptera are the most advanced of the insects.

      It has been demonstrated that the eye (eye, human) of the bee is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation but is blind to red light. White flowers, which only partially reflect ultraviolet as a rule, appear coloured to a bee. Certain colour combinations, while invisible to the human eye, are not only visible but also may be of special interest to bees. In response to certain colour combinations, they instinctively extend the proboscis (feeding organ) into the flower for nectar.

      Some flowers that appear entirely yellow to the human eye reflect ultraviolet from the outer ends of the petals. Only the inner part, then, appears yellow to the bee, directing it to the nectar source.

      The facetted compound eye of the insect is apparently unable to perceive forms in sharp outline, and it seems to be the patterns of flowers that attract bees rather than their geometric shapes. In addition, striking landmarks serve for orientation from the hive to the food source.

      Recognition of a member of the same species and colony and discovery of a mate and of the nest are largely determined by smell. Guards at the beehive entrance smell every bee who seeks to enter to determine if she belongs to the colony, because each colony has its own specific odour.

      Ants use scent marks, which they place on their pathways. They are thus able to find their way back to the nest and direct other colony members to a food source. When danger threatens, ants, wasps, and bees secrete an alarm substance. This marks the place of danger and notifies other colony members to be on the alert.

      During the nuptial flight of the bees, the queen announces her presence to the drones by releasing a substance from her mandibular gland. If this secretion is obtained experimentally and sent aloft by means of a balloon, a swarm of drones will gather around it. A queen bee constantly identifies herself in the hive by means of the so-called queen substance, which also originates from the mandibular gland. This secretion, passed by certain workers in minute portions to all hive mates, inhibits ovary development in workers. It is also perceived by smelling and controls certain types of behaviour. As long as the odour is present in the hive, the bees are unable to produce new queen cells. If the queen disappears or is weak, this substance is no longer produced or is produced in reduced amounts. At that time substitute queens are immediately produced from young larvae. The sense of smell is also essential to many parasitic forms in their search for a host. Some parasites can detect, chemically, whether another parasite has already laid an egg in an intended host. If such is the case, no egg will be deposited by the second visitor.

      Nest building and mutual communication are aided in numerous ways by mechanical means of orientation. Wasp and bee nests, which have horizontal and vertical combs, as well as ant nests are designed with respect to gravity. Highly developed gravity-sensing organs have been found in bees and ants. hair tufts on the neck and in the leg joints sense the response of the various body parts to gravity. In this way the individual parts of the body assist the organs of balance, and the brain is informed of each change in position. In ants the hair tufts on the basal antennae segment also are used for the perception of gravity.

Paleontology and classification

      According to S.I. Malyshev, a Soviet entomologist, the first hymenopterans appeared early in the Mesozoic Era (about 251,000,000 years ago)—about the same time as the first butterflies, moths, and flies. It is his thesis that the Hymenoptera derived from the so-called Eumecopteraancestors of the modern scorpion fly (order Mecoptera), the first insects to undergo complete metamorphosis. Another expert fixes the appearance of the first Hymenoptera in the middle of the Jurassic Period (150,000,000 years ago). So-called protohymenopterans, found in Permian beds (250,000,000 years old) in Kansas, have been regarded by some paleoentomologists as ancestral to the modern order. These resembled modern sawflies in having forewings and hindwings of about equal size and in lacking marginal hooklets for joining the two pairs.

      True sawflies (Tenthredinoidea) also are known from the Jurassic Period. Because of the many longitudinal veins in the wings of these forms, some believe they share a common origin with cockroaches, which have wings that exhibit a similar vein pattern.

      Many fossil ants are known from the Early Tertiary Period (60,000,000 years ago), both from Europe and North America, and some of them have been assigned to currently existing genera. Males, females, and workers were already clearly differentiated in ants at that time.

      The aculeates, or stinging Hymenoptera, were one of the most recent large groups of insects to evolve. By the Tertiary Period both parasitic forms and aculeates had become abundant. The first bees, according to the fossil record, were leaf-cutting bees (Lithargus) that appeared in the Miocene Epoch (20,000,000 years ago). Since many of the flowering plants depend upon bees for pollination, it is believed that such plants and bees evolved at about the same time.

Annotated classification
      Some disagreement on the taxonomic structure of the order Hymenoptera exists among systematists. For many years it was customary to separate the suborder Apocrita into two subdivisions: the stinging forms (Aculeata) and the parasitic forms (Parasitica). So many exceptions to such a dichotomy were encountered, however, that it has been generally discredited. Biologically, the basis for such a separation is slim. Many forms assigned to the Parasitica are phytophagous, and a number of the Aculeata are parasites. In the generic, or nontaxonomic, sense the term aculeate still applies to the stinging forms.

      The classification given below is based on that of Borror and DeLong (1964), which, in turn, is essentially that of Muesebeck et al. (1951) and Krombein et al. (1958). It covers 71 families, of which 28 are relatively scarce.

Order Hymenoptera (chalcids, ichneumons, sawflies, ants, wasps, and bees)
 One of the largest insect orders; over 115,000 described species; size range from about 0.21 mm (0.008 inch) to about 5 cm (2 in.) in length; usually 4 membranous wings, hind pair smaller than front pair; wings with relatively few veins; mouthparts modified for chewing or for chewing and sucking; in some forms, especially bees, certain mouthparts (labium and maxillae) form a structure for sucking liquid food; antennae usually with 10 or more segments; in higher forms the ovipositor is modified into a sting; complete metamorphosis; larvae usually maggotlike (i.e., legless); compound eyes large, usually 3 simple eyes (ocelli) present; worldwide in many types of habitat; many beneficial to humans, including those that pollinate flowers, make honey and beeswax, or parasitize insect pests; many forms have a complex social organization.
      Suborder Symphyta (sawflies and horntails)
 The oldest hymenopterans, Jurassic to present; all fliers. Larvae mostly plant eaters, usually caterpillar-like, with variable number of legs; some serious pests of trees and shrubs; in adults, thorax joined broadly to abdomen; ovipositor well-developed.

      Superfamily Megalodontoidea (primitive sawflies)
 A rather scarce group.

      Family Xyelidae (xyelid sawflies)
 Mostly less than 10 mm long; ovipositor long to very long; larvae feed on hickory, on elm, and on pine flowers.

      Family Pamphiliidae (web-spinning and leaf-rolling sawflies)
 Stout-bodied; usually shorter than 15 mm; ovipositor short. Larvae sometimes gregarious (living in groups) in rolled leaves or webs.

      Superfamily Tenthredinoidea (sawflies)
 Ovipositor sawlike in shape and function.

      Family Pergidae (pergid sawflies)
 Antennae six-segmented; larvae eat oak and hickory leaves.

      Family Argidae (argid sawflies)
 Stout-bodied; more than 400 species, distributed worldwide; mostly black or dark; larvae feed on various trees and herbs.

      Family Cimbicidae (cimbicid sawflies)
 Stout, often large and bumblebee-like; antennae clubbed; larvae often partly curled and covered with waxy powder.

      Family Diprionidae (conifer sawflies)
 Includes serious pests of conifers; 13 or more antennal segments.

      Family Tenthredinidae (typical sawflies)
 About 4,000 known species; adults wasplike, often brightly coloured; usually shorter than 20 mm; larvae feed chiefly on leaves of trees and shrubs, some highly destructive.

      Superfamily Siricoidea (horntails and wood wasps)
 Mostly medium to large insects.

      Family Anaxyelidae (cedar wood wasps)
 In United States represented by 1 California species; larvae eat wood of incense cedar.

      Family Siricidae (horntails)
 Usually 2.5 cm or more in length; often black and yellow or metallic blue; female with long ovipositor; larvae wood borers, usually in trees past their prime.

      Family Xiphydriidae (wood wasps)
 About 1220 mm long; larvae are borers in dead and decaying deciduous trees (those that annually lose leaves).

      Family Orussidae (parasitic wood wasps)
 A small, rare group; larvae parasitic on metallic wood-boring beetles (Buprestidae).

      Superfamily Cephoidea (stem sawflies)
 Contains one family, Cephidae.

      Family Cephidae (stem sawflies)
 Slender insects; larvae live in stems of grasses (including commercial grains) and berry plants; sometimes highly destructive; wheat-stem sawfly (Cephus cinctus) important wheat pest in Western U.S.

      Suborder Apocrita
 Abdomen and thorax separated by narrowwaist”; ovipositor adapted for piercing or stinging; many species with complex social organization; many forms carnivorous; larvae usually without legs, often parasitic; some species parthenogenetic.

      Superfamily Stephanoidea

      Family Stephanidae (stephanids)
 Rare insects parasitic on wood-boring beetles; about 100 species.

      Superfamily Ichneumonoidea (parasitic hymenopterans)
 Wasplike in appearance but seldom sting.

      Family Braconidae (braconids)
 A large group; some forms highly beneficial to humans by being parasitic on insect pests; mostly less than 15 mm long; many pupate in silk cocoons outside host's body.

      Family Ichneumonidae (ichneumon) (ichneumons)
 One of the largest of all insect families, about 4,0005,000 species; hosts of these parasites include other insects, spiders, false scorpions; adults vary in size, colour, shape; many resemble slender wasps; largest about 3.7 cm (about 1.5 in.) long; ovipositor may be twice as long as body and used to penetrate host's tunnel in wood.

      Superfamily Chalcoidea (chalcids)
 A large, important group; chiefly found on flowers and foliage.

      Family Mymaridae (fairyflies)
 Mostly less than 1 mm long; smallest about 0.21 mm; all are parasites of eggs.

      Family Trichogrammatidae (trichogrammatids)
 About 0.31 mm long; egg parasites.

      Family Eulophidae (eulophids)
 A large group; adults 13 mm long; often with brilliant metallic colours; parasites on many crop pests.

      Family Elasmidae (elasmids)
 A small but widely distributed group; small and black; parasites on moths, butterflies, or on parasites of Lepidoptera.

      Family Signiphoridae
 Small, robust insects parasitic on scale insects, whiteflies (Homoptera), or other chalcids.

      Family Tanaostigmatidae (tanaostigmatids)
 Snout-beetle parasites.

      Family Encyrtidae (encyrtids)
 A large, widespread group, mostly 12 mm long; mostly parasitic on aphids, scale insects, whiteflies.

      Family Eupelmidae (eupelmids)
 A large group of parasites with wide host range, including Lepidoptera, beetles, spiders.

      Family Eucharitidae (eucharitids)
 Rather uncommon, medium-sized insects, usually black or metallic blue or green; mostly parasitic on ant pupae.

      Family Perilampidae (perilampids)
 Stout-bodied insects, often green or black; mostly hyperparasitic on Diptera and Hymenoptera that parasitize caterpillars.

      Family Agaonidae (fig insects)
 The Smyrna fig is pollinated only by fig insects; includes species with a remarkable degree of sexual dimorphism.

      Family Torymidae (torymids)
 Rather slender, metallic green. Length 24 mm; ovipositor long; includes parasites as well as plant-eating species.

      Family Ormyridae (ormyrids)
 A small group similar to torymids, but with short ovipositor.

      Family Pteromalidae (pteromalids)
 Largest group in superfamily; mostly black, metallic green, or bronze; parasitic, with wide range of hosts including crop pests.

      Family Eurytomidae (eurytomids, seed chalcids)
 Some parasitic, some phytophagous forms; some produce gall on grain stems; some live in bee or wasp nests; others parasitize Orthoptera eggs.

      Family Chalcididae (chalcidids)
 Two to 7 mm long; parasitic on various Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera.

      Family Leucospidae (leucospids)
 Rather rare; usually black and yellow; parasites of wasps and bees.

      Superfamily Cynipoidea (gall wasps and relatives)
 Mostly small or minute gall-forming insects; usually black; some parasitic.

      Family Ibaliidae (ibaliids)
 Mostly 716 mm long; uncommon; parasites on horntails.

      Family Liopteridae (liopterids)
 Few species; rather large; rare.

      Family Figitidae (figitids)
 Parasitic on pupae of Diptera and lacewings (Neuroptera).

      Family Cynipidae (mostly gall wasps)
 The gall wasps proper comprise a single subfamily, Cynipinae, which includes most of the family; gall wasps are gall makers or inquilines (i.e., living in a gall but not feeding on it).

      Superfamily Proctotrupoidea (parasitic hymenopterans)
 All species parasitic on immature forms of other insects.

      Family Pelecinidae (pelecinids)
 Only 1 species in North America, Pelecinus polyturator, the female of which is about 5 cm long or more; parasitic on June-beetle larvae.

      Family Vanhorniidae (vanhorniids)
 In North America only 1 species, parasitic on larvae of false click beetles.

      Family Roproniidae (roproniids)
 Includes 3 North American species, all rare.

      Family Heloridae (helorids)
 In North America only 1 species, Helorus paradoxus, about 4 mm long, black; parasitic on lacewing larvae.

      Family Proctotrupidae (proctotrupids)
 Mostly 3-6 mm long; parasitic on beetle larvae.

      Family Ceraphronidae (ceraphronids)
 A rather large group; parasitic on braconids or chalcids that are parasitic on aphids or scale insects.

      Family Diapriidae (diapriids)
 Small black insects mostly parasitic on Diptera.

      Family Scelionidae (scelionids)
 Small insects parasitic on insect or spider eggs; some used to combat crop pests.

      Family Platygasteridae (platygasterids)
 Minute black insects; largest group in the superfamily; parasitic on gall midges, including the Hessian fly, a serious wheat pest.

      Superfamily Evanioidea
 Abdomen in all species is attached high above hind coxae; all species are parasites of arthropods.

      Family Aulacidae
 Similar to gas teruptiids; black and reddish abdomen; long antennae; and larvae are parasites of wood-boring beetles and xiphydriid wood wasps.

      Family Evaniidae (ensign wasps)
 A widely distributed group; all parasites of cockroach egg capsules; mostly 1015 mm long; abdomen held high, thus the name ensign.

      Family Gasteruptiidae (gasteruptiids)
 Slender insects with ovipositor about same length as body; black, sometimes with red abdomen; rather scarce; parasites of solitary wasps and bees.

      Superfamily Chrysidoidea (parasitic hymenopterans)
 All rare except cuckoo wasps (Chrysididae).

      Family Chrysididae (cuckoo wasps)
 Brilliant metallic colour, green, red, or blue; widely distributed; mostly less than 12 mm long; mostly parasites of wasp or bee larvae.

      Family Bethylidae (bethylids)

      Family Sclerogibbidae (sclerogibbids)

      Family Dryinidae (dryinids)
 Rare; most species exhibit marked sexual dimorphism.

      Family Trigonalidae (trigonalids)

      Superfamily Scolioidea (parasitic wasps and ants)
 Some families very similar to those of superfamily Vespoidea and are placed there by some authorities.

      Family Scoliidae (scoliid wasps)
 Large, hairy, black wasps often with a yellow band or bands on abdomen; parasites of scarab-beetle larvae.

      Superfamily Tiphioidea
 Hairy wasps with a well-developed sting; females of some species are wingless.

      Family Tiphiidae (tiphiid wasps)
 Medium-sized, black, hairy wasps; many parasitic on scarab beetles, including the destructive Japanese beetle.

      Family Sierolomorphidae (sierolomorphid wasps)

      Family Mutillidae (velvet ants)
 So called because the females are wingless, antlike, and covered with short, dense hairs; mostly brightly coloured; mostly parasitic on larvae and pupae of wasps and bees.

      Family Sapygidae (sapygid wasps)
 Rare; parasitic on leaf-cutting bees.

      Superfamily Formicoidea
 All species are social. Generally only reproductive caste has wings. Females with a well-developed sting.

      Family Formicidae (ants)
 A large familiar group; worldwide distribution, but most common in tropics and subtropics; more than 10,000 species known; all social in habit; a few parasitic; some extreme polymorphism.

      Superfamily Vespoidea (vespoid wasps)
 Adults usually feed on nectar or sap; larvae eat spiders, other insects; antennae usually 12- or 13-segmented.

      Family Vespidae (paper wasps, potter wasps, and relatives)
 Solitary as well as social; includes the well-known yellow jackets and hornets; a widespread group including some large species; the queen of Vespula ducalis of Himalaya region reaches 4 cm in length and more than 8 cm in wingspread.

      Family Pompilidae (spider wasps)
 Distribution nearly worldwide; mostly dark-coloured, with dusky wings; usually 1225 mm long; some 75 mm long; larvae of most species feed on spiders.

      Family Rhopalosomatidae (rhopalosomatid wasps)
 Rare; parasitic on crickets.

      Superfamily Sphecoidea (sphecoid wasps)
 All species solitary.

      Family Sphecidae (sphecid wasps)
 A large group; adults most often found in flowers; most nest in wood, earth burrows, or in cells of mud.

      Superfamily Apoidea (bees (bee))
 Distribution nearly worldwide; differ from most wasps in that larvae are usually fed pollen and honey rather than animal food; maxillae and labium form atonguethrough which nectar is sucked.

      Family Colletidae (plasterer bees, yellow-faced bees)
 A primitive group; plasterer bees are earth burrowers; hairy, moderate in size; yellow-faced bees are small, nearly hairless, nest in crevices, plant stems, or in the earth.

      Family Adrenidae (mining bees)
 Nest in the ground; a large, widely distributed group.

      Family Halictidae (mining bees)
 Usually nest in the ground; often important in plant pollination; small to medium in size; often metallic in colour.

      Family Melittidae (melittids)
 Rare; similar in habit to Andrenidae.

      Family Megachilidae (leaf-cutting bees)
 Medium-sized, stout insects; cut pieces from leaves to line cells in nest; some parasitic; includes so-called sweat bees that are attracted by human perspiration.

      Family Apidae (bumblebees, honeybees, and digger, or mining, bees)
 Social as well as solitary; important in flower pollination; the honeybee, Apis mellifera in particular, is one of the few domesticated insects.

      Family Anthophoridae (cuckoo bees, carpenter bees)
 Solitary bees; nest in nests of other bees or create their own.

Critical appraisal
      Among systematists in the United States the number of families assigned to the Hymenoptera is relatively moderate. European authorities tend to assign few families to the group (less than 20 according to some), while those of South America tend to assign more. As further information is gained about the behaviour, physiology, and biochemistry of the Hymenoptera, it is probable that comparative studies will reveal unsuspected relationships within the order. As the fossil record also reveals new facts, it is inevitable that additional refinements to the present taxonomic scheme will occur.

Martin Lindauer

Additional Reading

General works
K.V. Krombein et al., Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico (1958); Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico, 3 vol. (1979).

S.I. Malyshev, Genesis of the Hymenoptera and the Phases of Their Evolution (1968; orig. pub. in Russian, 1966).

Social insects
C.D. and M.H. Michener, American Social Insects (1951); D.W. Morley, The Evolution of an Insect Society (1954); W.M. Wheeler, The Social Insects: Their Origin and Evolution (1928); E.D. Wilson, The Insect Societies (1971).

Specific taxonomic groups
C.H. Andrewes, The Lives of Wasps and Bees (1969); W.S. Creighton, The Ants of North America (1950); H.E. Evans, The Comparative Ethology and Evolution of the Sand Wasps (1966), and Wasp Farm (1963, reissued 1985); M. Lindauer, Communication Among Social Bees, 3rd ed. (1971); T.B. Mitchell, Bees of the Eastern United States, 2 vol. (196062); C.R. Ribbands, The Behaviour and Social Life of Honeybees (1953, reissued 1964); K. von Frisch, The Dance Language and Orientation of Bees (1967, reissued 1993; originally published in German, 1965); W.M. Wheeler, Ants: Their Structure, Development and Behaviour (1910, reissued 1960); Paul D. Hurd et al., Principal Sunflower Bees of North America with Emphasis on the Southwestern United States (1980). Martin Lindauer

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